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Everything posted by sjc

  1. got a depressing feeling that I'll be attending/watching/caring about my last ever game in Scottish football at Hampden Park on the 19th of May 2012. The Scottish football authorities should just grow a set and just have Rangers & Celtic in their professional league set up. The whole of Scottish football can be liquidated as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Matt Slater ‏ @mattslaterbbcWhat does "sufficiently comfortable" mean? Have #RFC been told 12mo transfer ban will be dropped? And what has SPL told him? Hmm The SPL fucking better not had !
  3. You might be right am a bit worried about our form going into the final........especially with ALL Hibs league games being cup finals ! anyway......any sign of the Grim Reaper down Govan way ? No better time if you ask me.........the place is full !
  4. Chick Young couldn't spot a story if it was hanging out of his arse !
  5. I fucking hate Chick Young....he makes me embarrassed to be Scottish......
  6. of course he does........he's spent the last 24 years sucking David Murray's cock !
  7. I think I might attend that game do you think they'll let me bring my own bell into McDairmid Park ?
  8. John "man of honour" Greig can't bring himself to set foot inside Ibrox now. feeling guilty about your EBT, John ?!
  9. If Sandy Jardine's view is one that is held by our footballing authorities they may as well have a league of two. Rugby Union here I come !
  10. Could we get someone prominent to ring a bell like they do at tradings end in the New York Stock Exchange when they're liquidated ? Who though ?
  11. Douglas Fraser ‏ @BBCDouglsFraserStockbroker with close Craig Whyte (of #Rangers) links being wound up with big cash shortfall http://bbc.in/IW32w7 Retweeted by Chris McLaughlin
  12. I do wish they'd hurry up an vanish from our game for good so we can make a start on getting rid of that other lot !
  13. <h1 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 8px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1em; letter-spacing: -0.0625em; color: rgb(66, 36, 110); background-color: rgb(249, 249, 249); "></h1>Tuesday 1 May 20123:33 pmAlex Thomson 21[/url]Rate thisAs night follows day, whenever the (SPL) boss Neil Doncaster opens his mouth, the storm of controversy will follow. So it is that overnight and into today, there’s been a storm after Mr Doncaster took his mouth along to the BBC yesterday – and opened it. Cue another firestorm of internet and non-internet comment, bampottery and unbampottery alike. His thesis is pretty straightforward without getting into the niceties of company insolvency law. He cited two English clubs who made it back into the land of the living via a CVA. However these two clubs, Crystal Palace and Plymouth Argyle, had two key things thatRangers, at present, do not. The CVA lifeline First they had a workable vehicle – known as a CVA (Company Voluntary Agreement) – in place, which Rangers do not. This is simply a legally binding agreement with creditors as a means of moving the company forward this side of liquidation. Second, they had more than 75 per cent of creditors’ agreeing to the CVA. That meant for Palace and for Argyle the agreement was there and that was all the football authorities needed to go forward. So Rangers are going to need that 75 per cent agreement from creditors to have any hope of getting a CVA going. So Mr Doncaster is right – there is precedent and there is a way of doing things which satisfies creditors. It has happened and it has worked for the good of football and for creditors. The catch it that those two things – CVA and agreement of creditors have to be in place. Terms and conditions apply So what is the SPL really saying here? Sources there indicate the following scenario. Bill Miller or Blue Knights come in and buy the club. Suddenly there are at least a few million to satisfy 75 per cent of creditors and the CVA becomes something that can be agreed. Or even the beginnings of a process to a NEWCO. The word within the SPL seems to be there’s a good chance of getting the 75 per cent needed to move forward. Of course there are one or two slight difficulties here, like it might not happen with the taxman being the biggest of creditors and with the Big Tax Case hanging over everything like the proverbial Sword of …etc. One thing is clearly emerging though and that is Bill Miller – one of the two Rangers bidders – will get absolutely nowhere with his demands that the SPL drops further rule changes with possibly increased points penalties on clubs that go bust and drop its investigation into whether or not Rangers registered players properly with the SPL. So will Bill still want in? It seems so, since this