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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 2 hours ago, Merkland Red said:

    You've stuck around a lot longer than most but it coincidentally coincides with Rangers most successful spell since the birth in 2012. In my time here the core posting has been Kincy, Bennett and Knightswood who've all given as good as they get. Yourself and G51 have added value to the board although the latter is now beginning to get a bit wastecoaty as you pull away. The other Rangers fans who have joined in my time usually start off alright and then say something ridiculously out of order in the middle of a losing performance in a match thread.

    Celtic haven't had a large support on here in my time. Romeo, Gannonball and Drew. All usually take the abuse well and thrive being able to dish it back. Willy is Willy. I've never noticed Jinky until this season funnily enough. The others have always flitted in and out and that was when they were winning everything.

    I was away from the forum for about 5 or 6 years however I used to enjoy many a heated debate with the Rangers fan No8 who sticks in my mind for some reason but there was a much busier Celtic v Rangers board back then 

    I do also remember a guy called Beetroot who was a Celtic poster who seemed to not have the best reputation either. 

  2. 2 hours ago, AJF said:

    An interesting stat that Celtic have now dropped more points after 14 games this season, than they did in 30 games last season.

    They dropped 10 points across 30 games in 19/20 and have currently dropped 11 points thus far in 20/21.

    Pretty frightening to be fair.

    The whole situation has now become increasingly toxic and the fact it’s being allowed to continue only perpetuates that toxicity. It really is comical and if wasn’t my club I’d not doubt piss myself as the utter ineptitude of all in charge at Celtic is laughable.

    I just want it to end 🤣🤣

    Its going to be a long 6 months 


  3. 3 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    Where are the Lenny haters now HH emoji2958.pngemoji256.pngemoji1081.png

    Still here.

    The game is a dead rubber and ultimately won’t be a game that decides his future, only domestic fixtures will determine that however genuinely stunned at this start to so fair play to Lennon for getting them up for this game because this Milan team Ibra or not are a good side.

    Also begs the question as to where has this sort of tempo and urgency been all season

  4. 5 minutes ago, H Wragg said:
    40 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:
    In my opinion yes or they aren’t willing to pay what Neil Lennon is wanting to go however if not it’s incredibly short-sighted.

    Is it not possibly a digging in of the heels as a GIRUY to those outside Celtic Park after the game on Sunday?

    Absolutely could be, it’s not something I would want to believe because it then suggests they do not have the clubs best interests at heart and they are allowing ego to make decisions.

    But it could be

  5. It’s been reported that Lennon took training today for a light session and the mood was quiet.

    Which may suggest Celtics next permanent manger may well be the current one which tells me that the DD/PL are unwilling to bend to fan pressure and NL is unwilling to walk despite always saying he would do the right things by the club and fans.

    I would imagine if it was to happen it would have already happened by now.....oh the banter in the next few weeks could be tremendous 😐

  6. 11 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Prepare yourself then. Kennedy will be in charge for your next, and potentially decisive, Old Firm game.

    I fully expect that to be the case or indeed Lennon to remain in charge after last night, those fans have played into the boards hands a little and they have a track record of contempt towards the fans 

    6 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    The problem with this protest is the perception it gives off to Lennon's potential successors. One mediocre spell and the fans are at the gates screaming for your head. What for a decade has looked to be the easiest job in football now looks miserable.

    on this occasion I agree with you, it doesn’t look good at all. Change is necessary but anyone looking at the job may be now starting to look away 

  7. 9 minutes ago, big al said:

    Very true.

    But what fans think and the actual reality of things is often 2 different things.

    I appreciate that, I also appreciate fans will say many things and then when it comes to renewal will do it anyway as the initial pain and shock of what previously happened is now past.

    What doesn’t sit well with me though would be that concession, a JK appointment would be exactly that, conceding defeat no matter how unlikely it is for us to claw this back.

    It would be the final kick in the baws of what has already been a bit of a howler of a season 

  8. 59 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    At what point while reading am I and the rest of Scottish football not supposed to think "get it right fucking roond your entitled arse"?

    Probably at the same point you realise I’m not that naive that I should expect my opinion on my club influence or hold any weight with anyone other than Celtic fans.

    It’s your opinion, your entitled to it. Crack on 




  9. 1 minute ago, Gus Setsniffer said:

    i was at one time, a season ticket holder for a successful team in another league, i fully understand your point of view, don't expect fans of diddy teams to, their dicks are oot reaching a final or getting top 6 after the split.

    I absolutely get it, this is a rare opportunity for them to knock one off at our expense and to be fair I don’t begrudge it because if the shoe was on the other foot I would probably do it myself 😂



  10. Just now, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Not sure about the dad and uncle, but “he lives up north so how could he possibly support anyone else?” was the gist of it I think.

