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Everything posted by MrDust

  1. I think youd have to go back to the McCall Utd era for the last time a Scottish club paid more than 75-100k for a player.... I might be wrong but transfer fees outside Celtic and old Rangers are virtually non existent in Scottish football
  2. Whilst the concerts are seperste company that we may have benefited from, I think the non statement after the weekend on how succesful they were, roll on next years concerts etc tells its own story re monies an success. We have raked in money via semi and Elvis compo, kinda asks the question where the fuk would we be without that.....?Kinda worrying if you ask me,going into this new season
  3. I never rated him well myself but he has knocked us back a few times, so I decided to keep a closer eye on him to get higher or lower judgement. He is a hard bit of tin an likes to get stuck in and he was one of players trying a leg when we played dunf last. I reckon if you get him beside a goalscorer it would be fruitful. The only prob there is nobody really plays two upI would actually take him at ffc, but the money he will be looking for will be out our scope, so it will be Dundee
  4. A player is only worth what a club are willing to pay for him, not some pre judged amount any chairman,manager, pundit or fan puts on his head...Peterborough did pay 300k for lowest league level ex goalie of ours, he won a few best league goalie awards an by all considering did well last season albeit relegated. Taylor Similar in won nothing, won two more major awards compared to boabys best goalkeeper awards,strikers do get more profile than keepers and Taylor's were best player overall by his own peers an then judges. This all stands him in better stead....then there is the scottish league effect to bring it down.....still falls down to how much a buying club wish to spend.... Anything less than 200k now I'd be disappointed..... We sold higgy for 125k with 4 month left on contract....again down to how much a club are willing to pay
  5. I'm sorry but I will never forget his greety face plea at park hotel for Elvis.... Will take a long time to erase that.....An for me was only a player alongside Brewster....think history proves that too.... manager tatics had more to do with improvement of Lyle for me, realised we can't play punt ball to sole forward like last season albeit this time in flanks... Lyle is a good player, give him right service an he will deliver.
  6. I bet pic is from status quo....Stand been brought in from Elton gig to make it busier. I've got a funny feeling they may have broke even or small profit.... Its all on their own backs this time an by all accounts Fri -disaster Sat - good but quiet Sun busy but not close to sold out by far. I was at Sunday an it was great, meeting everyone from ur home town at an outdoor gig.. Ok prices for quo were going rate but others obv not hence so many deals pre to gigs. If it has to return, perhaps a more sensible pricing if acts are twaddle likes to get numbers. I do think we won't do it again as I don't think we would've made anything close to what was made with Elton and we had three nites, crowd over three nites git nowhere near one nite with Elton either.... Pity as I did enjoy Sunday...we await an see....!
  7. Smith will be here for a long time......He has made a place for himself and is only on expenses. I actually like him, there is a fair bit of negativity with our fans, but he in his short spell had us playing some great stuff...tho his Rangers slant is probably why the negativity appears.... Ive heard Crawford will still be here next season.....He is the hanger on I wouldnt mind if we lost, his greety teared support of Elvis last season at the Park Hotel meeting made me cringe to hell and back, it still does thinking about it......
  8. Id heard about it about 4 week ago without the name tho, but was told I wont know who he is but was an older ex pro down south....boy they were correct...... I was as I was when told glad that Holt is bringing in his own man, we have needed a clean out with the jobs for the hangers on.....
  9. Hardly ludicrous...... My post earlier was based on memory re QOS managers, I couldve sworn John Connolly played or had somesort of strong link with QOS or Dumfries. But it still my own opinion is that you wont get a Shiels or Hartley due to location and size of club factor, both of which were names mentioned... Hartley will be looking for a similar jump to AJ if AJ takes it at Killie or down south and Shiels probably will end up in England coaching in some form The last 16 managers only 4 I think have not either lived in the area post going there or already at the club and promoted up or played with QOS, 2 in that criteria in the last 20yr shows that the club tend to promote within those three areas, The Gus effect still lingers going out that criteria, of which I predicted in failure and that you will end up relegated before a ball was kicked. I think I read long time ago that QOS at one point partially trained in Glasgow at one point for a pool of players, but surprise suprise I dont know the going ons of another clubs training regime Ive nothing against Dumfries, I love it down there, Ive spent many weekends down in Dumfries staying out at Nunland lodges and further out....So dont see where the turned up nose in regard to the location... Anyway good luck for the season except when you play us, looking forward to a return visit to dumfries, partially makes up for the loss of the fifers on days out and I do hope AJ stays if you want my tuppence in there. QOS I am sure are more are a safer bet as surely Killie are, who will be on the same ticking bomb that Hearts are on soon, still these things dont tend to matter and managers and players still sign up as the Killies, DUFC, Hearts and Aberdeen run up more debt. I wouldve said Dunfermline, but its caught up with them.....
  10. No chance re Shiels.... You got to think of location of Dumfries regarding managers of QOS. Outside Gus it I think it has usually been local or ex local lads, Gus I'm sure was out the game for a while and wouldve took most jobs in Scotland having been off the radar and thankfully is back there I think best you can do is yogi or similar retiring player type ala Jonston. McCall surely won't be back an you wouldn't want a Billy reid or rowan Alexander.... What's Stevie Tosh up to ?
