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Everything posted by sjc

  1. The power of this thread has to be acknowledged as I can't be the only one that feels united with fellow football fans regardless of which Club we support. we've bonded guys !
  2. I heard that too........He'll fit right in at Ibrox with a head for "creative accounting" like that !
  3. Did anyone else just throw up ? BBC Interviewer: "you've conducted yourself magnificently this season, Ally" f**k off ! no he hasn't......2 reasons: 1. Didn't want to be part of the redundacies talks. 2. Demanding to know the names & background of the disciplinary panel akin to "what school did you go to?"
  4. Listening to Fat Sally on Sportsound: He's bigged up how many bidders now ? He must feel like a porn fluffer !
  5. Charles Green, while at Sheffield Utd "if I could make more money growing potatoes on that pitch than football, I'll grow potatoes"<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 19px; "> Wouldn't it be apt if he did this ? They are always singing about a potato famine down Govan way after all !
  6. That c**t can GTF with that shit.........I'll personally give him the bus fare as long as he never calls himself a Hearts fan again.
  7. If this man Leggo isn't a clear indication that Care in the Community isn't working then God knows what will: http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ The guy wants to get back on his Lithium ASAP !
  8. was suggested last night that Craig Whyte sings this song & represents Monaco in the Eurovision song contest..........whilst burning unsold Rangers season tickets !
  9. Serious question folks: If what we lead to believe by our wonderful media, club chairmen & SPL Chiefs that SKY won't entertain covering a league without Rangers in it is true...........Why are they so sure that they will cover a league so jerrymandered that it doesn't just bend the rules to allow them back in but rips the rule book up and wipes its arse with it ?! the excuse of "SKY made us do it" kind of reflects badly on SKY I'd have thought ? Seriously......has any of our media asked SKY about this ?
  10. Slater's getting it tight from ra peepal in twitterland: Matt Slater ‏ @mattslaterbbc...the big names who agreed CUTS (defo not deferrals) can go for £2m, Naismith will be first. That's all for now #RFC Collapse Reply Retweet Favorite 50RETWEETS 8:25 PM - 11 May 12 via web · Details54mThe Blueprint ‏ @Blueprint_Bear@mattslaterbbc I said you were a lying b*****d before but I take it back. You're a dirty, smelly, rotten, repugnant, repulsive piece of shit Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 49mMatt Slater ‏ @mattslaterbbc@Blueprint_Bear hey? Because I said there's a plan to sell players & SN is top of the list? Are you aware of what's happening? Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 48m art vandelayRFC ‏ @art_vandelayRFC@mattslaterbbc @Blueprint_Bear no, you implied, naisy, is demanding to leave. You could at least reply to his tweet, no? Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 43m Matt Slater ‏ @mattslaterbbcutter rubbish @art_vandelayRFC @blueprint_bear now I really don't know why I bother. Talk amongst yourselves, you've got it all worked out Hide conversation Reply Retweet Favorite
  11. I do believe the crematorium next door to McDiarmid Park will be the ones doing us ALL proud on Sunday !
  12. when are "we" (the Pie & Bovril Knights) holding our press conference to outline what our bid was/is ? BK & TBK = Media whores............all that was missing was BK or PM to say "look mum I'm on the telly" !
  13. ****BREAKING NEWS**** There's a new Knight in town: Nah.......even Ziggy couldn't help these c***s !
  14. If Haudit & Daudit are going to make any statement today it will be between 5-6pm.........this will give them overnight to think up answers to the numerous queries they'll be faced with ! They do have previous of this do they not ?
  15. is it possible that Ticketus taking Craig Whyte to court for £27m could throw a spanner in the works of not just any potential takeover (I know, I know!) or more importantly any transfer of Rangers assests (including their league share) to a Newco ? Would love the fuckers to be so tied up in litigation that the money runs out....no share transfer to Newco......no Newco Just a thought
  16. Chick Young's latest tear jerker on his beloved Rangers !By Chick YoungBBC Scotland football punditWhat will be the post-mortem result if Rangers don't make it out of administration? I would suggest assisted suicide might be the coroner's verdict. The financial machinations, the mismanagement and the greed of the club have dragged an institution to the brink of the abyss. Of that, there is no doubt. At times, the owners of Rangers and sections of their support have shown an arrogance that has those of a different persuasion - and by that I mean followers of every other club in the land - spitting fury. You will understand then their joy at the revelation that the school bully is on his knees - and their seizing of the opportunity to give him a right good kicking. They want a lynching. And actually they might succeed, because the victim is now a little frail. Let's cut to the chase here. The belief that there will always be a Rangers in some shape or form is not now actually justified. There is a scenario now possible where they could board up Ibrox and leave it to rot as they once left dear old Cathkin Park - home of the late-lamented Third Lanark, another club that died of shame. The new strip worn in their fundraiser against Linfield might not have a team to fill it next season Rangers are suffocating, trapped in a tunnel where the oxygen is thinning and doors and escape hatches are slamming in their collective faces. As Duff & Phelps receive their regular wages, everyone else is coughing a little nervously. No, make that wheezing alarmingly. The prospect of a Company Voluntary Agreement to exit administration was the lifeboat. But it might be too late to call the coastguard now. The players revert to full wages in Juneand, as of the final home game last week, the income has dried up. HMRC haven't turned up with the tax bill that could kill and owner Craig Whyte has resisted talks with former director Paul Murray and fellow bidder Brian Kennedy to release his grip on the key shares. As it happens, I still believe that the aforementioned Kennedy remains the most likely salvation. But he has yet to nip into the telephone box and emerge as the caped crusader. Amid this, supporters of the club have told a would-be owner from the United States that he isn't welcome. I couldn't believe that. If you are drowning, you don't get choosy about whose hand pulls you out the icy deep. I really cannot see that anything but a "newco" and the embracing of that by the Scottish Premier League is left for the club now. If only there was another way - relegation to the First Division maybe as punishment for the behaviour. But there is no mechanism for that. The death of the Ibrox club would toll the bell for the Scottish game. In fact, it may already be too late. It strikes me that too many have little concept of how serious the situation really is. Those who want Rangers wiped from the face of the planet for their misdemeanours, who want their chairmen to don the black cap when it comes to judgement day, are entitled to their opinion, but they should be prepared to live with the consequences. Consider this: on a match day when Rangers are at home and Celtic away, far in excess of half the paying customers in the SPL are at Ibrox. Remind me on what basis you can dispense with half your custom and still thrive and you, my friend, have found the secret of business heaven. In the meantime, have compassion for 11 good men at the SPL who will stand in judgement of a football club needing mercy. Condemned if they grant it, pilloried if they don't. Only a game? Aye, right.
  17. plus it must stay open as a BIG hoose.....not lots of little ones !
  18. I wouldn't have thought so as the main stand at Highbury was also a listed building and now converted into flats.
  19. A few people on here are uber confident that Rangers are going to be liquidated and out of existence and that's fine.........I'm a fan of confidence and would love nothing more than to share that confidence of this eventual outcome but if I was as outgoing and Rangers were somehow able to wriggle out of the whole sorry debt ridden affair I'd be unconsoleable in my own tears....."verge of tears" wouldn't even be close as a description.
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