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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 1 minute ago, G51 said:

    I think folk saying "Lennon isn't good but I don't rate Gerrard either" are missing one of the key differences between the two.

    At Rangers, the football department is a pretty slick and well-defined operation. Gerrard is the figurehead and the decision maker, Gary Mac is the player conduit/liaison (i.e. the person who "bonds" with the players), Michael Beale runs most of the training and, through that, is responsible for implementing the tactical tweaks identified by the analysis team (or match prep training if you prefer), and Tom Culshaw is responsible for set piece training and the defensive coaching. Off the pitch, you have Andy Scoulding as the head of recruitment who scouts and recommends potential transfer signings, Gerrard gives them the thumbs up or down and then Ross Wilson does the same, before leading the negotiations. Wilson is also responsible for setting the profile of each transfer target that Scoulding has to find, and he does that with Gerrard. Everything is pretty logical and it all kinda makes sense.

    Who's doing all these things for Celtic? They've two coaches assisting Lennon - John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan. So you've three people trying to do the same amount of work that five are doing for Rangers. Unless your coaches are significantly better (which, as far as we can tell, Celtic's aren't) then there's going to things that get lost/don't get done. We've no idea how well these responsibilities are defined for Celtic, and I don't think it's a stretch to say that they probably aren't. I can't think of many other major professional clubs with a budget like Celtic's who only run with three first team coaches - they simply don't have enough.

    Nicky Hammond is Celtic's director of football, but everyone seems to think it's still Lawwell who does the negotiations. Does he sign off on the targets? Who finds these players? The fact that Celtic are still signing Dudu Dahan clients tells me that Lawwell still plays a very significant role in the transfer ID process. How do Celtic sign a player? We've no idea.

    The fundamental difference right now between Gerrard and Lennon doesn't have that much to do with managerial ability. The difference is that Rangers have robust processes in place that will set the team up for long-term success. Those processes clearly define the roles for the staff. This means that all members of your staff are efficient, but they're also replaceable because it's very easy to identify who's responsible when something goes wrong. Gerrard is being set up for success by the support system behind him. Lennon isn't. And the proof of this can be seen by two things: a) the successes and failures of each clubs signings since Lennon came back to Celtic, and b) the pretty stark and obvious difference between the organisation of the teams on the pitch.

    If I was a Celtic fan, that's what I'd be worried about. Not Lennon.

    I think Goldson summed it up pretty well by discussing the patterns of play they have worked on for the past 2 seasons. They are comfortable in their roles and know what is expected of them.

    Celtic players aren’t comfortable in the current system and seemingly don’t know what their role is. Duffy trying to play the ball out of defence? Ntcham constantly dropping deeper than Brown and McGregor when he is supposed to be the forward minded of the 3? Mo running around trying to convince someone, anyone he is a centre forward 




  2. 3 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    His win ratio is only bettered by Martin O'Neil
    He gave us the best 90 minutes in terms of results v Barcelona.
    His team was the first Celtic team to win in Italy.
    His recruitment and development of players is very good.

    The football we are currently playing is abhorrent. 

    A Rangers team that has only been in this league for 5 seasons just came to Celtic Park, ripped us a new arsehole and then put their feet up for the 2nd OF game in a row.

    These players do not want to play for him and he has the tactical inability to impact the direction of a football game he is loosing. Sitting on his arse with his arms folded when we were are loosing 2 nil tells its own story and his post match interview littered with excuses and how we created good chances was unacceptable. 

    We had this “discussion” recently where you had a go at me for not wanting Lennon back as I told you we were going backwards. Cluj, Copenhagen and Ferencvaros are evidence of that if the 2nd skelping in row of Rangers wasn’t enough.

    As for recruitment? Some of his recruitment is questionable to say they least as well as letting players such as Sinclair and Hayes go. Both of them could have done a good job for us yesterday 

    Nostalgia won’t win us the league and God forbid we drop points at Pittodrie at the weekend. 


  3. 3 hours ago, ewan14 said:

    I know it does not mean much but BBC Scotland pundits saying TRFC had the better formation

    Did Lenny not match up in midfield ?

    If TRFC played with two outright wingers should Lenny not have gone to a back four ?

    You would think so wouldn’t you? 

    This obsession with 3 at the back doesn’t work, it’s clear to everyone. We haven’t had 1 decent performance playing this way all season, he just tries to shoehorn players into positions they don’t enjoy.

    The fact he persevered with 3 at the back until the 82nd minute shows how tactically inept he is but what did we expect? We weren’t that great when he left and he has been given the push from Bolton and Hibs since he left and we expect him to be a better manager? 

    Said it from the second he was made permanent we would go backwards quickly and rue the decision. We got away with it a little last season as Rangers chucked it we can’t bank on that happening again. I would cut him now as he’s too arrogant to change his style, said everything to me when we go 2 down and he’s sitting on his arse arms folded, couldn’t tell if he was coaching or watching the fucking chase

  4. I’ve said time and time again Lennon will cost us the league this year and his appointment was a massive step backwards.