  11. He has pulled off some great saves but also made some poor decisions, if they were to be erased he would need a run in the the team. If he had a 3 or 6 month loan out to play regularly pre to this season then I perhaps would think it would be an option, I just dont think he instils confidence in the defence and we still have Flynn next season. I would think we need experience first in what is an important position..... I think if Bowman is to step up, he needs to get out on loan
  12. Exactly, he has been away 3yr, never tarnished the club, decent bloke to speak to and altho I dont hold him in the regard that some do as to his level, he was a model pro, always gave 100%. I also had more respect when he came out in the January and came clean he was moving to Hearts in his last season. I personally thot his performance levels even picked up during that period. I think he will do well and maybe boost his career and his bank balance and if its his club, then like any of us, we wouldve loved to have played for our club, tho at Brockville for me.... .... Good luck to him, apart from when he is against us......
  13. Getting in the Scotland squad now for a friendly isnt exactly an amazing thing at the moment, christ Gordon Greer is called up for a world cup qualifier game.... He was never really a first pick at Hearts 54 league starts in 3 seasons and he usually was first to be subbed or dropped. The facts are he failed in the positions he was bought for in Central defence and right back that they moulded him into a defensive midfielder which perhaps was best for him. The one thing I did praise him for was that he was a great athlete. The facts still stand that they didnt offer even a lesser wage offer to keep him as Id heard he was on daft money and they went and signed Danny Wilson and are seeking Kris Boyd, which hardly points at them scrimping on players they want Was quoted throughout his time with us as a big Rangers fan and Im sure a few players at functions pointed to that also when it seemed he might leave and he would love to go to Rangers..... Hearts/ Rangers.....its a diluted version with similar debt issues I suppose.....
  14. No grants or funding as far as I have been told..... Correct....... Fair play to him, I dont grudge any player or manager who go on to play or manage their supported club... That said, I never really got the Darren Barr outstanding player thing.....neither have Hearts me thinks.... First season and 5 months after he spelt out he was leaving to Hearts when he showed owt for me
  15. No offence to Alloa...but Alloa will bring much much less, the game must add on 1000 minimum taking in both ends even in bad times as well as increased hospitality....easily over 2 games would be 50k minimum, whereas if the Pars were going well, its easily nearer the 2000 mark....tho I think it will be a while before they are going well after seeing them the last two games Dundee can be a funny team, if they are doing well or in crisis, they will bring numbers, Hearts obviously would be great in a financial way too, still a chance they could do a Rangers tho in current situation.....
  16. Probably cost us £50k - £100k todays pars result......still funny tho..... Still there is a new KFC near Alloa ground now......
  17. The SPL have rules ...... Ive not read back....but there was a joke of a situation that Dundee nearly failed going up last season, due to not applying to the SPL to go up, we had and if they hadnt apply, we wouldve went up last season albeit finishing 3rd....... Football should be all about merit on the park, The SPL have seemed to erase that part with Scottish football...but still we have had Michael Higdon and Charlie Mulgrew as players of the year in recent years....they seem to be doing something right......
  18. What.....no Huddersfield Dont think the clubs that have bought them would say same tho..... Arfield not done too bad but worth 400,000..... Flynn been in and out of team Higgy probably less than 15 appearances for Huddersfield Mark Stewart - well not got cash, but enuf said Wallace is one for the future and I think is one we may get majority of add ons for in regard to appearances and sell on, we seemingly missed out on Arfield add on cash 50k by just a few mins.......perhaps something to do with why he didnt feature near end of season
  19. I dont think he had a great start of the season, but who did......but easily our best defender this season, which tells its own story considering the experienced players next to him A few Taylors goals run it close (Morton and Cowdenbeath)....but before I seen any others to rejig the memory, The Alston goal was numero uno Murdoch seemingly has plenty of offers all in Scotland......St Mirren and St Johnstone seemingly two of them....His words on Falkirk Tv summed up the Im leaving camp......Good luck to him......
  20. Neilson & Smith, Latapy & Smith or fuk it Smith,Latapy an neilson management team sounds like a choice our board would make....
  21. Robbie Neilson signed till end of season.....confirmed on Falkirk TV And new manager announced next Friday http://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6392&Itemid=320
  22. As far as I gather, every case is different and is decided by a panel if its SFL related Dundee were given 25 pts deduction to start with I think and appealed and told to GTF....... Livvy, I am guessing got relegated for going into admin......I personally think that was down to the tally owner tho being non co-operative and it being Livvy Rangers one was delicate as they have different rules in the SPL...... ie they make it up as they go along I lost the will to live in their case 2-3 weeks in, so I dont know if they were liquidated or just in administration and I still couldnt give a fuk whatever it is but they ended up in div 3 As I said earlier, I think these clubs who do end up in div 3 or even in the same division in these cases should suffer perhaps a 10 or 15 pts deduction for the next 3yr. I dont see why they should be able to wipe out debt so easy and come out the other end in a stronger position.
  23. 25 pts etc and relegation to the third is about best we can do, perhaps a points deduction for a 3 yr period thereafter perhaps stronger measurement is the only thing I'd perhaps add as the rainfall with Killie and Hearts may join the book of Rangers and Dunf..... We dont have a viable pyramid system to throw clubs out and probably never will, some juniors and highland league clubs have bigger crowds than our bottom two leagues and dont want to join the league That will be Man Utd then....... Scottish fitba is fuked with the deluded that believed the SPL dream......... Every Scottish club probably has been owned by a crook or two, its just a case of how stupid they are with the club the problem and if you were doing a stupid test for owning a Scottish club.....They'd be 42 in the queue.......
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