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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. So you're happy with the £95000 a month wage bill, are you?
  2. I really hope we don't go for loanees. If we're still fourth or thereabouts and injuries and suspensions were kicking in, it would be better if the likes of Donaldson, Callachan and Vaughan got a game.
  3. "We are working hard to try to reduce our creditors as fast as we can over the coming months." How can Dunfermline reduce their creditors when expenditure exceeds income and the debt is actually growing? The board has already stated that they need to reduce expenditure by up to £400000 just to break even for this season. How do you service a £95000 wage bill?
  4. The whole thing smacks of a leaving speech if you ask me.
  5. You can bet that that thread won't be pulled, unlike the one that appeared this afternoon for all of 5 minutes claiming that the electricity would have been shut off if payment wasn't made by 3.00pm. Enter Purvisman to save the day. Allegedly. Maybe Brian's been at the keyboard all that time pressing delete on any thread that hinted at the aforementioned.
  6. I was merely referring to the fact that all trusts that I know (not just football trusts) are set up to help, not to plunge themselves into debt. How can a charity do that and get away with it? Sorry, no gossip, but you're perfectly correct about me having an obsession with those two. They're part of the Masterton regime that has brought the club to its knees. You'll gather,by now, that I would prefer it if Masterton and people like him would leave Scottish football alone and let the football trusts have a greater say.
  7. I was referring to the Pars Trust being in debt to the tune of £59k. On your other point about directors' remuneration, what you are saying is that Karen Masterton and Tracey Martin pitched in with their £50k and that they are not being paid, My bet is that no they didn't and yes they are.
  8. It is neither sad nor an obsession. I also spend some time on East Fife's website because it's good banter, as it is on here. On match days I visit the opposition's website again because of the banter Regarding your paid/unpaid directors I suggested that because Karen Masterton and Tracey Martin would appear to be paid that the others would be paid as well. All I'm trying to establish is how many of these umpteen directors are paid. For example, do Yorkston and Masterton take any money out of the club and if so, how much?
  9. So Tracey Martin and Karen Masterton work there for nothing?
  10. I would assume that each group of directors is paid. The Events Board, for example, is run by Karen Masterton and Tracey Martin, both of whom will command fairly large salaries. If it's the same for the other boards, how are they going to cut expenditure by £400,000 in the next 12 months? Also, when is the Trust Board planning to break even? At the moment they're £59,000 in the red. I wonder how many trusts in Scotland are in negative territory.
  11. It came from 'Honk', aka William George, an independent financial adviser and staunch Dunfermline supporter who appears to have the ear of the sensible posters on dot net (are there any?). His figures came as a reply to rumours of monthly outgoings of as much as £140,000. In addition he has a track record of being extremely accurate when posting on dot net to the point that the board would probably like to silence him, so his figures are good enough for me.
  12. How about a collective £95k a month, excluding the payment plan with HMRC.
  13. There really isn't a better way to describe the Pars' activity over the years.
  14. I implied that the vast majority of Pars' fans posting on here refused to believe what was happening to their club. I can't be bothered trawling through previous posts to prove the point, but I stand by it. I did not say they were ignorant.
  15. Thank you, but I was hoping you'd say something along the lines of, "How could I be so blind?"
  16. It would be easier if you knew the figures involved. You get the feeling they're being held back because they're horrendous and it's too late.
  17. I'm sorry, but you were told ages ago that your board were being economical with the truth. However, you lot - almost to a man - refused to believe it. Can't wait for your board's latest spin on events tomorrow. One thing you can bet on - the full figures will not be revealed, again.
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