    Genuinely can’t get over the Celtic fan saying that going from 1st to 2nd was an unparalleled downward trajectory

    The downward trajectory isn’t about going from1st to 2nd. If you think that’s what I meant by that then I am genuinely mystified by the short-sightedness however let me clarify what I mean by unparalleled downward trajectory for Celtic

    • 2 wins out of 10 games which is unparalleled for Celtic
    • 4 consecutive home defeats which hasn’t happened in over 60 years
    • Out of the Europa league with 1 point out of 4 games with 13 goals conceded in 4 games. This is a team with ambition for Champions League yet we have fallen so far we aren’t even capable now of a decent performance in the lower tier of Euro competition now. It used to be PSG and Barca scudding us now is Sparta Prague.
    • A team that’s has won 11 trophies on the bounce capitulating to an out of form, injury ravaged Ross County team at Celtic Park.
    • 11 points behind Rangers and it’s isn’t even December yet, even taking games in hand into account that’s about a 15 point swing from where we finished last season. 

    I’ve seen some utter shite from Celtic in the 35 years I’ve been going however I’ve never ever seen a run of games like this, we have had some howling one off results over the years but nothing like the sustained ineptitude as what we are seeing now so it has nothing to do with going from1st to 2nd and everything to do with the above and more, and it has the potential to get much much worse. If this form continues we may even struggle to keep 2nd. 



  11. 7 minutes ago, bennett said:

    The best bit about this is that after last nights rioting the celtic board can't be seen to cave in to that sort of pressure,  so Lennon will be staying where he is. 

    The pressure won’t dissipate if the board don’t make a change however it has to be channeled in a very different way to what was seen last night. The PLC has a responsibility to do what is in the best interest of the club and its shareholders and keeping someone in charge who is overseeing one of the worst run of results in decades resulting in huge losses of revenue and significant impact to share price would be negligent.

    The fallout from loosing the league with Lennon still in charge if that happens will be huge and will not doubt see ST sales crumble also. The board are every bit as culpable as Lennon though and he’s being thrown under the bus by Peter Lawell by keeping him in charge. He shouldn’t be in this position as the change should have been made a while back.

    If PL/DD do persist with NL though it shows nothing but contempt for the fans and I can’t see a way that strategy will be of benefit to them, PL has a bonus to protect after all and that too is crumbling away faster then Celtics chances of retaining the league

  12. Just now, Swello said:

    A downward trajectory that only (potentially) takes you down 1 place? The rest of us would call that "a half decent season" 


    No a downwards trajectory that not only costs us a historic league win but saw us humiliated in Europe and a regression in our performances that I have never seen replicated with any club side so spectacularly.

    It’s unparalleled at how quickly it’s unravelled

  13. Just now, Empty It said:
    11 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:
    While I don’t for a second condone some of the scenes from CP for me this isn’t about a sense of entitlement whilst I certainly do appreciate it could appear that way from the outside looking in.
    For me this is about the utter contempt being shown to Celtic fans by Neil Lennon and the board to continue persevering on this downward trajectory. 
    Ive used Bayern as an example before of how a strong board works when they sacked Niko Kovac last November and how they reaped the benefit of being so forward thinking, Celtic are the complete opposite it seems.



    Pal I remember the banter years all too well. Train into Dalmarnock every Saturday to join the protests against the Kelly’s and then pay into the Celtic end for a fiver and we were signing the likes of Carl Muggleton and Wayne Biggins 🤣  I was only 15 at the time however taught me never to take the good times for granted and as shite as we were I loved just going to the fitba with my mates

    But thanks for your input and well constructed opinion on the matter



  14. 16 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    Imagine having the gall to bleat 'We DeSeRvE bEtTeR tHaN tHiS' after watching your team clean sweep 4 trebles in a row.

    What a bunch of entitled shit for brains.

    While I don’t for a second condone some of the scenes from CP for me this isn’t about a sense of entitlement whilst I certainly do appreciate it could appear that way from the outside looking in.

    For me this is about the utter contempt being shown to Celtic fans by Neil Lennon and the board to continue persevering on this downward trajectory. 

    Ive used Bayern as an example before of how a strong board works when they sacked Niko Kovac last November and how they reaped the benefit of being so forward thinking, Celtic are the complete opposite it seems.


  15. 13 minutes ago, Gus Setsniffer said:

    Doing well at Gladbach too, i could see him at Liverpool after Klopp calls it a day.

    Yes he has a very similar tactical approach to Klopp so could see him fitting there.

    That’s why I suggested Rangnick as a potential replacement for Lennon as he also employed a similar style for the RBL. He’s a good bit older though, in his 60’s however a very good coach.

    To be fair the more I think Germany certainly has its fair share of good coaches so we could do a lot lot worse 

    Pipe dream probably 😔

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