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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Merely pointing out the economics of reducing entry to £10 and expecting an immediate return. Masterton is an utter, utter clown. Stand up to him for god's sake, instead of making a pathetic retort on here.
  2. 2588 @ £10 max Poor attendance? It's a bit worse than that,
  3. How does that work? Will they be granted money because of their new status? If so, should this money not be used at Pitreavie and not to pay outstanding wages?
  4. That poor crowd wouldn't have been enough to pay 10% of your needs this month. If indeed 70% has been paid (which I doubt) shouldn't you be asking where the money came from?
  5. Masterton knows fine well that by Thursday night we'll all know if the staff have been paid. I just can't see him turning up if he hasn't got something up his sleeve - in this case someone else's money.
  6. Now that Colin McMenamin has signed for Morton there's only one club left in the division that could sign Graham and that's Partick. Only one week left.
  7. Since we've become good at this we could do a Raith - Pars half scarf for when they go tits up. Big, big seller in Kirkcaldy.
  8. Their shop's not stuffed full. Try asking them when they last paid their suppliers.
  9. 'The last few months have been we feel the most challenging faced by any Board of Directors at DAFC... ' should read The last few months have been we feel the most challenging faced by the single most incompetent Board of Directors at DAFC - ever.
  10. The thing is, was it his money or just a figure on a piece of paper that was moved from one company to another?
  11. It might be a bit bigger than the use of a team bus. Brian Souter Investments have invested a substantial sum in First Scottish run by Yorkston and Masterton. Edit to add: go to pages 16 and 17 of this document to find the link between Brian Souter and Masterton and Yorkston.
  12. Until Geoff Brown shopped the cheats to the BBC to get his £10,000 in July 2011.
  13. I don't care how many games you win or lose with the latest team you can't afford. With regard to your troubles, I'm glad they're coming home to roost at long last because I'm sick to death of your cheating and then pretending to be a big club. If wanting honesty in sport makes me sad then that's ok but I'd rather be called sad than a cheat.
  14. Then you'd be wrong. Basher Brash is correct - money talks. Or at least it does when you're getting paid.
  15. Not wound up at all. Quite calm in fact after the news that came my way at the game today. There are people working at East End Park who have very loose tongues. Your board had another very close call yesterday with yet another unpaid bill. As you are very well aware the clock continues to tick for the big team. The next big deadline to deal with is Friday 28th December, pay day. But surely your board won't wait until after Christmas to give the players their pay plus the 63% missing from last month? Surely they'll pay them all they're due on Friday 21st? That's only 13 days away and HMRC might be back around the same time. They're not known to respect Christmas. As I have said to you in the past, I do admire your stance against that board of yours and more power to you. At least you don't come on here with that wee team pish that the wee dipstick above seems to delight in.
  16. So you're happy with the £95000 a month wage bill, are you?
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