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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. Is Stewart Gilmour basically saying that St Mirren's business plans make no provision for the possibility of relegation? Hysterical nonsense from him and that Highland twat.
  2. Indeed, you just need to read the Clyde statement to see that that's exactly what's going to happen. Going against the wishes of everyone to try and salvage some financial gain, and you can rest assured, sadly from my perspective, that Rod Petrie is right at the heart of all the nonsense.
  3. Still no word on whether they lose their history, or what they are going to be allowed to call themselves?
  4. Indeed, but in the eyes of the Governing bodies every team outwith the OF is a diddy team. I was just playing ball.
  5. I've been away on the lovely Isle of Arran this week so i'm a bit out of touch. I presume us diddies are getting shafted and today's vote is neither here nor there as Regan will overrule it. Is this the case?
  6. Sadly not, everyone is running about daft trying to keep them alive. Not looking forward to what Alex Thomson is about to reveal, bit suffice to say, it will not be a surprise.
  7. St Mirren and all the other clubs will be fine, there may well be a bit of short term pain but sponsors and I dare say a tv package will return albeit at less money. I think Scottish Football will be easier to sell without what is effectively a rigged league. Time will tell, but it's a chance worth taking. Some good news Poz, I've persuaded Turnbull Hutton to come to your party!
  8. Clyde have just tweeted that they've been pleased with the increase of fans subscribing to their fan share scheme over the past few days.
  9. Kilmarnock fans don't need to apologise for anything, it's hardly their fault that MJ chose the abstention route. I don't think i've seen one Killie fan on here who doesn't think along the same lines as the rest of us non OF fans re all this sevco stuff.
  10. I'm going to end up very poor here. I'm now going to have to buy a Clyde season ticket aswell. Fheck it worth every penny! There are still good people in football and maybe, just maybe, the good guys will win the day!!!
  11. Surely the governing football bodies would take a dim view of the SPL entering into a contract which effectivly means having a rigged league. Now all this is out in the open, I would have thought sponsors would not want their products linked to such a thing. The best way to attract sponsors and a TV package is to have it attached to a league with integrity and credibility. The scaremongering could easily be challenged, hopefully Stuart Cosgrove can do this on the radio tonight.
  12. Where is the best place to be on a boat/ferry to avoid sea sickness? And is there any other tips? Thanks.
  13. I will be buying a Raith Rovers season ticket this afternoon on a point of principle and a token of financial support to good people trying to the right thing.
  14. The erased history does seem to rile Sevco fans no end. Please everyone, keep reminding them, many thanks!
  15. Can't believe "The Davey" is back, fantastic stuff! Still pish myself thinking of the first time TheDavey and his avatar appeared on here.
  16. A life of denial and somehow buying into the mythical Rangers continuity bollocks. It obviously riles Rangers apologists like Spiers, so that is good enough for me.Rangers are gone along with their dubious history.
  17. Ah bollocks!!! You're right enough, can't even accuse you of being pedantic. Back to the drawing board
  18. They can dress this bollocks up any way they want, but at the end of the day, they will always be known as "Cheats with no history" Sevco fans hate it, i've been riling these fuds in the Pub with it, and believe me they hate it. I appeal to all non Sevco fans to always refer to them as "Cheats with no history" or something similar please. Many thanks
  19. Indeed, although the animal cruelty down Ibrox way just now is acceptable.
  20. Very important point. These sevco fuds are going to need a constant reminder, that they have no history.
  21. They say you should always leave a party when it's at it's best. Is this the time to bow out? Surely it can't keep delivering. It's a diddy utopia beyond any of us diddy's wildest dreams!
  22. Still got a horrible feeling that Walter Smith, Douglas Park and Jim McColl will reappear at the death to save the day. Just a horrible feeling, nothing else, no substance, but I just can't see the Scottish Establishment allowing them to disappear. There will be people working awayy in the background trying to salvage this shambles. Hope i'm wrong, and if I am, I will apologise when we're all at Pozbairds house for the Death of Rangers celebration party!
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