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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Have you borrowed keithgy's banhammer, jagfox?
  2. Have you seen the nick of wisbit? I seriously doubt he's "rattled" anyone for a long time!
  3. Like Jack Bauer, I had to "go dark" for a while
  4. You're so thick wisbit I doubt you'd recognise horseshit even if you were buried up to your neck in it........ You carry on not caring though.
  5. Too late Addlington, my feeling are well and truly cut to shreads by the indignity of appearing in the top 50
  6. "The video shop, Tommy?! The fcuking video shop!"
  7. aye.......when he's hooked on the smack!
  8. They better get a move on eh?!
  9. sjc


    Never been into Sci-Fi but I fcuking loved the 70's film with Yul Brynner........a apprehensive to check this out for fear of disappointment.......
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