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Everything posted by sjc

  1. My best mate had to have an emergency circumcision last year for some reason (can't remember why). Said it was fucking agony!
  2. Capri is apparently very nice too.
  3. Italy? I've been a few times can recommend Florence, Lake Guarda, Cortina, Verona, Venice, Genoa, Pisa.......didn't think much of Turin though but it was way back in 1990 when I visited there.
  4. The poor writing aside, what about the photograph? Why doesn't the photographer position himself where he has the crowd or at least part of the stadium in the background?! The amount of times I've seen photographs from Falkirk games with the one undeveloped side of the ground as the backdrop makes you wonder if theres any marketing nouce between any of them!
  5. Just why are Rangers fans unable to unite in a supporters group akin to FoH or the Well Society? And just how the f**k does brain donors like Craig Houston carry so much clout amongst your support? c***s like him need chased from your support never mind heading up a prominent supporters group!
  6. Come on F_B, you're not a complete mug. What's your take on King and the way he and his board are running your Club? At Hearts the majority of the fans saw the Romanov era was going to end in tears, hence the FoH and Budge were on hand to save the Club at short notice.
  7. Definitely stinks of puff piece bullshit from the usual suspects in the Press. The SMSM do Rangers* and their fans no favours by sugar coating everything on how their Club is run.
  8. He was married to my ex boss' auntie.......there's nothing "supposed" about these links. Turns out the model he ran off with was the secretary on the section of the BRP I worked on.....small world eh?!
  9. If the 1st team squad couldn't take "a few home truths" from Joey Barton the delicate little flowers won't stand a chance when Bomber Brown let's rip on them!
  10. is she filling MC Hammers trousers?! Pretty face mind you
  11. Are you sure he's not in the Aberdeen University Comedy Club and this is just his "humor"? i had the misfortune of seeing them at the Edinburgh festival a couple of years ago where the barman got the only laugh of the whole gig when suggesting he called an ambulance as they were dying on their arse. One of the female "comedians" walked off the stage in tears........I say misfortune it was actually pretty funny in a tragic way!
  12. Apart from the addition of a penthouse on the tall building of course....
  13. So Keith Jackson might get to write about a billionaire in charge of Rangers* yet eh?
  14. True but you never can tell for sure on P&B!
  15. Did you two watch the same fight?! I never saw it so can't comment but had Thurman on the predictor
  16. Have to admit that a sidecar is a cracking cocktail.
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