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Everything posted by Slacker

  1. Thought the last two weeks were great, thought this week was honking.
  2. ...I'll take the PM too, if that's acceptable. Just interested to know the full story, not here to gloat or anything. If you just want to send it to Pars fans only then I'd understand that though.
  3. Full Metal Jacket. Loved the opening to this film, once they got to Vietnam I had lost a bit of interest though. Great characters in this one. 7/10.
  4. Slacker

    FIFA Rage Page

    So I reached Division 2 in the online seasons. Needed a win in my final game to get promoted to the top league. Took the lead after 5 mins and the guy paused and quit. Takes me back to the main screen, I don't have the win, I need to play the match still... Got two players sent off in the first half for tackles which would normally not even be yellows! Lost 2-1. What could have been...
  5. Radiohead The Stone Roses Nas The Black Keys The Beatles
  6. The Gym These are the best clips mate, if you don't like these then I doubt you'll ever like this show.
  7. Wasn't great on Monday night. To me, I think they are so close to being really funny but end up just not reaching that potential. The scene where they're meeting their pal's new girlfriend in the pub was fantastic until the finish. The bit in the garden with the brick and tap was good too...until the finish. It's obvious that they are funny people - there are plenty of scenes on YouTube that are brilliant. We just haven't seen that many this series.
  8. Ogilvie, Doncaster, Regan, Traynor. How these four can be in jobs for the 2012/13 season amazes me. Let alone high paying powerful jobs.
  9. After Doncaster's shameful attempt at fixing the leagues and threatening SFL clubs, we should now vote NO on Newco joining the SFL - First or Third Division. Why do we want them? Their fans are unquestionably the worst in Scotland, as were their last two owners. We don't need them at all.
  10. Dundee v Dunfermline...one match to decide who goes up...at a neutral venue....Ibrox?
  11. Fantastic. Next mission is to make sure they don't get into the SFL. The way to do that is hand a suspension to them - one year will do - as punishment for one of their offences (take your pick). Over that next year we will realise *shock horror* we don't need Rangers* after all! Those in the media and governing bodies claiming we do need them are peddling that line because it's what they've always known. Show them an alternative, with bigotry and domestic violence at an all time low, with attendances up across every club in Scotland (apart from maybe Celtic), and there would be no argument to welcome them back in. * Or any variation of.
  12. Things I'm looking forward to next week: At least five teams confirmed as NOs and the vote date proving an irrelevance as a result. Senior players like Davis and Naismith saying "I'm outta here". Some more in-fighting from Rangers fans. The meeting by the 11 SPL clubs providing answers to what will happen WHEN they vote no. Plus, as a bonus... Any more unexpected dodgy revelations about Rangers' past ie. more EBTs we don't know about. That'd do me for a week.
  13. For the Newco to get into the First Division, they'd need 75% of all 30 SFL clubs to vote yes. Assuming the SFL clubs would be more willing to cash in on this saga, why then would Second and Third division clubs vote yes on that instead of getting the extra Newco money that Third Division football would bring?
  14. "As a club, we want to ensure the sporting integrity of our game is upheld. At the same time, however, we also need to be mindful of the commercial situation within Scottish football as a whole, especially that of Partick Thistle." What's the point in even bringing up sporting integrity if they later go on to basically say 'f**k sporting integrity, we're fucking skint'?
  15. Hearts Hibernian Dundee Utd Motherwell (if fans get the vote) St Mirren (if fans get the vote) There's five you'd expect to vote no, and that's not even counting Inverness and Aberdeen who sound more no than yes at the minute, and Celtic, St. Johnstone, Ross County...Killie are the only club I'd say that are publicly leaning towards yes. PLEASING - as you lot say.
  16. I really do hope you're right. We're reliant then on FIFA taking no prisoners when it comes to dealing with Rangers (& the SFA's handling of Rangers) and the only problem with that is I've never really had much time for FIFA in the past. Although all the right noises have been made over these past couple of weeks. I won't properly celebrate until the nail is in the coffin but reading posts like this don't half get me looking like this.
  17. To me it's all fairly simple. This is the worst football cheating scandal Scotland has ever seen. Therefore, they must get rid of the cheaters from the Scottish game. Now we've already established at the beginning of all this that if the cheaters were Falkirk, or East Fife, or my own club (all examples of non-Old Firm teams apply) we wouldn't even be having this discussion. We'd have been deid many moons ago. But we came to realise at the time - Rangers are a 'special' case. Mainly because the whole of Scottish football (or at least the SPL and their clubs - who have the final say) has got itself into the ludicrous position that a television contract is the most important aspect of our current, and future, game. However, the way in which Rangers (and when I say Rangers in this instance I mean McCoist, Jardine, Duff & Phelps, etc.) have went about their business in trying to save their club has been undeniably fucking annoying. They've bitched and moaned and arrogantly denied acceptance for any blame - and they've pissed everyone off [including the men who have to make these big decisions that initially favoured giving them a leniant punishment]. Now that they've went to the court; they've taken it too far. It's the straw that's broke the camel's back. And now FIFA are looking at this whole sorry mess and applying the pressure. The chairmen are getting sick of Rangers and the SFA are getting sick of Rangers. It's all looking very...pleasing...so far. BUT WITH THAT SAID... You just know these c***s are somehow going to get away with it. I have no idea how - or why - but there will be a Rangers in Scottish football next season. When there quite clearly shouldn't be.
  18. Tore Andre Flo in 2000 - £12 million. Rangers Football Club in 2012 - £5.5 million.
  19. This has probably been mentioned already, however I missed quite a lot of pages and I've just read this. Rangers stayed at a hotel...before their match with CELTIC less than a month ago. These c***s must die.
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