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Everything posted by Slacker

  1. If we sign Miller at right-back, and I have a feeling we will, then we're only looking at signing one other starter (striker) and then one or two other squad players. So it's not that big a deal - Doolan's good enough to start at this level anyway, it'd just be nice to bring in someone of similar/better quality. It is a bit of a pain in the arse waiting around for signings when you see other clubs, like County and Killie, making decent acquisitions early doors. Not worth getting too worried about though.
  2. He's always had 3, has he not? Booth's been playing with 5 since January, anyway.
  3. Amoo will be to replace Higginbotham on the wing, we'll still be looking at a striker. Unless Taylor has beef with Amoo that I don't know about? Soz Reid.
  4. I'm delighted with the Amoo signing. No idea who he is or how good he is, I'm just delighted with a signing. Reckon we'll need to bring 3-5 in: right-back, winger (Amoo) and striker to start. Then attacking midfielder and versatile defender for squad depth.
  5. The back... I've decided: I like it. Except I agree it should be black shorts.
  6. That'd be nice - please don't tell me you were just joking. Not sure what to think about that strip...
  7. I'm not sure I'm ready for Joma's take on hoops. I'm getting nervous.
  8. We also had Matt Parsons and Kalen Damessi on trial. What a summer.
  9. I'll miss him big time. We all know he blew hot and cold, but his stats were still decent and when he was on form it was a joy to watch. A real trier. Disappointed to see him at Killie.
  10. Need to get the Kingsley merch out ASAP though; strike while the iron's hot.
  11. Luton Town...he could've easily gone to a League One side, possibly even a Championship side. What's gone on there? Good luck to him, though.
  12. Has he misspelt Business and just tried to get away with going over the extra S? Anyway, "the deal – which represents a significant improvement on the previous agreement –". Good news. f**k MacB.
  13. The latter. It was the second friendly announced, in May.
  14. The only ground I've not seen us at in this league is Pittodrie. Which is scheduled in for a midweek match on December 30th. What the f**k?
  15. Without knowing the ins and ours - his decision to leave Dundee seemed like a pretty bizarre one to me at the time. Highly rated defender about to get some Premiership experience, then all of a sudden he's at Livingston?! Was he worried he wouldn't be first choice? His decision to batter someone with a baseball bat wasn't a great one either, IMHO.
  16. I prefer to PATG. Although might do the 10-month payment plan...
  17. Or Fox has had a change of heart after realising what he's done.
  18. Reliable sources* tell me Halliday is now in Ibiza after attending the Champions League final so I would not expect him, if he is the player the Stinger is talking about, to sign this week. FWIW, he'd be a good signing. * His twitter. Ps. I'm buzzing about O'Donnell possibly deciding to stay. Sting's gave me a glimmer of hope, a 1% possibility, and now I can't stop thinking about it. Please GOD SOD.
  19. Cheers for the message, appreciate that - but didn't see it until about half 8! Nightmare.
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