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Everything posted by sjc

  1. very important area in geology is Torridonia! Is the youth hostel still that green shed? I was dragged hillwalking by my parents from 5-12yo but Torridon is one of the few places I remember!
  2. Its beautiful up in Torridon especially if you get the weather. You staying in the Youth Hostel? What are you studying btw? Geology?
  3. well that's good news at least. You said you were in a hostel......where are you travelling around?
  4. BTW - Who was the guy working away in Nigeria with tge surname ending in M & how did it pan out?
  5. Absolutely tam! Halcyon days on that Massey Ferguson out at the Lindsays farm!
  6. Alex Jones and that singer Cherys ramp it up for tv. That ankle looks broken!
  7. Nah West Country accent for me plus drives a combine harvester. You still with the Worzels, throbber?
  8. https://youtu.be/k1ylFcsNd8Q Jeanfield Swifts former ground - Simpson Park
  9. McGovern is available I suppose.....is he any better than Alexander though? Time will tell!
  10. lol....No jail time I'm happy to say. I had to take time out from here otherwise I'd have never have finished that fcuking boat nor got it sold!
  11. Ask him for his Gas Safe Ticket.......if he produces one run like fcuk!
  12. Wonder where that'll leave us? I like Hamilton but is he ready to step up?
  13. Have you filled in a Non Conformance Report?
  14. I'd have thought Magee would have taken the van for a job in Kirknewton tbh........
  15. That does sound utterly stupid! Temporary seating above the void perhaps?
  16. Cheers mate. What's the deal with Gilks? Thought he was a dead cert?
  17. Will bear this in mind. Thank you and good luck with your daughter. How old is she now? My ex gf had 2 girls 4yo & 6yo and was with her for 3 years so that was an eye opener....still miss those two!
  18. Cheers mate. I will! The baby period has been the one I've been most dreading tbh but enjoying the early days thus far.
  19. Congrats to all the recent new parents My daughter was born last Tuesday and got both Mum & baby home on Saturday. She's a happy wee soul who eats very well from breast & bottle. Seems to have gotten into a decent nightly routine of only waking at 2am for a feed so all good. Nappy changing ain't so bad.....might not fancy a curry for a while though.... Any tips for me going forward guys? All new to me this!
  20. why? Messi would have been deemed "too wee to make it" at youth level and Ronaldo would have probably been dropped for Anya as he doesn't drop back to help Andrew Robertson out at LB! There's only so many times "luck" can go against you before you need to stop and think maybe we're the ones doing something wrong here!
  21. so has Sammon signed then? or Gilks for that matter?
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