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Posts posted by forehead7

  1. What I don't understand though is why they never entered the Eeyrie? Surely when she announced herself outside as Arya Stark, one of them would have said "Your auntie is pan breed bit your sister/littlefinger is inside" ??

    I'm surprised they never entered but I don't think anyone knows that it's Sansa, outside of Littlefinger, Robin and the three people who were judging the suicide situation. I think they're still keeping her cover of Littlefinger's niece because of the Lannister threat.

    It was a good episode, I don't care so much for Bran's story and Daenerys is still absolutely shite but Tyrion and the stuff at the wall continues to be very interesting.

    Great to see the Lannister's suffer a defeat of sorts (though one of my friends blurted out that he killed him on the pan so I knew it was coming, good to see Shae die as well - bitch). Stannis getting a win is great too. Maybe he takes some of the wildlings to bolster his army?

  2. If you make King a genuine heel commentator, I think he can still pull it off. Give JR like a few month in advance warning to prepare for his comeback and the dream team would be in full swing again.

    JR's boxing commentary debut wasn't half bad!

    As for freshness, Regal is probably the one I'd promote into a commentary position in the big time.

    Lawler is done. JR won't return because they don't want a proper play by play like JR does and did for that boxing match, they want someone who'll promote other things and Cole is good at that.

    If we're fantasy booking then I'd have Styles as the play by play with JBL and Regal, I don't think either needs to be face or heel, just play both sides where logical.

  3. Basically said that there is absolutely no blame on him, the Styles Clash is in no way dangerous, Lionheart was inexperienced amd that's how it happened and even claimed that when the same thing happened to Roderick Strong that Strong intentionally fucked his own neck up to make it look better.

    I think he's spot on with the Lionheart stuff. Both of them have tucked their chin in because it's a natural thing to do, but they're wrong to do so.

    It's probably not the safest but I think it's worse when he does it to bigger people because they've got less room.

    It's not his fault though.

    The Strong comment is ludicrous though.

  4. Surely that's the point though? For the first time in what feels like about 20 years, WWE had effective regular jobbers, which is more important than it sounds.

    I'd imagine they weren't asked at all. I'd imagine they got punted like everyone else.

    Seems stupid to punt them with the rest of that garbage when they, as you say, were very entertaining jobbers.

  5. Whilst 3MB are entertaining, they're clearly not going anywhere and I'd guess Drew and Jinder would've been asked if they wanted released. Jinder should've never been in there though, fucking ridiculous that he's in a rock band gimmick.

    No surprise to see Aksana there, she's woeful and the Naomi incident was probably the final nail.

    I'm a bit surprised to see Brodus and Bourne there, thought they could've been some use.

    I was told that guys like Tatsu, Hawkins and I assume JTG were/are used to try and teach the new guys the "WWE style" at the performance centre, so they're not sitting around taking a paycheck for doing nothing.

  6. I've seen an ADC Thresh a couple times and they are surprisingly very good but quote difficult to play, however Thresh is a support which should get no kills at all unless the ADC has left Lane.

    If you play tristana, I'd advise going AP simply because I've never been able to beat it before (thats because of the champs I prefer)

    The problem I have with kayle and ashe is that there to slow to begin with and for whatever reason that is really quite annoying.

    However kayle used in the LCS this week was absolutely beast, if your maxed build anyway, shreds people and turrets.

    I play 5v5 more so these may be a bit different.

    Yeah, I was pretty much just pulling and tossing my lantern down while throwing in the ultimate when it fits. Was decent enough.

    I find that with Kayle, I still enjoy her enough early game. But yeah, her E does huge wave clear once the game's progressed. It's ridiculously fun.

  7. I do worry about the way that story is going though, as I get the feeling Jon will be successful, which seems ridiculous really.

    I'd be alright with it just to give the Stark family a win, they've been fucked over too much so far.

  8. Starting to really enjoy this now. Playing a lot of ARAMs.

    Kayle is great, definitely my favourite at the moment. Farming with her E is tremendous. Got my first pentakill with her in a bot match a couple nights ago, which was cool. Ashe continues to be decent enough. In addition to Garen, I got free Alistar and Trystana. I wasn't so hot on Alistar but I've played him a few times more and he's pretty fun, works well on ARAM (in the recent match, I got 2 kills and 24 assists out of the 33 team kills, so he can do work). Trystana is a bit meh but I've only played her once or twice.

    Out of last week's free champions, I liked Annie and Kog'Maw. Gragas and Thresh were decent enough, but I don't think I did too well with them (f**k Minions when you're trying to pull with Thresh).

    I assume people know about this site, http://www.surrenderat20.net/ . Cool site that puts up info as they put it into the code but before they release it. Handy for planning ahead with you're thinking of buying skins or champions.