    The result is no surprise with the manner of our performances this season however to have no shots on target at home is completely unacceptable, to not change the system once 2 down is completely unacceptable and to be frank Lennon remaining t the club beyond this point to me would be unacceptable. These players do not want to play for him.

    All credit Rangers they didn’t need to get out of 2nd gear and that’s alarming, they want this, we quite clearly don’t 


  5. 19 minutes ago, G51 said:

    No one knows because no one knows what's in the COVID protocols agreed between the JRG and the Government.

    Given that everyone else that has tested positive so far has had to isolate for 14 days, it's fair to assume that 14 days is the requirement at the minute (unless I've missed a player in the SPFL only having to isolate for ten days? Wasn't around much recently so I could have missed it)

    Furthermore he has tested positive in France where the isolation period is 7 days to confuse matters a little more

  6. The 3 at the back needs work still, we concede way too many opportunities and the way Ajer goes beyond the midfield time and time again makes me a tad nervous. Not convinced on Barkas as of yet either. 

    Ajetis finish was top drawer which is really great to see him start so well considering the outlay for him and the number of strikers we sign that falter. 

    We havent been great but can’t argue with the points return however we do need to find a strong and settled 1st 11.

  7. Gerrard comments about Porteous were embarrassing for him, the fact he has allowed a 21 year old to get into his head like that suggests he may not have mettle for management at a high level, he still thinks and acts as if he is still a player and one of the boys.

    As much as the result was pleasing and shone a light on some of Rangers obvious deficiencies it’s far from a defining moment in the season, it will be interesting to see how we fair against Hibs next week.


  8. 24 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    No, a higher level than annual relegation fodder Brighton. 


    No matter the club the intimation that the Eredivisie is at a comparable level to the Premier League is a significant stretch.

    And no matter your opinion of Duffy and how he compares he improves upon what we have

  9. 9 minutes ago, bennett said:

    It wasn't acceptable in 2012 when he made his bigoted comments,  says a lot you too.


    In 2012 he would have been 19 or 20 so an immature young man.

    Now i dont believe for a second you haven't said things at that age that were unacceptable or bigoted and you now look back on with regret and with a better understanding as to why. We all have its part of growing up however judging by your reputation on here id say its a safe bet you have regularly blotted your copy book.

    The fact no other comments have been made since then suggest he has learned, grown up and should be afforded an opportunity. 




  10. 35 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Compared to people he played alongside. There have been players come to Scotland from a higher level than Duffy was at and flop yet he's being made out to be the messiah. 

    Players playing at a higher level than English Premier League and have come to Scotland and flopped. 

    you have me intrigued, care to name one? The only comparable player i can recall recently would be Benkovic who if we put injuries aside done well for us. 

  11. 1 hour ago, bennett said:

    Is this still the case?




    Why wouldnt it be?

    Or are we to judge someone based on comments made when he was an immature young man? I'll assume he like many of us have used such language in the past and we have since grown up and now understand it to be unacceptable as times have changed and we become more inclusive.



  12. 12 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    So you are putting that down to his desire to leave the club if true?
    So now you're saying Brown was wrong?

    Neil Lennon questioned the commitment of the players who want to leave. If Ntcham and Ajer are part of that group why were they playing if their commitment is in doubt? There are other players that are looking for and deserving of that opportunity who are more than capable of doing a job

    Brown wrong? I haven’t mentioned Brown

  13. Just now, wastecoatwilly said:

    If the story is true about players wanting to leave Lennon didn't throw any player under the bus,whether you think they should be nowhere near the team is irrelevant.
    Ntcham and Ajer both played well one was unlucky not to score.

    Again it concerns me that you think either played particularly well. 

    And Ntcham being unlucky not to score is what is irrelevant, the fact is he didn't score and wasted a large number of other chances with wayward shots at goal. 

    We obviously have very differing opinions on what we consider an acceptable level of performance. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Perkin Flump said:

    You clearly did not get the memo, dissent will not be tolerated. Thank you for your refreshing honesty.

    Must have, I'm still genuinely fuming. We have had our fair share of Euro howlers over the years however this one has properly rubbed me the wrong way 😂

    I do feel sorry for Turnbull, a big day for him getting his move and for it to happen after that sort of result.

    However hes at least Scottish, he at least gets it and I've no doubt he will give us his best. Hoping he does well

  15. 14 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    So you are saying Lennon was right?

    Right about what exactly? Playing 2 players in a crucial European tie who have expressed a desire to leave? No both of those players should have been left at home if that's the case. Christie goes back into his natural position and either Ajeti/Klimala play up front and Biton comes in at centre half. We weren't exactly lacking options to replace either of them

    Hardly rocket science


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