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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. Jackson Coleslaw..... great Nat banter! To think, I got derided for Cringe Freelunch, Wet Pishfart and Ian Blackpudding!
  2. Tommy Sheridan!!! This is just getting better all the time. With the Unionists in Scotland being horrifically inept, the Yessers with an open goal, decide to start capitulating with all this Alba lunacy. The hapless Bojo was handing Indy on a plate only for it to be handed right back due to an SNP turf war!
  3. He’s already had a load of dafties crowdfunding him, that, and a shed load of hard working taxpayer’s money off the back of the shambolic court case. He’s going nowhere, not least until he’s finished with Sturgeon.
  4. Being in the Edinburgh Western constituency, I’ll hold my nose and vote for the odious Cole-Hamilton, then vote for some no doubt, equally odious Tory on the list. I’m not sure you’ll get your celebration, much that I can’t be arsed with Cole-Hamilton, he does seem quite popular in this seat.
  5. It’ll be a difficult decision, given the wealth of talent that the SNP have to call upon.
  6. Just watched Salmond on C4 News. He really needs help, he’s like some sort of poor man’s Bond villain. Scottish cringe continues at a remarkable pace.
  7. I wonder if we’ve moved on from trying to sell Indy without having a currency plan. Now that would be super stuff!
  8. Take it you don't know any fishermen, or farmers, hauliers or well, any exporters? Thankfully not. Am I meant to be feeling sorry for some rich fishermen/farmers having to fill out a few extra forms? To be fair, they’ll fill the forms in having been vaccinated.
  9. Decent analogy, but try selling it beyond the denizens of P&B. You are about to see previously unseen levels of scare stories. You can rest assured, that out with Sturgeon, no coherent answers will be forthcoming.
  10. Once the vaccine stuff is sorted and this awful virus fucks off... people will see the harsh reality of brexit Surely we would have seen the harsh reality of Brexit by now though. Brexit doesn’t wait for a virus to diminish. The SNP and all the BBC bed wetters told us it would be horrific. It’s not even remotely been that.
  11. It’s like the man in the street buying a car. You need to have a credit score and an ability to repay loans. New countries don’t have that.
  12. Vaccines, furlough and currency and are massively important though, and you can rest assured the SNP will not have the answers to these impending questions. I think you might be underestimating “the broad shoulders of the UK” card, that will be relentlessly played.
  13. Of course it's not as if other countries haven't done furlough. With all due respect, if unionists think that's their "stick' then independence is a foregone conclusion JLD, I get totally get that. But surely you can imagine the yes/no campaign. They will be grilled to death by the media...how would an Indy Scotland have funded furlough? How would an Indy Scotland as part of the EU, procured and administered the vaccine rollout? Last time out, they couldn’t even answer the currency question, so yes, I think it’ll be a very important “stick”.
  14. That’s a very salient point Gordon. I think a lot of my age group viewed the Brexit risk as minimal and I certainly still believe that. Breaking up the UK is a completely different proposition. The Unionists will throw the kitchen sink at this, “vaccines and furlough” will win the day for them.
  15. I’m certainly not going to rely the “old get more reactionary....we’ll be fine” mantra. You implying that c***s and wankers will be the ones voting no epitomises the “civic and joyous” Yes movement.
  16. To be fair Gordon, speaking as a fresh faced 56 year old, I’m pretty sure you know which age banding I was referring to.
  17. You need to remember that the young very quickly mature and become aspirational. They will naturally replace the elderly no voters. They all want to change the World but won’t help Mum with the dishes.
  18. The EU are certainly showing their true colours now. This will become a very hard sell for the Indy camp. We’ll be presented with the prospect of divorcing our neighbour and biggest trading partner, to rejoin that unaccountable shambles. Good luck with that one. Much that Bojo is the Nats biggest unintentional ally, the EU are working wonders for the no vote.
  19. What a fantastic description of the Lib Dems. Very amusing.
  20. I watched that through my fingers, that was horrific.
  21. I found that decline incredible. They had as good as run out of hospital beds a month or so ago. How have they managed this?
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