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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. If anyone expected the road to 10 to be easy then hopefully that’s opened their eyes.

    unsure why we have gone back to 1 up top, we looked so much better with 2 up top and 3 at the back.

    Julien had a mare but shit happens to better than him just look at Varane so we deffo need another centre half to shore that up. Still unsure on Taylor he can’t seem to beat anyone 1 on 1.

    All I can say is thank f**k for Hibs or the Rangers boys would be down the Loudon trying to catch the rona in the hopes of getting the season called 😉


  2. 56 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Would you concede that spending £5m on a goalkeeper in a one team league would then be incredibly stupid in that case? 

    If you are a loss making business then yes it would be.

    Celtic aren’t though and have already significantly reduced the wage bill over the past year by allowing 2 of our highest earners to leave. Our cloth has already been cut accordingly.

    Rangers last financials reported a 11 million loss. Since then they have sold no assets, revenue won’t have increased significantly as they always sell all their season tickets and a high number of shirts but yet are increasing their wage bill to that extent despite knowing there will be a significant reduction in match day revenue for a significant period of time.

    im no accountant but I don’t see how that can be viable




  3. 5 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    That was actually per person mate. The average salary for Celtic player is c.£250k per annum than a Rangers player.

    Both clubs are miles ahead of the rest though.


    Yeah that’s what I meant 😂

    Especially at a time of real financial uncertainty I imagine clubs will be looking to cut their cloth a bit with match day revenues taking a massive hit during this period.



  4. 58 minutes ago, thepundit said:

    Ah well, the Euro dream is over (for about a month?..)

    I was worried Rangers would lose by 3 or 4 yesterday (as they were already as good  as out) which could have had a negative psychological impact on our league season so in that respect it wasn’t too bad.

    Looks like that may have been Alfredo’s last game for us so I wish him well wherever he goes. His spell ended with a bit of a whimper though eh? They were saying on Superscoreboard the other day that Roofe is the highest paid player in Scotland so I doubt Rangers would sanction a transfer for £4m-£5m plus that kind of salary if a deal for Morelos wasn’t already agreed. (Especially given Rangers only play one up top and they’ve now got 5 forwards)

    If that is the case then it would suggest that Rangers haven’t learned from the sins of the past.

    This is a club who posted an 11 million loss last June haven’t sold anyone for any notable fee in that time that I can recall and were paying an average of 200k year less than Celtic

    Now they are paying the highest wages in Scotland? 





  5. 29 minutes ago, AJF said:

    Potentially, but there are also flaws in looking solely at win % as it doesn’t take into account how many games we lost under previous managers compared to draws now. Additionally, as you highlight, Gerrard’s relative success in Europe will also skew his win % in comparison to previous managers.

    Whether the gradual improvement under Gerrard will be enough to topple Celtic, I’m not sure, but I just get defensive when he is compared to the likes of Murty and Caixinha when I believe it’s clear there has been quite a drastic improvement 😂 it’s a touchy subject given what we’ve been put through haha.

    Which is fair enough, I’m not trying to suggest he be sacked just generally curious as to why fan sentiment seems to be affording him time previous OF managers didn’t get.


  6. 9 minutes ago, velo army said:

    I think maybe the board know that to compete with Celtic they need to pump the kind of money into the squad that would see them quickly in grave financial difficulty, so will perhaps accept no trophies so long as there is evidence of closing the gap.  Gerrard has undoubtedly improved them. After the OF* game in late December they looked to have the edge on Celtic and were understandably being talked about as title winners. Obviously the wheels came off a bit in the new year, but they always gave the impression of being a player or two away from being contenders.

    I always find it difficult to measure improvement or gaps closing based on OF performances alone. They effectively become one off games where form can go out of the window.

    The closet comparison I could draw is the Tommy Burns years at Celtic where we looked to have the edge and if not for Andy Goram in some of those games who knows. We played some amazing football made big improvements, brought in significantly better players in Pierre, Cadete and Di Canio but still ended up with just a Scottish Cup win over his 3 years.

    Rangers just had a win at all costs mentality 

  7. 1 hour ago, AJF said:

    I’ve seen that stat rolled out before but it doesn’t exactly paint a full picture, for example:

    Pre Gerrard:

    16/17: 67 points (1.76 PPG)

    17/18: 70 points (1.84 PPG)

    Since Gerrard:

    18/19: 78 points (2.05 PPG)

    19/20*: 67 points (2.31 PPG)

    So, there has been a marked improvement in our performance since Gerrard came in. How much of that can be attributed to increased funding or his ability you can’t say, but undoubtedly, we have improved.

    If we take the PPG from 16/17 (1.76) and compare it to the most recent season 19/20 (2.31), the difference works out to be over 20 points. That’s pretty massive. (I know, that is assuming the PPG stayed similar had the 19/20 season been played to a finish).

