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Everything posted by sjc

  1. is it? I thought it was a catchweight with 160Lbs being middleweight?
  2. Don't you go chucking the dead cat in the canal, Skidmarks!
  3. Does Canelo ever fight in the middleweight division?! It certainly looks like he's ducking GGG. Perhaps he did get KO'd in sparring by GGG all those years ago?
  4. Fury has pulled out of the Klitchko fight with an sprained ankle apparently.
  5. I think I can see why he thinks you're gay......
  6. Depends upon whether they're dirty/smelly or not........
  7. I fucking hate kids! only joking obviously but my daughter is driving me fucking crazing!
  8. we all know you're getting rammed for dinner tonight Mrs M!
  9. http://www.theoffshoregame.net/475-2/ Read it for yourself bennett. unless you're saying that it's a race to the bottom as to who can cheat their way to the top.....
  10. The tax justice network is independent, bennett. You do realise that the report criticised the SFA not Rangers don't you?
  11. are you being deliberately obtuse or do you wish for a race to the bottom*? *no pun intended
  12. in fairness to the Hindus......Cows are a bit more than "luvlee"!
  13. Serious question FB - Would you not want a corrupt Governing body forced to reform?
  14. a bit like Hindu Indians starting a petition about us eating beef to be honest.....
  15. how much gamming has taken place in the chair and if so, has it been thoroughly disinfected?
  16. I've been offered a Teachers job by the English school I had the Skype interview with last week.........but nowhere fucking near Matsuyama unfortunately.
  17. True but it also depends upon what stage you are at in your life. for example, as a young teenager the World is quite literally your wankroom.........the quality of your wankroom surroundings increase as you get older.
  18. I lost my Dads alarm clock when I was kid so it is possible.....but unless the old c**t has loaned it to his 12yo grandson to take camping he's fucking at it! Scorched earth policy mate......which might be an idea for the repairmans premises?
  19. I'm no pant wetting animal rights activist but that's fucking outrageous! Surely slitting its throat would be quicker and more humane?
  20. They do. I prefer Yebisu or Asahi though. Very true but that's mainly their soft drinks. I haven't tried the Sapporo here yet so wouldn't know but the Asahi is exactly the same. They tend go to places that have karaoke rooms as opposed to karaoke bars which are few and far between. You can buy lingerie in the vending machines in the Love Hotels. Not sure that they're soiled though.
  21. Out for a few beers tomorrow night. Christ, a RTBC? is this what my life has become?!
  22. Not at all. Jamie1874 has a £10 charity bet on him scoring 25 goals this season.....
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