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Pie Of The Month

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Everything posted by Pie Of The Month

  1. It also looks like it's the reserves playing in the Challenge Cup next season so can't wait for us to draw Celtic reserves on an international week and they play a team full of anyone not on international duty and pump us 8-0.
  2. The fact it's a forum is precisely why people should use proper English and punctuation. If we end up with a thread full of people posting like leefy then we may as well pack it in.
  3. Notable he didn't list goalkeeper under his list of every job under the sun he'd done
  4. Ryan Edwards has a specific twitter set up for his professional life because he has a massively inflated sense of his own self worth. It's hardly tracking someone down to their private facebook account to reply to family pictures calling him a c**t to call him out by saying he's shite when for the umpteenth time this season he's been terrible and posts the same inane shite all footballers do about how great the fans were and he'll go again next week.
  5. They deserve every last bit of abuse coming their way. c***s like Edwards think that saying they are gutted on twitter before fucking off to find another club absolves them of blame and the tens of people who reply to their every tweet all season going 'you were great, unlucky today. One team in Glasgow *40 Belgian flags*' are even worse.
  6. You can make a serviceable enough XI out of those still there until Bannigan breaks and the 3 available for transfer go and then we're struggling for a 5s team. Cerny Elliott Barton Keown Penrice McCarthy Bannigan Erskine Doolan Spittal Storey
  7. Probably would've waited until tomorrow now if it wasn't for SLJ wanting to get it up Nizzy.
  8. I'd have been happy with that if we'd stayed up but 5 games against Morton and Ayr this season confirmed already and it's not even June. Grim.
  9. Edwards is a reason we're in this situation, not the reason. You seem to have backtracked massively from Edwards being better technically than he's been given the chance to show to "he's young." He's 25 later this year with over 100 appearances for the club, if he hasn't shown this apparent technical ability by now then he's had his chance and needs to leave.
  10. Yes, every post over the past few pages has been entirely serious.
  11. Edwards is absolute dug meat. Plays football like a kid with ADHD and has the ability to match. We should've left him training in a park on his own in London.
  12. I'm going to just assume you're all neglecting to mention Ross Forbes because it's a given he'll sign rather than a complete lack of respect for the finest midfielder in Thistle's recent history.
  13. I was saying this on Sunday. When you look at some of the names of strikers in the Championship I'd rather him than a lot of them.
  14. Just consider yourself lucky you didn't read the last one where they referred to getting back to the Premiership as getting "back to where we belong". Won't be long before the 'top flight needs a strong Partick Thistle' patter starts.
  15. Is there something wrong with you? It's the only explanation.
  16. Giving Archibald a similar budget to this season when he failed to beat a Championship club over 2 legs with said budget, what can go wrong?
  17. This "one poor season four good ones" argument is becoming tedious even ignoring the fact it's not really true . One poor season would've been this season if we'd scraped through in the playoffs or finished 10th. This season is an absolute disaster, poor doesn't even begin to describe it and it should take far more than a top 6 finish one season to deserve another go at it after that.
  18. At least McLeish can rest easy, when we get pumped in the Nations League and Maxi issues a similar warning the frequency of international games means he's got until around the 2028 qualifiers before he gets sacked.
  19. If we're still in pedantry corner then Amsterdam is the capital city and Den Haag is the seat of government.
  20. There's about 4 or 5 clubs in the Premiership who trot out the same line about having one of the smallest budgets in the league. Robinson at Motherwell was claiming they have the 2nd smallest budget just last week. The difference between those 4 or 5 clubs will be negligible. We were paying transfer fees in the last couple of years, something we've not done bar small amounts of compensation for the likes of ATS in years and year so let's not plead poverty now it's went tits up.
  21. I simply don't trust Archibald to rebuild this squad. He has won the league granted but he's never put a team together to win the league, he inherited it from McNamara which means, really, this isn't a situation he has been in before and can be trusted to take care of. 2 of the 3 you list as shite choices to replace him have won the very same league and all 3 of them have won either the Scottish or league cup. As uninspiring as all 3 of them were if we were a club looking at those 3 plus Archibald to fill a vacancy and had no ties to any of them as club legends he'd probably wouldn't be further ahead of any of them in the race to be appointed. Ultimately the manager is responsible for bringing in players like Woods, as nice a thought of him turning it around is I just can't see it happening.
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