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Everything posted by sjc

  1. The sound of numerous people "grazing" at the cinema.....shut the fcuk up with your chomping & crumpling of crisp wrappers!
  2. That's the one.....Good watchable film brilliantly acted by Cumberbatch. A sad true story in the end.
  3. Ah the "stood arms folded" management technique......he must have learned that from Ally McCoist!
  4. I'd start with King & rotate Walker with Nicholson instead.......as good as Nicholson has been at times this season he's gone off the boil of late for which I think Neilson has rightly taken him out of the team for. I was a bit frustrated with Walker in the 1st half yesterday.....he had 3 opportunities to run at McGregor (a CH played at RB) and checked back every time! Can't complain too much though as he did a lot better 2nd half.
  5. I would have thought the result would have been a given.....
  6. King has been our best & most consistent winger this season.
  7. I agree there's a player in there but like you say not as a striker and I do think we have better options at No. 10 role at the moment. He's still young with time to develop.
  8. I've got it sussed & getting it repaired. Thanks anyway mate.
  9. I love Walter Smith's comment at the bottom of the article......"where is he now? Costa Rica or somewhere? The wee b*****d!"
  10. Absolutely.....had all the windows & doors open all night.
  11. El Hass tries too hard for me. Doesn't have the pace to get in behind teams and too easily dispossessed to play up top on his own.
  12. Cheers for your concern man. First time I've used it this year.....the rope seal detached when I lit the fire too.....double trouble! :-( I'll be ok but have made arrangement to get the stove fixed.
  13. Just kindling & "smokeless coal" Yeh pretty scary stuff. Think I may have suffered CM poisoning last year when I was ill for a month......I had blood tests but nothing showed up I was a bit confused as my symptoms were mainly nausia & gastric.....which I recently discover is a CM symptom. I do have a CM alarm btw.
  14. Makes me want to use the "scattergun" approach in meetings....
  15. My stove "malfunctioned" last night and nearly gave me carbon monoxide poisoning......I emailed Blaze Express regarding their smokeless coal with the words "my arse"! Sore head today though
  16. Don't worry.....leaving women breathless is just what I do Mrs M x
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