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Pie Of The Month

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Everything posted by Pie Of The Month

  1. A challenge so thick I don't think even Hanley would've considered making it.
  2. Fair play to whoever at the BBC took a crack at this being the way Scotland will line up. At least the live score apps have the excuse they aren't our national broadcaster.
  3. Who was it on here from Edinburgh who was telling those of us from Glasgow we needed to take responsbility for cases rising?
  4. @South Lanarkshire Jag will update it the next time he pops in the thread to get someone who posts something wrong telt.
  5. It'll be nice to have a match thread where it's not either 400 Falkirk fans or 1 Cove fan.
  6. For the test events at Wembley in the past month they didn't accept tests done at home, you needed to get it done at a test centre.
  7. I looked into it when they announced you needed to get a lateral flow test at one of the testing centres for the FA Cup final and there was a load of places in London to get it done and some of them were walk in. Seemed fairly straightforward tbh, just a bit inconvenient.
  8. ATAC attended a meeting with the various stakeholders for the Hampden games and their minutes are linked below. No kiosks to be open for food and drink but they'll give out free water. https://www.associationoftartanarmyclubs.com/2021/06/05/meeting-3-with-glasgow-host-city-stakeholders-03-06-2021/?fbclid=IwAR1tI_Wl-Z5AeZZzfiFJFTOxwoGHyUIBOVBFVSO7a0zLMKOJ7NcRe-JVi5A
  9. That's the big screen and the Euro branding starting to go up at Glasgow Green.
  10. You can update your passport number in the ticket app so can't imagine it being a problem once you get the tickets through.
  11. You don't get points in the SSC for tournament games so this is nonsense.
  12. Cat 2 145 euro and cat 2 restricted view 100 euro.
  13. Czech tickets still there. Cat 3 gone apart from restricted view which are 40 euro but still cat 1 and 2 there.
  14. Someone on another forum contacted UEFA about the entry times and they've said you won't be stopped from getting in if you miss your slot.
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57358446 Pfizer approved in the UK for 12-15 year olds.
  16. Still happy despite the fanzone taking away half the grass for him to run about daft in the Green this morning.
  17. When you get your appointment and login details and see the amount of free vaccine appointments on the website you realise that you aren't taking someone else's spot. At least that's the case in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
  18. Looks like Yousaf made up what he said earlier about kids being hospitalised.
  19. I don't think he ever played long enough in any games to say whether his legs have gone but he was fine in the brief minutes he played. McCall was forever going on about the impact him and Bell had on the dressing room so that should more than make up for whatever limitations he has now in terms of ability to last a full game at this level.
  20. Don't do something you're allowed to do parents or you'll hospitalise children.
  21. My entry slot is 5-5.30pm for Wembley, I'll see how it works out for the Czech game at Hampden before judging whether to go that early. Did anyone who got ballot tickets for some games and SSC tickets for others have all of yours showing on the app? My UEFA ballot tickets for Croatia aren't showing yet but my SSC ones for Czech Rep and England are.
  22. Still the replies are full of people greetin' about them being sold out at 10.01am. To think they caved to the pressure of these folk the first time around.
  23. Fanzone tickets that were cancelled are available again as of now. A massive waste of time cancelling the non-Scotland matchdays, I went back on and got them all back no bother.
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