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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Finished reading the George Best autobiography - Blessed the other night and couldn't come to any other conclusion than what an utterly selfish c**t he was. Regardless of his addictions....even if the two probably go hand in hand with one another.
  2. Define "into" To quote E. Blackadder: "I find the Victoria sewage tunnel network interesting but I'm not going to poke about in it with a pair of tweezers!"
  3. I still maintain that the majority on P&B would shag Poy Treechada and live with their conscience.
  4. Oi you! That's how rumours start........and we all know how that works on P&B!
  5. They do! It was part of my Level 2 Coaching badge I did at the Cheshire FA back in 2006. I assume it's the same up in Scotland?
  6. Used to pay just under £30 a month for life & critical illness to cover paying off my mortgage. It paid out last week, would rather have paid the mortgage off the conventional way TBH.
  7. ^^^ID must be shown at his bar type post....
  8. Enjoying a couple of days sightseeing in Tokyo before heading down to Shizuoka for a relaxing weeks break.....I would post this on the RTBC Thread but I've got the Brad Pitts
  9. When are you planning on finishing it? Good luck with the knee rehab btw.
  10. You're going to have to explain that one to me I'm afraid!
  11. Must be something in the air as my insurance policy got paid out in full last week. What happened in your accident? Hopefully you've made a full recovery without too much ill effects?
  12. It's not though as you have to wash thoroughly with soap before entering the baths. The Japanese are sticklers for rules to be fair to them. Serious business this onsen lark.
  13. The woman at reception heard her calling Sakura from the door of the changing rooms and put two & two together when she saw a wee toerag running into the reception area. Sorry to disappoint you guys.......even I was hoping she had to parade her birthday suit!
  14. My daughter is the same. We took her to the onsen for the first time last night (she went into the female section with my wife) and she got that excited that she ran out of the changing rooms into the reception area.......my wife was left with the decision of whether or not to follow her completely naked! ETA : Great pics btw!
  15. There is some medical research findings that suggest cannabis or hemp oil does fight some cancers. I'm sure it's used in some chemotherapy drugs TBH. Bit harsh. None of mine fit me anymore!
  16. I stayed in a few places when a student there. Cale Green.....right next to Edgley Park in fact!, Heaton Mersey and Middle Hillgate (in a pub call the Pack Horse but known as the Big Lamp for some reason.......what a shithole it was! Didn't ever go sadly even though they had a decent team at the time under Danny Baggera (sp). I always preferred a pint of Boddingtons or IPA Flowers to Robinsons TBH.
  17. Robinsons? Did you ever try Old Tom......so lethal it was only served in half pints! Where in Stockers did you stay? How come you ended up there? I went to the college there in 94-96.
  18. Never been a "bath" man as always preferred a shower but finally took the plunge and went to the onsen nearby my house tonight. Wasn't half bad to be fair......as well as the natural hot spring baths it had a jacuzzi, sauna, cold water plunge pool, an outdoor hot spring bath (which I enjoyed in the cool rain) and all for the equivalent of a mere £3. Bit surreal sharing a bath with about a dozen other naked men but not much different from the showers after playing football I suppose.
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