point will by now have been made to him clearly by the SPL, in words that leave no room for trans-Atlantic misinterpretation. Then there is UEFA. Oh yes – them. They need three years’ trading figures from a NEWCO – a new company following liquidation – which was well known but here’s the key thing: they are considering the same for a CVA. In effect this means a three year ban from European football because no CVA could provide such figures until three years trading have elapsed. Nor could any NEWCO for equally obvious reasons. Could Rangers stay in the SPL? So the SPL case runs thus when it actually gets round to the matter of football: yes – Rangers could feasibly stay in the SPL, but they will have had the 10 point deduction already, and if they are still in administration come August they face another 10 point deduction next season (a stronger sanction than in England). They may well also face a year-long ban on buying any player over the age of 17, and it looks like UEFA will want three years of accounts which means a ban from Europe. They could also face increased points penalties to be voted on next week by the SPL and having much of their silverware cancelled as a result of the SPL investigation into player registration. You have to say, if Rangers remain in the SPL it is difficult to see it happening without a fair gamut of sanctions and punishment. But there are many ifs and buts here at this stage. The wider world watches Then there’s the problem of possibly owing the taxman up to £75m. Nobody, frankly, has many answers to that, given the £75m ain’t there. Should Rangers go down on the tax case, the public demand for punishment (for not being able to walk away as it were) will come into play in a way we have not yet seen I suspect. We are post-banking, post-sub-prime, post-RBS here and the wider world watches from the Treasury to UEFA. Things are not as before. Expect big politics and heavy lobbying to come into play at that stage. So in factual terms that is where we are at. Some of the above sanctions are under appeal, in negotiation or simply in complete abject secrecy (like the player registration probe). But the key here is to watch UEFA – if they are serious about making no distinction between a CVA and a NEWCO then a three-year ban on European competition looks a certainty and no amount of dealing or horse-trading around Glasgow will be able to affect that. Let’s see if Bill Miller will attempt to put his pistol to UEFA’s head in the way he has just tried to do with the SPL – ‘drop your sanctions and I will buy your club!’ Sorry Bill, it won’t wash these days in Glasgow. I somehow can’t see M Platini over there in Switzerland getting out the cognac and sitting down to hear your plan, either.
  14. just listening back online to superscoreboard....... How on earth did Keevens & Dalziel get a job within the Scottish media ?! Would have thought this would be more their kind of gig: perish the thought !
  15. Interesting reading or should I be wearing a foil hat ???: Now, less than six years after Murray took control of Rangers,with a debt of £6m, and started to markedly increase their borrowing to improve a decrepit and non compliant stadium, The very bank that funded Murray, sought to liquidate Celtic with a debt of £5m and a stadium that was also in need of renovation and improvement. By this time, the justification for increased Rangers borrowing was the improvement of the stadium, the commercial use of adjacent office facilities, the extra income that brought, and the resulting ability to seemingly “afford” an ever better football team on the park! Yet, this supposedly successful business model was not to be encouraged when it came to Celtic by the very same bank! Now that is curious! As was later proven by Fergus McCann, the improvement of that stadium did lead to an increase in revenue and safety in financial terms– as was supposedly proven by Murray to the same bank a few years before. Of course the first thing that Fergus did was to ditch HBOS. Until 1990, Aberdeen Football Club worked without an overdraft with great success, and after Souness’ arrival at Ibrox Aberdeen were the nearest challengers to Rangers. However, in 1990, Aberdeen had to go to the bank to upgrade Pittodrie to comply with the Taylor report. They went to HBOS who provided the funds to upgrade Pittodrie. Similarly with Dundee United as I understand it and many other clubs. The Bank of Scotland then really got its teeth into Scottish Football and would go on to have a huge influence in everything that happened within the game– that grip still exists to a certain extent to this day– although whether it is exercised in exactly the same way as it has in the past is yet to be seen.
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