    I would have assumed showing win % across all competitive matches would paint a fuller picture than just looking at league performances and ppg? Especially when the point I was making was the fact no trophy has been won across all domestic competitions in 6 attempts yet he is being afforded more time to address it then any other OF manager in the past 30 years.

    i take your point about league improvement in terms or incremental points increases season per season but is it enough? He seems to be improving the ppg by roughly 10 to 11% season per season but here is where it gets interesting (to me at least however I am an analyst by trade so forgive me).

    Everyone assumes Gerrard is closing the gap but is he if you look at the ppg? Celtic went from 2.28 ppg to 2.67 ppg which is a 15% improvement on the season before so is the gap actually increasing and is Gerrard being allowed to continue because the risk of changing manager now is too great? It’s the risk Celtic took when sacking TB and bringing in Jansen despite TB improving Celtic to get within 3-5 points of Rangers during his tenure.




  8. 34 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

    Aye, your record in the wilderness year from when you sacked McBungle is testament to how managers should be dealt with.

    You went through 9 managers in 9 years - and had  6 years without a trophy - but are here telling us what is, "acceptable for a manager of the Old Firm".

    At least you can string a sentence together and actually discuss football  - which is more than can be said for the other grot* who constantly spam the thread.

    * @8MileBU

    The late 80’s early 90’s were my earliest memories of being a Celtic fan - not a the best of starts must be said.

    i think between McNeil and ONeil only Tommy Burns was given more than 2 seasons and probably due to that Scottish Cup win in 95, could be said he maybe deserved more of a chance gutted he was sacked but if that change hadn’t taken place would he have been able to stop the 10 the next season? I don’t think he would have and the 6th trophy lost in a row was seemingly the tipping point for Burns to be sacked

    From then on it felt every season we were changing managers up until O’Neil despite managing to stop the 10 in 97. That’s kind of my point though, I’ve never seen a time where a manager has been afforded that time without winning a trophy so what is about Gerrard that he is being afforded this time without any success when almost every other old firm manager of my generation hasn’t? I’m genuinely curious 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Martin O'Neill? 

    No don’t think so 

    Rangers won the Scottish cup in 02 but we won the league. Rangers done the treble in 02/03 but I think Livi won the next league cup and Celtic the double. He won the Scottish cup in 04/05

    So he lost 4 on the bounce however I can forgive him the Scottish Cup in 02 since we won the league 😎


  10. 1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

    I guess you’re right, he’s improved them slightly with a bigger budget and Aberdeen have reduced theirs.

    Not really a success though, no trophies. As said the best players signed by previous management. Rangers fans easily duped into thinking hes doing well though. This season is crunch time, if he does it then he’ll be a hero.

    His win % in competitive games is 60%. Murty for the season he had in charge was 62%. Granted Gerrard has played more European football so that dilutes it a little however they aren’t winning that many more games under Gerrard especially when it matters and considering the financial backing he has had compared to Murty before him.

    6 attempts at winning a trophy and none taken, I can’t really remember a time when that was acceptable for a manager of the Old Firm.



  11. 2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Utterly predictable from Fat Sally.


    This has always been the game - to discredit the 9th title - to have an asterisk placed beside it.

    Utterly fucking delusional if they think Rangers were ever going to catch Celtic.

    I hope we stick an Asterisk on the strip in place of the star for 1 season only that and replace Hoopy with Asterix as the mascot

    it would be the ultimate girfuy to them all.

  12. 15 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    Celtic did not win the league and should have done the decent thing and refused the title.


    We all know that Celtic and decency don't go together though.

    Not a single club in Scotland or anywhere else in the world for that matter would refuse a title being as far in front as Celtic are, if they found themselves in the same position. 

    All these people believing Liverpool etc won’t accept a title if and when the EPL is called need to stop spending their days in lockdown sniffing glue. Absolute fucking moonfruits 🙄



  13. 2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    It's the most tainted title theres been in living memory. How anyone can fail to acknowledge that is way beyond me. It's not up for debate. You didnt win it mathematically.

    On the balance of probabilities you would have won it, but you boys arent renowned for accepting the balance of probabilities.

    Did we cheat? Were we complicit in the Covid-19 outbreak resulting in the season being concluded? Did we somehow employ some underhand tactics to have all SPL clubs vote unanimously on the matter?

    Fact is we did win it mathematically, we had more points than any other team at the point the SPL decided to end the league based on agreement by all 12 clubs. Debate it all you want but your opinion is just that, an opinion and not gospel and thankfully for us doesn’t hold any gravitas

    Or put simply  no one really gives a f**k about your opinion 🤷‍♂️

    We go for 10 🙌


  14. 17 minutes ago, throbber said:

    Do you actually believe this 9 IAR triumph that is being so wildly celebrated isn’t largely down to the fact that your rival in a 2 horse race got liquidated?

    It doesn’t matter 1 fucking iota tbh.

    Rangers inability not to spend above their means, not pay their dues etc is their concern not ours

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