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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. The only reason for that is that your sugar daddies have nothing left to give. Otherwise, it would be spend, spend spend pretending to be something you're not.
  2. From the Fife Free Press: McGlynn said, "There's a good core of last season's team returning and I've got a few irons in the fire." McGlynn departs the country for a two week break in America this Saturday, but he has more business to conclude. "I'm looking to bring in one more striker, and I need to fill in the gaps in midfield," he said. "It's a difficult time now with managers and players going on holiday, but if I've still got one or two players to sign when I come back, I can handle that." McGlynn has not yet given up hope of re-signing Davidson, but admitted the player could be destined for bigger things.
  3. I was alluding to Dunfermline's cheating off the park.
  4. Let's get this straight - if you include the £3,000,000 written off by Masterton, you've spent £12,000,000 you didn't have (in addition to the fact that you now don't own your ground). I think the worst we've been is £1,500,000 and that includes the loan on Starks. You can dress it up any way you want but when it comes to cheating, we're not in your league.
  5. I can't believe we'd get lumped together with Dunfermline when talking about financial affairs. We've been very poorly lead in the past but we're simply not in your league.
  6. I think McGlynn realises Murray's limitations in midfield but at times was forced to play him there. Next season I see Ellis playing less (more of a back-up) and so Murray would play in defence with Hill. So, only Callachan and Hammil in midfield.
  7. That was mentioned in the pub last week by the barman but was dismissed as just idle talk.
  8. So we'd be ok with 4 right footers or 3 right footers and a left footer. No logic there.
  9. I agree with most of what has been posted on here recently but what we clearly need for next season is a dominant centre half like Mark Campbell. Set pieces have been a nightmare to defend because any combination of Murray, Ellis and Hill hasn't worked too well. Also, not too sure about Dyer so another left back may be needed unless Donaldson gets that slot. For midfield I'd love to get Jamie Walker back on loan but that's unlikely. I'd also like to get Thomson signed up. Since he came we've won 4, drawn 4 and lost only 2. Only Ross County have better end of season form.
  10. Security and police present at Stark's Park this morning when I passed at 10.00am. If they stay there until 6.00pm, that's one hefty bill for our wee club.
  11. Falkirk McGovern, Fulton, Kingsley, Dods, Wallace, Murdoch, Weatherston, Millar, Bennett, Higginbotham, Alston
  12. Correct McGurn, Donaldson, Dyer, Murray, Ellis, Hill, Williamson, Walker, Baird, Graham, Hamill
  13. Is it true that a chairman was booked for speeding on his way down to the game recently? As a result of this does he now have 12 points on his licence and is now banned? Finally was the police officer who booked him a former player?
  14. The guy I was speaking to sponsors Rovers and had spoken to Ramsay last week. But you could be right. Hope we get both, if we can afford them.
  15. I think it's Mark Baxter who has signed for Arbroath, leaving us still in with a chance of signing Ramsay sometime next week.
  16. Ramsay and Baxter of Cowdenbeath are possible signings.
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