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Pie Of The Month

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Everything posted by Pie Of The Month

  1. Going by the numbers in the Scots in London thread who are now positive P&B is responsible for a fair amount of them.
  2. Angus Gunn signed for Norwich today so is back in the Premier League at a team where he might have a chance of playing some games. With Henderson and Ramsdale younger than him and involved it might be worth at least asking the question in case he's improved.
  3. Shattered a tooth and had to get it removed today so he's full of drugs and feeling sorry for himself. Wee p***k has made me give up my ticket for tonight.
  4. Willie Rennie getting slapped down for his greeting about fans going to London, lovely to see.
  5. It just means we don't need to go to the league cup group stages and convince ourselves that they aren't a load of shite.
  6. She said informal gatherings will have no limits but organised gatherings will still have limits to begin with.
  7. The dates there in case anyone missed them 27th June - JCVI groups 1-9 2nd doses 18th July - 1st dose all ages 26th July - 40-49 2nd doses 20th August - 30-39 2nd doses 12th September - all 2nd doses
  8. I am Linda Bauld's biggest fan which is the only reason why these 2 aren't.
  9. Last time we were seeing 2k + cases was back when we were averaging 50 deaths a day and 180+ hospital admissions. Now averaging under 2 deaths a day and around 23 admissions. Best give it another few weeks just in case.
  10. Quite a turnaround in 12 hours, f**k EK for voting them in but not Dumbarton for accommodating them. Can't seem to remember Thistle doing anything which helps colt teams play in the Lowland League tbh.
  11. 1 weird guy getting a flag made > > > > Your actual club bending over for colt teams This is now your own version of St Mirren's Celtic shop, you may as well own it.
  12. Let's be clear here you're not very much against colt teams if you're happy to benefit from their inclusion in the Lowland League but only start to care when it affects your own team.
  13. I might reconsider my stance on restrictions if they are annoying folk like Rob Beckett.
  14. No to colt teams* *unless they bribe us by supplying a groundsman. What a riddy.
  15. Vaccine milestones to relax restrictions is going to be some laugh here. One of the countries furthest ahead in terms of vaccine uptake in the world and it still isn't enough yet.
  16. https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/19388926.amp/?__twitter_impression=true Looks like anyone who used to go to the Aitken Suite will have to settle for a marquee in the Jackie Husband car park going forward with it mentioned the current bars will be used for members or VIPs.
  17. What they didn't tell you was that was just a normal guy before they injected him.
  18. Weird that Scottish Labour have been embarrassing opposition on COVID agreeing with pretty much all restrictive measures over the past 15 months and and now one of the restrictions has Andy Burnham upset they pipe up about it. It was only about a week or so ago they were demanding compulsory tests for anyone going to the fanzone in Glasgow yet this is what they're deciding is the step too far?
  19. Meh some of the better trips to Inverness have been when there was no public transport that would get you either there or back. Ideal = ideal for me.
  20. Until it's confirmed if we'll be able to go or not I can't really get excited about a fixture list which will essentially be which team will I watch us play on my laptop on Saturday. Inverness away on boxing day and our last 2 away trips of the season being Queens and Ayr are ideal as long as we can go.
  21. To be fair RandomGuy managed to argue how shite John Souttar was in a game he didn't even play the other week so he'll have no problem arguing about how shite Hendry was in one he started.
  22. Aye attendance was announced at the game as 9700 and something at the game.
  23. I don't think there was a single thing that they were saying would be enforced which actually happened. No ID checks, no one enforcing mask wearing or social distancing, no one caring about what time you turned up at and even letting you in the outer gates at whichever one you turned up at. Not sure why UEFA didn't just punt the unsold 2.5k tickets to anyone who wanted one. This messing about with only offering to people who lost out in the ballot has just cost them the cost of the unsold tickets for no real reason.
  24. Was good to be at football today and the masks and social distancing rules being roundly ignored. Apologies when Leitch uses this as an excuse for stopping anyone getting back in regularly next season.
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