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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. Hi Jimmy 

    Noticed you’ve been conspicuously quiet over past couple of days but take it you’ve been following your big team over in Switzerland. Guess it doesn’t matter to you what rangers you follow follow. Planning to be at Berwick & Forest Green anytime soon 😎

  2. 8 hours ago, Jimmy Plimsoles MBE said:

    No it isn’t


    What because I defend my club from fans of a team that will never ever get back to where they were because they have been left behind? Jealous of our wealthy benefactors and critical of our ground when your own will never ever be finished? 

    I just find it all hysterical 

    Hi Jimmy 

    Slightly misrepresentative of the fact that I was commending your club for a tidy wee ground but critical of the fact that your level of ambition didn’t seem to see ball girls & boys are an integral part of being a real community asset, notwithstanding the fact that it slows down the game. My sense is that this fits the agenda of the manager you have to seek to negate any side that wants to play with tempo.

    Anyway make hay while sun shines as your winter of discontent is coming your way my fine loon 😎

  3. 1 hour ago, Tea and Busquets said:

    The worst part of the full thing, and it’s been mentioned in a few posts, is the fact the lineman clearly flags to call the referee over. Now, the head of referees need to find out why he didn’t go across and use his linesman. He may still not have changed his mind, but the fact he completely ignored him questions the point of the linesman. That cost us two points and top spot. 

    Absolutely & apparently the linesman is quoted as saying it wasn’t a pen 🙈

  4. 3 hours ago, Senor Bairn said:

    Gary Holt masterclass giving Brad McKay a THREE year deal while in league 1. Still absolutely baffling. 

    Incredibly he’s a pundit on Radio Scotland this afternoon pontificating on Hearts v Killie. Begs the question what credentials he has for this given he has no career to speak of. 

  5. 5 hours ago, bairn88 said:

    That penalty is an absolute disgrace. The decision is bad enough, as it hits a cove arm and not ours, but the manner of it is the real problem. The ref is at the corner of the other side of the box, looking through around 14 bodies. The fact that he gives it should genuinely cause serious alarm bells, and I don’t say that lightly. He has ignored his lineman who has a clear view of it and who wanted to talk to the referee. The club has this footage and I’d hope there would be an email sent to question the process that went on there. 

    Whilst I never wish to operate at Celtic levels of paranoia & generate conspiracy theories I agree that something stank about that decision today alongside the decision when we were attacking late in & he opted to stop the game. His incompetence allied to his arrogance made for severe levels of frustration even 24hours later.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jimmy Plimsoles MBE said:

    He was good today. Got into good positions and held the ball up. Very good engine and I think he will do very well for us. Pretty sure I was standing next to his old man who was more enthusiastic than the rest of the home support put together.


    Excited to see what he will bring to us.  

    First visit to your stadium & thought it was a tidy ground & befitting of your level of ambition……..however if you have aspirations for being more than a Highland league outfit with a sugar daddy may I suggest you invest in some ball boys/girls & sufficient supply of balls to ensure you don’t continue to resort to time wasting every time a ball exits the arena. Thought a multi ball system was now not optional at our level.

    lit was now  

  7. 1 hour ago, bridge of allan bairn said:

    First couple of times I saw Donaldson play for us he was excellent. Definitely a decent player in there. The way we are playing out from the back needs changed asap to help him and his defending team mates, along with the zonal defending at corners, neither strategy helps our goals against column. 


  8. 24 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    Second half has given me a glimmer of hope for the season ahead, but I’ve a feeling at 2pm next Saturday when I see McGinns name with Spencer on the team sheet that hope will be gone.

    McGlynn has never shown that he will learn from what has gone before, so I don’t know why I should expect him to look at the second half performance and see it was a better line up than what he started with.

    Think if he retains his starting line up then he deserves any flak that comes his way.
    Credit for his half time changes today but that will be gone if he reverts to type next Saturday.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Ian Mcleod said:

    If you are a Falkirk fan it must be a bit concerning that the 2 guys it seems you've spent most of your budget on in the last 2 games that 1 of them has got sent off and the other has gave away a disaster of a goal that has got you knocked out the cup. 

    Two excellent signings 

  10. 16 minutes ago, kiddy said:

    Well that was utterly dreadful. Same pedestrian pish as last season & lo and behold, they still manage to throw in a complete fcuk up to concede the match.

    Agyeman is going to be completely infuriating. We seem to have replaced the guy on loan fi County, with his twin fi the Wee County. McGinn is done & McKay and Donaldson are still complete bombscares. Never mind though, as Utd were so pish, they couldn’t take advantage of our shambolic set up second half.

    Two teams who wont worry the trophy scribes this season.

    ”See you on Saturday for the Peterhead game”, eh no.

    Harsh on McIver in my opinion. As others have commented he needs someone to play off him.

    I also thought Donaldson was ok.  

    Where I do agree is the ponderous possession for sake of it & the realty of legs gone McGinn, which is unfortunate given his football brain. Think he will turn out to be a decent manager in time.

  11. 1 hour ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

    I am a carer for my disabled partner so rarely get out of the house.  A charity in Edinburgh who are for carers asked me if they could do anything for me so I could have some respite and get me out of the house sometimes.  I couldn't think of anything I wanted to go to, then I mentioned I've not been to see my beloved Falkirk in a couple of seasons.  They are only going to pay for a season ticket for me as I couldn't afford it otherwise.  Yippee.  They said at least that would make me happy every week or two.  I said they obviously don't know about Falkirk then  :)  

    Excited to get out of the house and back to following the Bairns in the flesh, rather than the highlights. Brilliant !!!


  12. I think Saturday will be significant in terms of tactical nous against stronger team. A few observations from being there last night:

    • Agyeman trying too hard at times
    • Donaldson yellow card due to McGinn’s legs gone
    • Mackie offers nothing going forward
    • Lang, Spencer & McIver all settling well & making positive contributions
    • Morrison doesn’t know how to attack byline & cutback
    • Miller brought energy & movement in last third in his short tine on pitch
    • We still lack creativity to break down packed defence although not sure if this is as much about risk averse tactics


  13. 36 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    In his defence I don't think there was anything unusual in his interview.

    It was fairly typical McGlynn and scattergun replies - I think he genuinely couldn't remember everyone who was absent last night and was expecting the interviewer to prompt him about others be perhaps hadn't mentioned.

    As for Berra, if it's pro-bono then we may as well attempt to make use of him. 

    Like another poster I'm going off the highlights and it looked an unfortunate mistake by the GK. It always appears the opposition take advantage of our mistakes when other teams get away with it seemingly. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Springfield said:

    No doubt that we were missing a few players but apart from a good opening twentyish minutes, looked poor and for so early in season a team without confidence. Defensively we still look vulnerable, midfield- McGinn (as said last season) is done and with Spencer we’re lacking pace. Mackiver with two in two games at least getting into a good habit which every CF needs.
    As said McGlynn has my support at present but genuine fears as we actually look weaker than last season. Morrison who started brightly again vanished after the equaliser, as did a few more. Next two games will be difficult and interesting to see how these pan out. 
    McGlynns interviews have noticeably went from positive/confident to a rambling and just waiting on the excuses that the budgets been cut. The bit about Berra joining up (not being paid) as we’ve no cash, could have been conveyed differently. 

    Just watched after match interviews & whilst I am not McGlyn’s biggest supporter think some of the comments on here are a touch misrepresentative. In my opinion he doesn’t come over any different to normal with a nervous energy typical of his presentation. 

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