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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Fair enough but they do have plenty of clandestine bases around the globe. I'm sure they used DG for their u2 flights over the Soviet Union in the 60s.
  2. The theory is that amongst the passengers onboard the plane were a load of Chinese scientists and the flight was diverted to Diego Garcia airbase in the Indian Ocean. It's not a top secret base though......The Americans have over 700 known bases Worldwide with around 300 covert.
  3. My Dad does it which I think probably stems from being brought up during rationing after WW2. It's definitely habit. I wouldn't say all food pre 90's was bland though. The influx of recipes from Thai or Mexican (for example) cooking perhaps exaggerates this.
  4. I was pleasantly surprised with Charlie Nicholas as an after dinner speaker at a recent event here in Matsuyama. Not only did he deliver his speech in perfect Japanese but his proposals for reversing climate change and the Middle East peace process were nothing short of revolutionary. He did come across as a bit of a narcissistic c**t telling a story about his playing days at Arsenal and that Jeff Stelling is a w****r in real life though......
  5. Avocado and Shizuoka wasabi on toast is outrageously good........but bacon and eggs isn't a bad substitute!
  6. Joined by my wife and daughter in the park for lunch today on a beautiful Spring day. Only downside was getting slightly sunburned.
  7. Me too. With the deepest thought of most being whether or not to wear arm bands at Perth swimming pool! Another FB friend of mine just posted a memory from 2 years ago wishing her dog a happy 2nd birthday. Her FUCKING dog!
  8. What's this? I appear to be out of the loop on this one!
  9. You got me! Pies, sausage rolls, smoked bacon and proper sausages are on that list too!
  10. You need to broaden your horizons.....or your front door, chippyboy!
  11. f**k all wrong with your breakfast. Avocado in particular is sensational.
  12. is @Peppino Impastato the secret footballer?
  13. Since everyone is posting about things only the utter dregs of society would do, should this thread not be renamed "things the underclass do"?
  14. This firmly falls into the category of "evolving as a person" discussion GD and I had yesterday on another thread in that many people are unwilling or simply don't change their opinions/thought process in line with the ever changing World we live in, hence you end up with grumpy old "in my day" b*****ds that appear obsolete to the rest of us. Will some of the youth of today fall into this category in 30/40 years time? Definitely! We've already seen examples of intolerance by younger generations in simply demanding various things banned as opposed to engaging in debate to why such things exist or happen and their reasoning why they shouldn't. Simply put: Some people will continue to evolve alongside the World and some won't and remain stuck in the past.
  15. Tend to agree sadly. Hopefully he'll get his head right and comes back in the 2015 form, he's still young enough but like you, I have my doubts he will.
  16. Fury is the best technical boxer out of the 3 of them. Whether he has the punching power to ko them is another matter though.
  17. Don't worry, everyone knows that every single Poster on P&B has never left the house in their lives.....Walter Mittys one and all!
  18. Why weren't the needles in a sharps box? Sounds dangerous.
  19. Did the arse fall out of one of the bags?
  20. Have you seen the weather over there? That's no reason to be cheerful!
  21. You're probably right Jimmy, I'd be flabbergasted too if anyone could only name one of your c**t resembling posts.....
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