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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Genuinely confused as to why I'm labelled in this post.
  2. Sorry to hear this mate. Be strong and there for one another and you'll get through this. Gambatte.
  3. Me too! If only I could get decent sausages, black pudding and smoked bacon! Don't see any tattie scones or hash browns in there though.....
  4. I predict that next weekend, Ibrox will witness more cases of touching cloth by the visiting team than the staff at Edmiston Drive kindergarten will all week.
  5. Perfectly rational post by @JJ Fae The YY imo......
  6. I'd rank Froch at his peak above De Gale & Groves tbh. He had some pretty impressive names on his CV. No shame in not reaching the heights of future Hall of Famer, Ward though.
  7. It was a decent Ayr It's team back then. They had a bit of a rivalry going with St Johnstone at the time after they fought out a close battle for promotion from the bottom to the middle tier (3 divisions back then!)......I'm sure At Johnstone secured promotion to the Premier league at Somerset Park a couple of years later?
  8. Joshua would be better looking to emulate Larry Holmes or George Foreman's jab imo.
  9. MILF? I thought it was the bouncy castle.....
  10. I prefer Donnie Brascoe to Goodfellas. For the avoidance of doubt and to try and prevent another "hash brown/tattie scone incident", I'm not for one moment saying I don't like or rate Goodfellas, it's a brilliant movie. I just prefer Donnie Brascoe. There, I said it. Unpopular opinion.
  11. The problem with this is you can end up binge drinking which is worse that spreading the same amount of alcohol over the week.
  12. I stopped drinking for about a year when I lived in London back in the late 90's after I woke up in Trafalgar Square one Saturday morning after a very heavy night. Gave me a fright that did! The hardest part is dealing with folk that won't accept that you're not drinking. You do feel much better for it.
  13. where to even begin with this! You better get down the pharmacy for your lithium, Bob!
  14. The talk is of Wilder having a rematch clause incase he loses to Fury which would automatically rule out Joshua v Wilder in April.....I don't buy that this fight not happening is purely down to Joshua/Hearn.
  15. You can f**k off too. I had hash browns along with sausage, bacon, beans, fried egg, mushrooms and tomatoes this morning..... sensational.
  16. Damage limitation type post. Not happening. Hope you choke on your next tattie scone ya sanctimonious c**t!
  17. Bob's also conveniently forgetting that Rangers* shit the bed at Parkhead a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Hang on! I didn't say I don't like tattie scones, just that if given the choice I'd choose a hash brown......which I'm well aware is an unpopular opinion and obviously I'd have both if choice was unrestricted. PS - f**k knows what @drs is on about.
  19. When it comes to cooked breakfasts, I'd choose hash browns over tattie scones every time.
  20. Your website is fucking riddled with them...... http://lookatmyfuckingredtrousers.blogspot.com/
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