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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. 25 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:

    If I were to pick any reserve player from the top league I'd still be gunning for Euan Henderson, was hoping McGlynn with his Hearts links could get him in. Don't think he's played that much this season for hearts. 

    You beat me to it & definitely fits bill of more physicality for front line 

  2. 37 minutes ago, SouthStander1876 said:

    The fact he's said 3 instead of the 2 more we expected is a little bit worrying, could the 3rd be a potential replacement for kennedy if he is recalled? However the fact we may be getting weston kind of puts to bed the rumours of Rangers recalling them

    Could it be that Weston is an addition to the wide players in the preferred 3 up front system we are playing every week & giving us options to rotate with Morrison & Kennedy, not forgetting McGuffie 

  3. Just listened to Manager’s interview & how refreshing it us to have a guy speak with transparency & clarity on what we as fans need to hear. The prospect of at least two if not 3 incoming players puts to bed the rumours to the contrary & excited to see who is next in pipeline, both in position & player profile. 

    As an aside the references to his relationships with other managers etc is a measure of his own positive profile in Scottish game & we must be benefiting from this in the bigger picture going forward.


  4. 1 hour ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

    When I went in last night there was a christmas present waiting for me - from John McGlynn. In thirteen years of knowing Falkirk managers as a volunteer that's the first time I've ever had a present from one. 

    He also namechecked Graeme Stewart, our Commercial Manager, in a Falkirk TV interview recently and wished him well as he's been struggling with illness. Also a first as managers rarely pay attention to non-footballing people. 

    He and Smudger come across as genuinely good guys who value everyone that puts in time at the club. 


  5. 35 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    It’s absolutely atrocious that. Yeah, Jaime didn’t end up being a good signing but he always gave 100% and acted with dignity and respect when representing Falkirk.

    I wish him nothing but the best for the future. He pulled in the navy blue strip which is something I never had the honour of doing.





  6. 3 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

    I really don’t know what part of the dross Holt,  Sheerin and Rennie signed that dragged us to the worst league performance for 40 year some don’t get? They take up 60% of the playing budget and clearly must be on salaries that were:

    1. Too expensive to pay off

    2.Too rich that because of how shite most of them are no one else wanted them

    So what could McGlynn do? He was given support to bring in about the same number he had and he has tried to improve those he had, with a mix of results. McCann is the big improver. Morrison, Nesbitt and McKay have done it in bits. Hetherington and McGuffie are no better. Williamson and Watson haven’t played due to injury. Ross, Wilson, Martin, Malcolm and Sneddon are just not the standard required.

    Is it any wonder with half your pool being substandard (and probably a couple of your own signings not working out, which will always happen) you are going to be at best inconsistent?

    What is vital IMO is we are able to get a few out now and bring in 3 or 4 in January to dilute the dross. If you could clear out the 5 who have not featured, Hetherington and MCGuffie then you should be able to get some in - even if it is loans. Priority for me are legs in midfield, right full back and a striker to give the two we have support and competition. 

    The talk of moving McGlynn on after the hand he was dealt is ludicrous IMO unless we see an absolute collapse like the end of the last two seasons. Some can dismiss it but the damage created by Holt who was given such a free reign has been under estimated even by me. It was never going to be fully fixed, much as we all wanted it to be, in 4 months. The club has gone through hell as have we as supporters. We are still going to have a bit more patience. 


    Balanced assessment 👍

  7. For me last night was a line in the sand.

    Whilst this competition is a non entity in itself & as such of minimal relevance to the bigger picture of us getting back to where want to be I had hoped that the match would have given McGlyn the opportunity to experiment with formation & team selection.

    The fact he stuck to his tried & tested plan A & merely changed personnel in second half is now more than a worrying trend, as this is the most experienced manager we could have attracted at the time of his appointment. From where I see it which i would admit is only a fan’s opinion I sense the lack of a plan B is either indicative of an inflexible stubbornness to change or an ignorant inability to know how to change. Both perspectives don’t give me confidence that he can now halt the slide although I would love to be proven wrong.

    For what it’s worth I came up with a formation & selection that he might have tried last night which takes cognisance of current injuries to Henderson, Watson & Williamson

    Hogarth in goal although can see the rationale for giving PJ a runout 

    A back 3  of Donaldson McKay & Mackie 

    McGinn sitting 

    Then Morison, Yeats , Lawwell & McCann in middle four 

    With Allegria & Burrell up front

    If my memory serves me right that is 9 McGlyn signings in this selection 




  8. Just now, Kircer bairn said:

    Totally wrong line up 

    McKay is completely inept at FB / not stopped one cross all night & made zero tackles 

    McGuffie & Nesbitt run around in circles & never seem to make forward runs or passes

    Hetherington - Why bother?

    Surely tonight was about giving the opportunity to experiment with two front men & injecting pace & high press in middle of park  but we resort to slow sideway balls across back four 🙈







    Bit what did we know / we are just the mugs who pay these guys wages 🤔

  9. Totally wrong line up 

    McKay is completely inept at FB / not stopped one cross all night & made zero tackles 

    McGuffie & Nesbitt run around in circles & never seem to make forward runs or passes

    Hetherington - Why bother?

    Surely tonight was about giving the opportunity to experiment with two front men & injecting pace & high press in middle of park  but we resort to slow sideway balls across back four 🙈







  10. 18 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    It was a poor, probably avoidable result on Saturday. 

    McGlynn knows it wasn't good enough and I don't doubt the players will be disappointed but the castigation of everyone - including the usual supsects - is as expected as it is OTT. 

    The false equivalence of comparing Tony Parks to Nicky Hogarth is bonkers but at least you've got a new scapegoat to bang on about.

    Totally agree with these sentiments & bit of slack needs to be given to young Nicky who will be hurting more than anyone for letting in the second goal.

    I am not sure how others feel but it was refreshing to watch & listen to the honest interview with Stephen McGinn who offers a honest appraisal of the different attitude now in the dressing room as reflected by the pain & disappointment on his face & from his demeanour. At least we know our captain cares & I reckon with him & the management team any attitude that wasn’t right on Saturday will be addressed in time for Alloa this coming weekend.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    On the subject of Dundee. Watched the televised game on Friday night and would say we have more than a chance. 

    We play very similarly to Ayr (Alegria performing the Akinyemi role) and perhaps have a wee bit more threat in attack than they do so I would be confident facing them but they are at home so have the advantage.

    It's winnable.

    McGinn’s suspension could be a huge factor as he has been immense in that holding role plus his clear leadership on the park.

    Will be interesting to see who is his replacement 🤔

  12. 1 hour ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Still feel the size of our team without Henderson in it may cause us a few issues. Yesterday we still looked a bit shaky under cross balls but then apart from Donaldson and allegria we aren't exactly giants. Henderson helps a lot in that area.  Heard corzo was away by the way not sure why or where though 

    Excuse my ignorance but who’s corzo?

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