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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. Just finished Rough Ride by Paul Kimmage (2006 updated edition), really does show up the fact that cycling has been rotten to the core for decades.
  2. Glasgow were doing ok in the league prior to the Euro ties, but the injuries definitely took their toll against the better opposition. They've just announced that they have signed 24 year old Kiwi Sean Maitland from Crusaders who can play on either wing or at full back. He qualifies for Scotland as both paternal grandparents were born in Glasgow. He will join in the next few weeks subject to getting his visa. I'm guessing that this must be down to Sean Lineen in his new role as head of player acquisitions or whatever it's called.
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/9619577/Dutch-sponsors-Rabobank-withdraw-professional-cycling-sponsorship-after-Lance-Armstrong-doping-revelations.html Rabobank pull their sponsorship from professional cycling.
  4. I don't think he's shite, but while Liverpool were spending £15 million on him, Barca were spending £15 million on Euro champ Jordi Alba. Go figure.
  5. Some genius graffiti from Liverpool airport
  6. It was a reply to his daughter who asked how old you had to be to divorce your parents. He has had a few tweets since though that give the impression he is pished.
  7. He's not even Scotland's best ever player.
  8. From what I read elsewhere it seems to have been along the lines of "always the victims, it's never your fault." Crass and extremely tasteless without a doubt, especially when fans of just about every other club have been showing their support for the victims of Hillsborough and their families over the weekend. Criminal though? Extremely doubtful IMO.
  9. From the Health and Safety Executives submission to the Taylor enquiry. ."6.105 The HSE also found that had the central pens, 3 and 4, conformed to the Green Guide, their maximum capacities would have been 1,015 and 1,036 respectively. As they did not conform, their maximum safe capacities should have been 822 (pen 3) and 872 (pen 4). Yet the safety certificate allowed 1,200 (pen 3) and 1,000 (pen 4). 2.6.106 The HSE estimated that on the day of the disaster 1,576 people entered pen 3. This was approximately double the maximum safe capacity. 61 The HSE found no evidence that this was due to fans without tickets entering the ground. It calculated that the highest number of entrants, either through the turnstiles or Gate C, was 10,124, just 24 over the designated capacity of the Leppings Lane terrace."
  10. I've been reading the whole report during the night at work this week, and what is abundantly clear is that the levels of incompetence from various agencies before, during and immediately after the event are truly horrifying. I can only think that there are a lot of posters on here who have never actually been in a large crowd in an old terraced stadium.
  11. You still here? You said yesterday you were leaving.
  12. Read it at the time and I've been a long time subscriber, and it's little surprise it's one of the few fanzines still surviving, it's generally on the money with most things. One quote stands out from the editorial, especially when you think it was only written weeks after the event. 'Identification of the real culprits is lost amid desperate, scurrying attempts to avoid blame.'
  13. Here's the When Saturday Comes fanzine front cover immediately after Hillsborough. http://tinyurl.com/8rbxua3
  14. It would be very hard to stop yourself once you were being propelled down it towards the terracing.
  15. I don't agree with you on much but you are spot on with this post. As I mentioned further up the thread I was at Celtic Park on the same day as Hillsborough and there was a crush in the Rangers support, but as there were no fences at that time then the crowd spilled onto the track and fortunately nobody was badly hurt. I've been at numerous games in the 80s at CP, Hampden and in the enclosure at Ibrox where leaving the ground was terrifying, literally going down flights of stairs without touching them. That's not to mention times where goals were scored and you had to ride with the surging crowd and could end up yards away from where you started. It seems that some people would still rather believe the Sun and blame the phantom hoards of drunk and ticketless Scousers even though the Sun has admitted they were wrong. This was a disaster that could have happened to any support in pretty much any ground. The fact there weren't more tragic deaths at football matches back then was more down to good luck than good judgement IMO.
  16. I would think that it would mean that if a person or persons actions on the day can be proved to be criminally negligent, rather than just incompetent, that they should be tried and punished for their crime.
  17. Well said, I was at Celtic Park that day for the Scottish Cup semi final between Rangers and St Johnstone and there was a bad crush in the end the Rangers fans were in, fortunately nobody was badly injured. I can remember being in Hampden in my early teens and leaving the ground with my feet literally not touching the ground all the way out, it was terrifying tbh. Have the FA made any comment yet as to why they chose a ground that had no valid safety certificate to host a cup semi final?
  18. Today I offer my profuse apologies to the people of Liverpool for that headline. I too was totally misled. Twenty three ago I was handed a piece of copy from a reputable news agency in Sheffield in which a senior police officer and a senior local MP were making serious allegations against fans in the stadium. I had absolutely no reason to believe that these authority figures would lie and deceive over such a disaster. As the Prime Minister has made clear these allegations were wholly untrue and were part of a concerted plot by police officers to discredit the supporters thereby shifting the blame for the tragedy from themselves. It has taken more than two decades, 400,000 documents and a two-year inquiry to discover to my horror that it would have been far more accurate had I written the headline The Lies rather than The Truth. I published in good faith and I am sorry that it was so wrong." – KELVIN MACKENZIE
  19. Both McCullum and Mills have no serious damage, just bruises and grazes. I thought Mills might have had a broken cheekbone, certainly he had a stoater of a black eye. The players never heard each other shouting for it due to the crowd noise.
  20. Not half, strangely India seemed to lose a bit of momentum after the long delay when the two Kiwis just about killed each other.
  21. It's a brilliant game, India looked home and hosed 20 minutes ago.
  22. Just did a quick google, his only stage win was in 1996, a 19 mile TT from Bourg Saint Maurice to the ski resort of Val D'Isere. Good memory!
  23. The final ODI is warming up nicely. England were all out for 182 with 4 and a bit overs left, looked like an easy target for SA. Anderson and Dernbach have started well though and bagged a few early wickets. SA 35-3 from 8 overs.
  24. Trust me, you don't want to, I saw it somewhere else. Boak.
  25. Saffers all out for 211 after 46.4 overs in the third ODI, excellent bowling performances by Anderson & Dernbach, Bopara also bowled pretty well. England need 212 at what looks a pretty sedate 4.24 per over.
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