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Ro Sham Bo

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Everything posted by Ro Sham Bo

  1. Cuthbert, Anderson and McKeown are guys who I would probably keep because we are unlikely to be able to afford better. The rest of the midfield should be actively moved on.
  2. At the moment we have Benedictus, Toshney and Bates signed up which is good. Stewart as well, which is less good. We need to sign up Thomson and Vaughan as priorities. The likes of McKeown, Anderson and Cuthbert are alright if you want to finish sixth every season but we need better if we are ever going to push on. I accept they might be as good as we can attract though. Our entire midfield excluding Anderson should be jettisoned. Not seen much of Connolly and Longridge but from what I have Connolly could be worth keeping but not Longridge.
  3. I'm very worried about this move by the board. What if the extra £20k goes towards a new contract for Scott Robertson?
  4. The Rovers Twitter feed seems to be providing goal updates.
  5. He was just helping out his former club. An admirable show of loyalty in this day and age.
  6. Smart move by Dundee to cash in while the lad still has some semblance of a sales value.
  7. Probably a bit of an exaggeration, but it feels like I saw Brewster score more goals from 20+ yards in two seasons than I have seen in total from Rovers in the 20 odd years since. What a shot he had on him.
  8. http://www.foxestalk.co.uk/forums/topic/104319-raith-rovers-interested-in-a-loan-for-panayiotou/
  9. Steady, he could just as easily be Leicester's Craig Wighton. Let's see how he does first.
  10. True enough, but if the Scandinavian guy doesn't come up to scratch then we seem to be running low on viable options.
  11. It's no exaggeration to say that McKinnon has had months to try and come up with a solution to our problems in the forward department. The fact that we are in the last week of January and staking all our hopes on a random Scandinavian youngster does not reflect well on him.
  12. I'd rather have kept Megginson as well. It's early days but Longridge doesn't seem to bring that much to the party. Add in the fact that we have used our one over age loan signing on him and it makes no sense really.
  13. I don't see a single redeeming feature in his play. He is slow, he can't pass, he can't finish, he can't cross, he can't tackle. He's been like that for months. McCord should be in ahead of him every week.
  14. That's cool, the fans hated him as well. I'm sure him, Murray and Watson et al enjoyed plenty of bitching sessions about those nasty fans.
  15. I would get rid of Craigen as well. The guy is a complete passenger. I would happily tear up his contract tomorrow if he found himself another club stupid enough to take him on. He's still better than Robertson though who is hands down one of the worst players I've seen play for us. Absolute poison.
  16. Too many players off form just now. The likes of Callachan and Craigen have been dire for weeks while Robertson is a disgrace of a player. Then add in the fact that Stewart is our only centre forward and he also looks short of confidence and we don't have any shortage of problems for McKinnon to sort out.
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