  9. I've just installed this this morning to play with some friends, but I'm gonna be on the NA server. (forehead7 there, I think)

    Got Garen and his skin from the official Twitter and he's alright.

    I've played Ashe and Ryze from the free champions. Ashe is enjoyable but Ryze is absolutely shite, didn't help that we were getting creamed in that match (f**k Lux) although we brought it back.

    Out of the 7 bot matches I've played, my best score is 2/6 with 3 assists! :lol:

    edit: I think I signed in with forehead7 but my name thing is Stu the Bold. I've no idea how to add people so not sure which you use to add people.

  10. My only problem with Rollins turning is that it doesn't make much sense given The Shield have dominated Evolution. He's going from a winning team, joining the losing one and probably making them dominant but he's still in the same spot as he was before last night.

    I'm also slightly annoyed they've split them and are feuding with each other, I'd have preferred just to split them but not turn them against each other.

  11. Fate zero i pretty much gave up with after episode one, the amount of info fired at you in the first episode was mental

    I'd wait and see how Fate Stay Night turns out, as they could turn it around if the writing is good enough. It's an alright watch but some major problems in the last three/four episodes. As said, there's a few of the characters which are pretty cool.

  12. Yeah there is quite a few shows i want to start watching but its trying to find half decent streams for them. Started a few new shows on Netflix tho Sword Art Online has been the pick of the bunch so far (over Blue Exorsist and Fate Zero) basically its set in the near future where they develop a full immersive RPG that you physically play in. When everyone logs in they get told they can only log out if they complete the game and if they guy in game their bodies in the real world will die

    I'll probably watch Sword Art Online pretty soon. Fate/Zero was very disappointing, I was enjoying it up until around the third or fourth to last episode. Rider and Archer were tremendous.

    The ending was absolute trash. My friend absolutely loves it, his only response to me slating the ending is "it has to tie into Fate Stay Night", which is complete bullshit.

    The Fate Stay Night remake is coming either this Autumn or next, so it better deliver.

  13. For anyone who hasnt see it Attack On Titan is on netflix. Highly recommended it

    Blasted through the 25 episodes over the weekend, watching most of it with friends who've seen it before.

    Pretty good.

    There is a little bit too much left unanswered though, that they've could've done better. Pretty much everything to do with Annie, like her motivation and origin. I understand even in the manga they've not explained the former yet.

    I got spoiled on who the Armored and Colossal titans are though, avoid the wikia if you don't want to know, it's literally right on front street if you happened to go onto the characters' wikia pages.

  14. The first two X-Men films are good (X2 is absolutely the best non-Batman comic book film)

    I just wish this era of comic book films would end. The "Batman cycle" is repeating itself: we've had the good films, now comes the total trash.

    Holy shit that's a bold statement! Obviously opinions and all that but X2 is so far down my list of comic books films.

    I think that's being quite harsh as well. Iron Man 3 was good, Winter Soldier was great. I think Guardians of the Galaxy will be excellent and Avengers 2 should be similarly good. The Marvel Cinematic Universe are still doing great work, everyone else just can't keep pace.

    Just seen DOFP.

    The ending annoyed me a bit - the cameos from Rogue, Cyclops and Jean were disappointing. Given that they were effectively given a free pass to reboot the franchise within the same story, I thought they might have opted to change the actors for some of the characters. It was great to see characters like Cyclops given a second chance though - he was poorly used in the initial trilogy.

    The post credits scene was interesting, though the casual fan may not have picked up exactly who it was. Took me a second until I clocked the blokes on the horses in the background...

    For anyone who hasn't seen it, the post-credits scene is literally post-credits - right at the end of about a billion visual effects people!

    I agree about that ending, but at the same time, I'm kinda alright with it. It makes sense because boy did they f**k up the story on the first go around.

    I like how they didn't bother mentioning or explaining that Kitty could transfer someone's consciousness, unless I've missed that then she really shouldn't have that power. They could've easily just brought someone in like they did with Bishop, Sunfire or Blink, just someone who has that power rather than just add another power to an existing character, who doesn't have any psychic powers in the previous 3 films and where it doesn't make sense.

    Mystique taking Wolverine at the end is weird, too, Stryker didn't die or anything so he could've still went on to do the Weapon X program the same way to give him the claws and shit. (assuming he still does and he has metal claws in the new future).

    I quite liked the new additions, Bishop looked cool, Sunfire is alright (not a fan of the character too much), Blink was pretty good and I really liked Quicksilver - nice wee nod to Magneto being his father without getting into a whole new side-story. Good shout on the little girl being Polaris, I saw it and immediately thought Scarlet Witch (but obviously the age is off).

    I'm apprehensive as f**k about going to see it again for the Apocalypse scene though, he's probably my second favourite villain and I really don't trust them to not f**k it up, and apparently he looks weird. :(

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