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Everything posted by sjc

  1. To use an analogy: not EVERY German between 1939-45 was a Nazi........................................but they still had to be defeated
  2. Has the wee greeting faced apologist made any statement about his EBT being disclosed in the BBC Programme the other night ?
  3. Is it just me or do this strike anyone as desperately trying to push the CVA through to deflect the attention focused on them following last nights BBC Programme ? Edit to add: Not a snowballs chance in hell of a CVA being agreed btw !
  4. Rangers CVA proposal due by Monday Rangers' administrators are expected to submit a proposal to bring the club out of administration via a Creditors' Voluntary Agreement by Monday. The club must notify the Court of Session first, with creditors then having two weeks to accept followed by a 28-day cooling off period. The approval of 75% of the creditors is required for a CVA to proceed. The two major creditors, HMRC and Ticketus, would together constitute that total. A consortium fronted by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green have had a bid for the Ibrox club accepted by the administrators, Duff and Phelps. The proposal will be an initial pence in the pound offer made up from purchase funds from Green's consortium and other cash raised by the administrators. However, the proposal does not constitute a final offer and other funds may be available to the creditors' pot in the future. Further funds would likely come primarily from Duff and Phelps' claim of £25 million against Craig Whyte's lawyers, Collyer Bristow, should that case be successful. Hot off the press ! err BBC website actually!
  5. me too........If that could be proved they should be killed off and any offspring sterilised like Hitler's relative to prevent the blood line continuing.
  6. Rangers FC Official ‏@RFC_OfficialPIC: Another pic of the maintenance currently being undertaken on the pitch (via http://www.rangerspics.com)http://pic.twitter.com/DskG2Jpn Hide photo Reply Retweet Favorite Flag this mediapowered by Photobucket 5RETWEETS 4:18 PM - 23 May 12 via web · Details Where are they finding the money to carry out this work ?
  7. am I not right in saying it's not EBT's that are illegal but the way in which they were administered in this case.......hence the HMRC chasing Rangers for the ta liability ?
  8. If a Newco RFC(or any Newco club for that matter) is in the SPL then I'm out for good. If I caught my wife fucking the window cleaner I wouldn't hang around to ask her if she was enjoying it !
  9. Someones not been taking their Lithium again ! Can someone call Nurse Ratchet ???
  10. Because the deal to allow a Newco straight back in "for the sake of the brand" was done months ago. Lets not kid ourselves here..........Rangers were ALWAYS going to be liquidated hence Craig Whyte turning up on the scene.
  11. If we can turn a blind eye to two decades of financial corruption, tax evasion & general cheating then we really do have an even bigger joke of a league than we're often cited for having. Don't disagree with how you see the final outcome though.
  12. I like many on here feel that the Newco deal was done a long time ago and all that we are witnessing is a series of mock outrage & tactical posturing by not only our footballing authorities but also our Club Chairmen. Its a real shame as for me we could have really stolen the march on all other leagues in Europe by a bit of forward thing regards to FFP & (more importantly) developing a more competitive league.........but the status quo must be maintained despite its lack of credability & integrity according to our leaders...therefore the game will be dead to me and many others. The magnificent occassion created by both sets of fans on Saturday, just like Ross Co & DUFC in 2010 showed that Scottish football doesn't always have to be about the OF......sadly due to their rarity I fear the OF is all we'll end up with in the future. Verge of tears? Yes, but the actions of Murray, Whyte, Rangers FC, SPL, SFA & our Club Chairmen is going to be the death of our game and there's f**k all us fans can do about it ! Help us out UEFA ?! Wouldn't hold my breath !
  13. Yes.......me. I currently work away down South so only "pick & choose" my games (about 10no H&A this season).........I would buy a season ticket (despite not being able to attend all games) as I would feel we owe it to Scottish football for actually doing the right thing. won't hold my breath though........
  14. Do they have a webcam in the studio ? I'd certainly tune in for that ! "its my party and I'll fry if I want too.........you would fry too if it happened to you"
  15. I agree with much of your post......we really must back our Clubs next season if our Chairmen do the right thing and collectively bomb Rangers out of the SPL into Division 3 (if application accepted).
  16. Be funny if they appealed to UEFA who in turn: "they've been doing what ?! for how long ?!" Decision: Expelled..........Next ?!
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