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Everything posted by sjc

  1. If ever there's another Dundee P&B sub crawl then Rewind - Good shout has to be the end of evening destination. Best not invite WTM. He could go wild in there and nobody would notice........who's going to report any of that lot missing?!
  2. P&B's 7th most influential Poster of all time banned? How on earth could this be allowed to happen? Which Mod did he abuse?
  3. Surprised they don't just set up offshore accounts to pay their players direct from Dave Kings NOAL account in the BVI. It's not like there's tax or registration issues they need worry about......
  4. sjc


    Someone should ask John what the odds on that were.......
  5. Thanks HSF Sakura is the same regarding taking afternoon naps (1-2hours generally) but she sleeps through the night, so not really an issue for us. Is it not still a bit early to stop the naps? Is it not a good thing up until the final year of nursery before starting school?
  6. After a rather anxious, sleep deprived night it was a CT Scan & blood tests today for Sakura.......no relapse or metastases and blood tests showing that her slightly elevated liver function markers are dropping back towards normal levels. Another step taken.
  7. *as I alighted the train onto the platform with my cock in one hand and my Bradshaws in the other* You perhaps?
  8. Same can be said of the Usyk v Gassiev fight coming up! Literally heard nothing about this fight.
  9. It's a pretty good snack imo. Basically South African beef jerky. The saltyness is nice with a beer. The two I mentioned are not bad from that neck of the woods.
  10. Washed down with a few Castles or Windhoeks I hope?
  11. Each to their own. I don't mind the occasional McDonalds but I find their breakfast options shit in comparison to a proper cafe to be honest.
  12. Just making sure. There are people out there who dont know correct procedure at McDonalds. Surely the correct procedure is to get the f**k out of McDonalds and down to a proper cafe then order a sausage and egg doubler?
  13. Can you confirm how she tastes and would sriracha sauce make a difference?
  14. Too far, as good as sriracha sauce is. ^^^this on a good day I shudder to imagine.
  15. I always think this is a good reason for kids having a pet as it's one of the life lessons they can learn from it. Granted it's not a nice situation but its a better way to introduce them to the concept of dying than the death of a relative. Sorry to hear about your dug BTW
  16. They are indeed! I'm sure that someone from the Nissin family recently married into the Emperors family too. They brought fried red snapper. It was nice to be fair. We did! My cooking is nothing short of sensational I'll have you know! The pulled pork went down a storm. Yes they did in fairness.
  17. My wife has come home from work and invited the next door neighbours round for dinner.......which is fine as they're nice people and I've made enough BBQ pulled pork, rice and roast veg to feed an army but they've brought their own dinner. Who fucking does that?
  18. He wants to prove he's the best heavyweight in the World though.....
  19. Catching the cold from my daughter. I also have my househusband chores to do but having nausea.......who's offering to help me out? To do list: Wash the bath. Grocery shopping (milk, bread etc not a full shop). Wash the dishes. Make the bed. Hoover. Bring the washing in plus fold and put away. General tidy up. Cook dinner (roast vegetable pasta). Pick up my daughter from nursery. Much appreciated guys xxx
  20. A girl I went to school with started a go fund me page wanting $20,000 (she lives in the States now) for an RV motor home so she can "give something back" by "taking her skills on the road" (she's a tattooist) to offer cancer survivors scar covering tattoos . Absolutely f**k all to do with her wanting everyone to buy her a campervan......definitely not!
  21. I'm fully aware that budgets don't necessarily equate to where Clubs will finish in the league but it's a fair barometer generally speaking. Did Morton just overachieve last season or underachieve this or is the truth somewhere in between? Since the turn of the Century (probably longer) Morton have jumped between the Championship and League 1 with the exception of a couple of promotion tilts so quite where your expectations are coming from I don't know......especially given the dross Duffy continually served up (your words not mine). I would read the thread but having to filter out the posts from know it all Posters like yourself that couldn't toilet train a fucking dog let alone a football team seems like too much effort.
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