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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Congratulations to you both. Once you get them both home then the difficulties of the last 14 weeks should start to become a vague, distant memory. Gambatte x
  2. On the contrary, a lot of their fans see the EBTs as a badge of honour as they got away with it due to "imperfect registration" I personally hope Celtic complete 10 in a row (feel a bit sick saying that) with a team full of living wage superstars who's real contracts are "perfectly registered" in Panama.....
  3. I wouldn't necessarily align my politics with those of Michael Stewart but it doesn't surprise me that my post is beyond your level of comprehension.....
  4. I don't think wanting, neh expecting everyone to share their burden of taxation to help contribute towards the betterment of society is an "inspiration".......it's what most right minded individuals would agree upon. Resenting how whichever elected Government goes about spending said taxation is a completely different argument.
  5. Robert looks a better person to follow True, but no show without Punch!
  6. Thanks mate. Long way still to go but we'll keep taking it one step at a time. Gambatte!
  7. Very true. She chose that bag funnily enough.....even at 2yo she likes the boys. I can see I'm going to have my hands full with her!
  8. That's the first time I've ever been told I've got a big nose! On a related note though, everyone always says Sakura looks like me.......Poor sod! I personally think she's been through enough without have that inflicted upon her!
  9. Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Don't worry, she gets lots of cuddles but I'll give her an extra one from you lot!
  10. Nearly a year to the day since Sakura was discharged from hospital and her latest bloods and CT Scan came back showing no relapse or metastasis.
  11. Was the allocation sold out? I saw a picture on twitter showing it about half full but not sure if it was genuine.
  12. Have they issued new shares yet? Genuinely surprised if they've been allowed to prior to the 20p offer that the TOP have "insisted" upon.
  13. He'll end up at Rangers* or some English Championship side for a few hundred grand in a panic sale with 6 months of his contract to run in true Hearts style!
  14. If they can read kanji then they deserve to find me!
  15. That was all part of the Scottish football collectives plan to "make Rangers* great again*" You've all got to do your bit guys!
  16. Noted. I'll try again tomorrow at 7.10am......
  17. I know we should be shocked but when things are so commonplace the shock factor diminishes. You can include Israel/Palestine to that list too.
  18. Japanese childrens TV just got interesting! Apologies for the photo quality and not get one with her full outfit, which includes a tight short skirt and over the knee hold ups!
  19. In what way are you (or any of us for that matter) supposed to be surprised by this?
  20. I'm not complaining as my wife works full time whilst I'm only part time so the onus would be on me to "keep house". I did but the move in date was confirmed after I'd booked my flights and at £1900 I wasn't cancelling! It's not as bad as it sounds as Japanese removal companies come in, dismantle all your furniture and reassemble in the desired location of your new house. They also pack your clothes etc in boxes for you. Besides, it wasn't exactly a holiday! A lifetime of stalking experience has its benefits*....... *To all the P&B pant wetters, that was a joke btw!
  21. Don't talk about my wife like that please. Have some decorum FFS!
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