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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 6 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

    Wait, you actually think your team has been hard done by from var? deary me.  Especially in old firm games.  var was just fine today,it won you the first derby too.


    I don't think you understand what I actually said tbh.

    Today, absolutely however it’s not just me that thinks that. The majority of people posting on this thread when it happened seemed to think it was pretty laughable too.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

    Fair enough, I seem to have more faith in your team than you do.

    For that be a fair assessment we had to win that game today and even then it’s a bit of a stretch, much like your opinion on Rangers penalty today. If that’s given against you I guarantee you are mental

    It’s not about having faith in my team it’s that I don’t have is faith in VAR based on some of the mental decisions I’ve seen in these games this season. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    We’ll agree to disagree Jinky.

    I don’t think it has a place in the game.

    I’m not lowering myself to insulting you personally btw.

    Keep the insults coming if it makes you happy. I’ve built up a thick skin over the years.

    No one here is saying it does have a place in the game though are they? I genuinely haven’t a clue as to how you draw that conclusion from what has been posted in these past few pages. You have jumped into this two footed without reading the replies and made continually reckless suggestions 



  4. 3 hours ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    All about opinions Gannonball.

    You have your views and I have mines.

    You’ll never convince me that terrorist songs and banners have a place on our game though.

    Lets leave it at that.

    He wasn’t trying to convince you of that, it wasn’t even the point being discussed.

    And your opinion is largely based on what you can either make up or what movie you have watched recently.



  5. 1 minute ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Crowds make fights and for every sport or entertainment show, Saudi is the absolute drizzling shits.

    Can make a classic fight feel dull with the lack of atmosphere.

    Agreed, the atmosphere is non-existent. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    No faux bravado mate. I’ve never been in that position as Falkirk fans don’t support terrorist groups thankfully.

    And no need to get personal with the insults. Good night.

    Then you really should have left this discussion alone then. You are asking questions about why fans aren’t forcibly removing banners from other fans who are a few hundred in size and passionate about their right to protest. (This isn’t me saying they have such a right but they believe they do which is the important factor) How do you think that plays out in the real world? 

    I’ll tell you, it plays out with fans rioting, mass brawls and lots of people including children getting needlessly hurt or worse. That’s what you are advocating for, it’s stupid, reckless and dangerous.

    Leave the policing to the police and leave the fantasy for the movies.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Thanks for replying but ‘we did nothing about it’ would have been sufficient.


    Spare us the faux bravado mate, you wouldn’t have done a single thing yourself in that position and nor should you. It’s the police and stewards jobs to police fans not some eejit who has watched too many Danny Dyer movies and now thinks he’s a hard nut.



  8. 53 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    If ‘most’ fans were against it, why wasn’t it forcibly removed from the pro- Hamas section of your support during the game when it was displayed ?

    Why did the other fans in the stadium let it be displayed given the events of the previous day and have an idea of the negative press it would give your club ?

    You didn’t read what he replied to did you? He was taking about Celtic fans on this forum.

    And the idea that fans can forcibly remove a banner that is displayed only for a few minutes in a 400/500 strong crowd whilst evading stewards, police and somehow avoiding a riot is a bit laughable.

    How would you intend to organise and mobilise such an effort in only a few minutes?

    Have you ever steamed into a mob of 100’s before? 

    The question you should have asked is how on earth was such a banner allowed in the stadium in the first place

  9. 28 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Celtic fan’s overtook Rangers fans in my overall “scumbag” rankings on 7th October.

    A large percentage of their fans on here tried to deflect from what had happened (with a couple of exceptions) but then miraculously started to give their own negative views on it only after their club released a statement.

    The majority on here are absolutely brainwashed. It really is a cult.

    Put my thoughts in spoilers so that those who think I’m just trolling can ignore them.

    It’s a shame that thread got deleted as most Celtic fans on here called out that banner in the strongest possible way that day


  10. Yeah I can’t get onboard that Abada has to take any blame or is somehow culpable for anything that has or is currently happening.

    He was a young footballer looking to develop, no doubt he would have spoke to Nir Biton who seems to have had significant influence on his decision to come.

    So yeah cut the kid some slack, he was brilliant for us for those 2 seasons. That Kyogo, Jota, Abada trio gave us fond memories so yeah I hope he finds the success, peace and happiness he is looking for 

  11. 3 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    Totally created by (some) of your fans. The problems that Abada suffers, according to Rodgers, don't go away just because he's moved to the USA, but the Celtic fans do. That obviously gives Abada a bit of comfort. 

    Celtic fans didn’t create the Gaza conflict mate, it’s a bit of a stretch to pin that on us too.

    But keep going with the narrative he was forced out by us even when the player himself says otherwise because clearly you know the guys mind better then he does

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