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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Christ on a bike ! Has anyone in Scottish Journalism actually been to College/University or are they all just 4th years on work experience ?!
  2. a bit like you guys when it comes to Scottish Cup semi final defeats/defeats in general ?!
  3. Somebody please tell me they don't have enough money to get through to Sunday ???!!!
  4. I've no doubt whatsoever that they'll alter the voting structure to suit their agenda..........yet we're the ones being fickle HJ ?!
  5. I'd take it even further by saying the same of mortgaging their future on an ever changing TV deal.........
  6. If Newco Rangers are voted straight back into the SPL then it might as well be dead for me and a fair few others.......I won't even watch the National team (even after following them to 2 WC & 2EC)
  7. I emailed Platini and asked him this very question.............no reply to date
  8. 8-4 vote majority on keeping newco Rangers in the SPL ?.....what happened to their much loved 11-1 vote majority ? At least this whole episode has confirmed that our league is a joke and I/we can stop wasting my/our time & money on attending this farce !
  9. I think instead of pleading with our Club Chairmen & SPL/SFA governing bodies we should beg the EPL to take them (and Celtic too). http://european-football-statistics.co.uk/attn.htm crude mathematics: taking Rangers & Celtic figures out our average would be 6976........hardly League of Ireland/Wales (1612 & 339 averages respectively)
  10. you can bet your bottom dollar they were knocked out by someone ! EDIT: Typo
  11. It's shit like this that makes me want to give up on Scottish football the human race.
  12. That may be so, HJ. but when I go to Tynecastle (or an away game for that matter) I usually end up taking my sister and/or my dad...how many more like me will they lose ? Plus add to that the next generation.........If fathers (or mothers) aren't taking their kids to the game I dare say the only football they'll see will be the EPL (given that their disallussioned parents have given up on Scottish football). Shame really because this really is a golden opportunity to better our game but the powers that be (SPL/SF Chiefs & Club Chairmen) will predictably choose a few quid over integrity and a level playing field of competition.
  13. All we're hearing is: "we must have Rangers & Celtic in the SPL" if that involves a Newco Rangers that's all they may be left with........
  14. we've already established that its a TV Brand that we're supporting.
  15. face saving by Paul Murray on Sportsound just now......... "I didn't want to go down the Newco route" Job Done, Paul.....your conscience is clear at least in the eyes of the Rangers fans that can't see through you !
  16. why would they need to ? most pubs have SKY/ESPN don't they ? Warm, dry and an endless supply of beer......beats paying £20+ to watch a sham league IMO
  17. Hell of a risk for SPL Chairmen to take I'd say.......... I won't be back if its the case.....and that's a promise. If I'm really that desperate for a football fix I can get hold of much better gear just over the border.
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