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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. Celtic would have went into win the league debating this is nonsensical. Hearts however would feel very hard done by I agree despite the fact they have been shite and probably deserve it.

    However I would be happy to compromise. If Celtic were to not have the title awarded to them due to the season being incomplete then it would only be fair that The Rangers were made to stop laying claim to the 54 titles won before they existed.

    Fairs fair and alll that



  2. Considering his spell on the sidelines Jones looked amazing, DC had also improved a lot since the first fight however delighted to see Jones win and now back in the game as he is a superb martial artist.

    Hats off to him also for closing the book on the rivalry, very classy in victory

  3. 9 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

    As much as a bunch of arseholes the GB are at times, when they apply themselves to timeless classics like the one below they are superb. :D


    I agree when they apply themselves to football and football related "banter" they can be brilliant but they all too often deviate so everyone hears their political stance

    I love this banner though, surprised i still had it on my phone which i took from my seat before the introduction of the standing section.

    They need to now toe the line though



  4. Just saw the GB statement and can't quite believe what i read. Who the f**k do they actually think the are? The atmosphere they can generate is brilliant however they genuinely seem to think they are bigger than the club and will continue to do as they please and use Celtic games as a soapbox to air their political views.

    Yes they helped raise a lot of money for Palestinian children and quite rightly got credit for it however it doesn't give you the right to say what  you want at a football match when you know it will bring the club fines and sanctions

    Celtic FC and great atmospheres existed before the GB and Celtic and great atmospheres will exist after they have gone so really they need to get behind the team or get to f**k

  5. Cant say I'm surprised.

    The full lateral movement debate has been going on for a few seasons now, its not new and nothings changed so something had to give. I moved to 112 in 2011 when the GB was in the upper part of 111 before the standing section was introduced and it was a talking point then.

    The banner is just stupid, ok it doesn't reference a direct link to paramilitaries however its hardly subtle either.

    But when they are belting the broad black brimmer then you don't really have any grounds for debate do you.....bunch of fucking dobbers.

    I love the atmosphere the GB create however when they seem hell bent on sometimes creating trouble for the club then its time to go. UEFA just won't stand for this out of date, no longer relevant, provo bullshit. Its fucking tiresome.

    Celebrate the history of the club, 9 in a row, the Lisbon Lions, Seville etc etc but songs about Irish paramilitaries especially have f**k all to do with Celtic so they need to grow the f**k up or get the f**k out as your hurting the club and we are now going into a vital home european match which is crucial to our season with an entire section empty.

    Fuddery of the highest order

  6. By a mere 4 points!

    You said neck and neck. 4 points ahead isn't neck and neck. I could do you a dot to dot diagram to explain if this helps you

    The loss to Rangers was the key game. You also lost the key games to Killie & Hearts in the cups. Throw in Europe and you lost every single key game you played last season! :lol:

    The 20 games prior to winning the title at Rugby park we took 55 out of 60 points. Limped home :lol:

    Key games? So when we were 15 points behind going to Fir Park that wasn't a key game? Each and every game thereafter in the league while clawing back that deficit wasn't a key game? :lol:

    The Rangers game also wasn't key since the league was effectively over and the result had no bearing on the title destination. All it would have been was the icing on the cake and bragging rights but key game? :lol:

    Youre trying way too hard

    Tainted Champions - of a 1 horse race! :lol:

    When other horses were able to compete you blew it each and every single time. :lol:

    Pointing & laughing at you! :lol:

    As another poster has already pointed out that you couldn't come across more desperate if you tried

    I can actually imagine you sitting in an Internet cafe or public library just now pointing and laughing at the computer screen such is the level of fuckwittery you display daily. For some reason that mental image of you seems to fit

  7. Celtic won the league easy because their main rivals had a 10 point deduction and went into administration as the 2 clubs were neck and neck in the title race and their wage bill is more than 10 times higher than the 3rd placed club as a result of the exploitation of sectarianism and match officials were scared to book their players and give fouls against them due to the sectarian intimdation put on them by the club.

    And even then they still managed to only limp home, get stuffed in Europe at the first hurdle twice and get punped out of the cups by Kilmarnock & Hearts !:lol:

    What a disaster of a season for Celtic. Pointing & laughing at you! :lol:

    When Rangers went into administration we weren't neck and neck.

    We were ahead :)

    Limped home we lost once in 20 odd games before the title was sealed and that was to Rangers :lol:

    Oh and I almost forgot

    Disastrous? Nah mate just Champions

  8. I hated the wall spot. Looked fake as f**k.

    Oh, former Scottish pro wrestler James Brown, known as James Wallace and Jay Phoenix here, is getting done for child porn and exposing himself in a public place. Wee fun tidbits to add to this, and I should stress that this is NOT a joke...

    * He got stabbed in jail and moved to Bar-L.

    * He turned up for court in a Tapout t-shirt and chinos.

    * He talked about how great a wrestler he is and called the jury b*****ds.

    There's gonna be a story in the Sunday Mail covering it in detail. It's all fucking lovely though. Utter c**t.

    Aye c**t exposed himself in our local sports centre

    Was on the front page of the local newspaper the Wishaw Press today.

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