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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Surely we will have a final and definitive answer to this saga today ?! I'd love to get back to normality where I can put a full uninterupted shift in at work !
  2. Yoghurt Knitter11 up, 3 downn A mildly derogatory term for a tree hugging liberal. It combines yoghurt - the food of choice of hippies - with knitting - a reference to the arts and craft movement. It also carries slight overtones of being aw****r. A yoghurt knitter is generally ineffectual. He impedes or tries to impede others rather than actually going out and doing something.The yoghurt knitters were at the meeting so naturally nothing got done. I tried to build an extension on my house but the yoghurt knitters didn't like the design. They said it was too big or something. I said, "Madam Chairman" but the yoghurt knitters said I had to call her "Chairperson". PS - It was a joke btw
  3. Hopefully Chick will get home to find Rod Stewart at his table finishing off a lovely steak cooked by Chick's wife before being told "your on the couch tonight, Chick" Lets see the wee c**t find room at his table for him in future after that !
  4. The Guardian ? Yogurt knitter ! I think with any newspaper we have to read between the lines to get to the story and not the journalistic opinion.
  5. It shows perfectly that the Daily Record isn't fit for purpose. Christ.......its not even fit to wrap a fish supper in !
  6. If/When John "Bomber" Brown, Leggo & Dingwall take over: Board meeting at Ibrox
  7. sounds like De Stefano drinks from the same bottle as Bomber & Leggo !
  8. imagine if Bomber & Leggo shared a flat ?! They would be like a violent, whisky fueled version of Bert & Ernie !
  9. I think Charles Green borrowed Craig Whyte's photoshopping software..........
  10. Surely given the shear amount of opposition to Sevco FC gaining entry into the SPL or SFL Division 1 we are ALL Tarriers ?
  11. Imagine a Club run by John "Bomber" Brown along with characters like Leggo & Mark Dingwall ! Christ.......they couldn't get into Mensa if you added their IQ's together !!!
  12. Picture the scene: Its mid November and Sevco FC are struggling financially and languishing near the foot of SFL Division 3 table. After a disappointing 2-0 away defeat to Clyde at Broadwood, John Brown bring yet more shame to the beleaguered Club by engaging in a punch up with Charles Green in the Broadwood Players Lounge. Here's hoping, eh ?
  13. just seen a guy in Tesco's with last season Rangers top on.......didn't appreciate my "retro" comment though !
  14. I loved how in his interview with STV when he was asked about providing funds for the club to cover overhead, wages etc..........."listen son, the history of this Club.......blah blah blah" just wish the STV Reporter had the balls to say: "memories don't pay the bills though John"
  15. I'd actually prefer both Chick & Traynor to stumble into this guys shop ! except neither manage to escape !
  16. Totally agree HJ. Only one thing can't stop me having nagging doubts that this won't happen: We live in a shitty backward little Country called Scotland
  17. There's always room for Chick Young at my restaurant..............on the menu: baked dog turds in a bovine urine sauce
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