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Everything posted by forehead7

  1. They should do a Barrett vs Winner of Season 2(Kaval hopefully) and then end it with each putting up their title shot, at the PPV. It all depends where they go from here, if the angle continues on RAW then S2, if they all stay on, will really need to go to Smackdown. Unless you'd have a stupidly unbalanced roster.
  2. Seamus, Kane, Nexus, SES and Kingston to win the matches. What PPVs are actually left, from the days off No Way Out and Backlash? Obvious Royal Rumble, Mania and Summerslam are. I used to love the Armagedon HIAC matchs. The elimination chamber matches were good aswell, RVD breaking HHH's sternum when he didn't realise the cage was so low and did the five star off the top.
  3. Some daftie on my facebook had Elgin on her's, and she was surprised that it didn't come up. I pointed out to her that they are the whipping boys of the division.
  4. 15 quid isn't bad, I'd definitely pay that for the TNA ones if they became buyable. I only watch Mania and usually the Rumble on PPV, go round to someone's house and a few of us have some beers and watch it. This card is a bit shit: Randy Orton and Seamus might be decent but Kane/Rey and the Elimination tag match will both be pish. Both include too many awful wrestlers for it to be expected to be good. The IC match will probably be bad aswell. The SES vs Big Show match will probably be gash aswell, mostly because Punk won't be heavily involved since they won't want to risk him reinjurying himself by coming back too soon.
  5. I don't recall that but it all depends on the future storylines. You don't wanna be bringing like 10 ECW guys and only have like 5 of Fourtune, assuming that one of Desmond Wolfe, Matt Morgan or Doug Williams will join AJ, Kaz and Beer Money. I think who was in the ring is who'll be in the stables tbh. I wouldn't expect RVD to be involved, him being the champ and all. They should really put their PPVs on Box Office or something at least. I probably would buy them if they were live. How much is a WWE one, like 30 quid? Get five people to chip in a fiver and you're there. I just finished watching the show. It's well worth a watch tonight on Bravo.
  6. Why not Jerry Lynn? We've not even seen how he performs in TNA. I think they could do a RVD vs someone match, but the opponent no-shows and Lynn comes out, once he's recovered from his back injury. Depends how long it's gonna take for him to recover. People like Justin Credible and Nova are young enough that they'll be able to lose the weight, and get in decent shape. Sandman, Chair Swinging Freaks and the others are a wee bit too old for it. In the Sandman's case, it's more to do with the amount of beer he'll be drinking that will do it. I wouldn't keep CW and I would assume that there's a reason why Nova did properly get involved. 3D would be one I'd get rid of, but like Sting, they are too invested in the company and their merch sales will be good, positives outweighing the negatives etc. I think Raven could do a job for Abyss, although Mitchell is amazing at the Sinister Minister. Yeah to the rest of them, they should roll out of the Impact zone and next year have Bound For Glory in London. I'd probably convince one or two people to come down to London to see it, or any other PPV. Knockout's Tag belts do nothing for me. Heyman, yes. Styles, yes. A second show count work aswell. I'd also look to improving the X-division, get Chris Daniels back in. Use Amazing Red more. Homicide, is he injured? Get Max Moon Konnan to be his manager if/when he comes back.
  7. f**k sake. Another one to pass, 29? I had no idea he was that young. As long as they keep "allowing" the wrestlers to use steroids while over-working them then they will, sadly, keep dying. Unnecessery. And Kris Boyd about the impact ending:
  8. Just saw what happened at the end of The Whole F'n Show. Good stuff. The reviews I've read of the "impact" have been all positive. Can't wait for it to download.
  9. Was just watching Raw, again, on sky sports 3. That Bossman promo is pretty dam good.
  10. That's pretty much how I feel, but I do like McGillicutty. I can't decide between Harris and him for next week tbh. You better put that in spoiler tags
  11. Go onto youtube and type in "wwe raw 9 8 10" and it comes up in parts. I don't like how Kaval keeps getting beat by Harris' running senton splash thing. It's a bit like John Morrison's Starship Pain(?), quite often he over shoots it and barely catches him.
  12. Thought Hard(core) Justice was good. Better post it in spoilers for those who haven't seen it, is it shown on Friday on the Xtreme Sports channel?
  13. As long as there aren't any fat c***s wanting a chance and who ask him to cut him open then his match should go off without a hitch. Fucking Mass Transit.
  14. The TNA Wrestling facebook group is saying it's RVD Sabu tonight.
  15. What else were they gonna use since she is Dreamer's wife and mother of his children. I did like how he was still talking and doing his taunt when Dreamer was swinging at him. Even if he, and Foley, fucked up their lines a bit. New Jack is expected to be there in some form.
  16. While making Bubba Ray Dudley's One Night Stand attire in SD vs Raw 08, I was trying to find a pic of it to compare the likeness and came across this pic: Epic lulz
  17. His hardcore matches with Raven in TNA were amazing. One was also on the Wrestling Channel during the day and it would always go black and white after a few minutes because both were busted open and gushing. Douglas took Raven to the barricade and wiped his hand over Raven's gash and offered his hand to some chick in the crowd, who didn't appreciate it.
  18. Balls Mahoney dropped out. Flair said he isn't doing it, which means Douglas won't do it.
  19. You could hear the crowd moan when JB started counting down, if the ImpactZone is pissed off them think how the people who aren't big fans of TNA will have reacted to it.
  20. I also heard he shouted at Russo infront of Carter.
  21. I didn't realise it was done on comments solely. Apologies.
  22. No but you can find out who has been on your profile the most with one of the facebook stalker aps on it.
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