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Posts posted by Jinky67

  1. 46 minutes ago, throbber said:

    The season didn’t reach its natural conclusion and Celtic won it by default hence the asterisk.

    We didn’t win it by default we won it by having more points and winning more games than any other team in the league at the point when the season was concluded. 

    There is a discernible difference.

    However it seems to upset you quite a bit, I can’t work out why however it’s pleasing all the same

  2. 26 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

    Never a truer word spoken yet you'll all still be shouting from the rooftops.

    13,14,15,16........ just how many before you realise a competition is only really worth winning when it's actually a competition? 

    Nah! You like it like this don't you :lol:



    So it’s our responsibility to improve the level of competition in Scotland? I would have imagined that would be with the clubs themselves but as the saying goes we can only beat what’s in front of us.

    And who doesn’t like winning

  3. 1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:


    No tears here. We get to laugh at both cheeks with this result. Celtic will forever have an asterisk against this title and Rangers are still making arses of themselves bitching about 'sporting integrity'

    So us 'diddies' get twice the fun.

    Where is the asterisk and what will it say? Season concluded due to global pandemic and Celtic declared champions as they were 13 points clear? 

    Do you think Celtic fans or anyone outside of Scotland care? Everyone will care less when we hit 10,11 or even 12 so it’s a non story so the only people laughing here are Celtic all the way to the Champions League qualifiers and the bank.

    Hopefully we change the star on our jersey to an asterisk for next season just to say girfu in the ultimate act of wummery

  4. 15 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    Celtic have dropped 10 points in 30 league games, but 5 of those came against Livingston. Rangers winning all 9 would seem unlikely given they've dropped 7 against the other top 6 clubs (ex. Celtic).

    Rookie mistake not getting that right so I stand corrected 😆


  5. 2 hours ago, Lebowski said:

    So let's say rangers win both derbies, and their game in hand. They still needed Celtic to drop 5 points more than Rangers in the remaining 6 games. Celtic had dropped 7 points in their other 28 games to non Rangers opponents. Rangers to win the league would have required Celtic to win less than half of their remaining games when they'd won 26/30 up to it stopping. And for Rangers to win 9/9 when they'd won 21/29.

    Is that possible? Sure. Also wildly unrealistic? Aye, that too.

    Celtic have dropped 8 points in 30 games. They would need to drop 11 in only 8 games for Rangers to catch up and Rangers to win all 9. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Green Day said:

    Yes, this one is the next bit of deliciousness.

    Some decent guys among the Jambo posters on here,

      Reveal hidden contents

    I hate myself for saying that, but at least they are not Sevco fans

    but looking forward particularly to the radgeness that is @Gorgie greatnesschucking in a few of his grammatically challenged gems.

    Not much from him other than incoherent babble and child abuse quips. You would think he has just been shat out the Loudon Tavern and full on zombie mode has been activated


  7. 7 minutes ago, CambieBud said:


    I know this Romeo but nobody either at Ibrox or a supporter has ever said that. They have made no coherent statement of any kind.
    It is now being spun that 13 clubs support the Rangers dossier, when clearly at least 6 of those voted with Rangers to either stop relegation or increase promotion. Not one journalist will emphasise this.


    And they never will as it would show a distinct lack of sporting integrity. 😆

  8. 6 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

    The words Celtic & 15 year old are a common occurrence.🤙

    when you have no way to intelligently retort out comes the **** favourite weapon. At least we now know the measure of the man. 

    Interestingly none of these words were used by me in my reply. 15 is a number just be clear, not sure if your abacus goes that far or if you possibly ate your crayons trying to connect the dots.



  9. Just now, Speroni*1 said:

    Rangers Statement:

    WE note the result of the vote taken at this morning’s General Meeting and wish to thank all clubs for listening to our concerns, giving up their time to read our report and for voting.

    We also wish to place on record our thanks to our fellow requisitioners, who showed courage and acted with dignity throughout. Furthermore, to those clubs who voted in favour of the resolution, we appreciate your support and recognise your desire for increased accountability at the top of our national sport.

    Today’s vote has erased the false narrative of this issue simply being a conflict between one club and the SPFL. All we sought was urgently required scrutiny, respect for all member clubs, fairness and transparency.

    Significantly, support for the Hearts, Stranraer and Rangers requisition spanned the four professional divisions. Member clubs, recognising the need for Scottish football to improve its governance and professionalism, have moved beyond sporting rivalries and it would be unwise to regard this result as any kind of endorsement of the SPFL executive.

    A light has been shone on the SPFL’s governance and regardless of the attempts to debunk our report, there is widespread acknowledgment that it highlighted serious issues and failings which remain to be addressed.

    A management culture which not only fears accountability and scrutiny, but which actively campaigns against it, is unhealthy and breeds continued mistrust. This culture, so deeply embedded, must be addressed if Scottish football is to flourish.

    It is clear that many members have lost confidence in the SPFL leadership and the need for change will not diminish.

    The status quo cannot hold.


    I do now find it quite ironic that they now see this as an appetite for change and reform yet many of their supporters voted against independence claiming the the country has spoken and there is no appetite for independence despite 45% voting for it.

    They are a peculiar sort

  10. 6 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

    May I point out that you sir are a second generation hobo & that you’ll find no link to TRFC 2012 or previous link between Edinburgh’s only club in our proud history.


    now kindly f**k off back to your fine wine (tonic).





    Oooft salty indeed

    I have however pre-empted your request and cracked open a nice Dalmore 15 to toast to your demise.


  11. 13 minutes ago, CambieBud said:

    So 13 clubs are?

    Rangers- motive unknown
    ICT- we must be promoted
    Hearts- we can’t be relegated
    Stranraer- we can’t be relegated
    Partick- we can’t be relegated
    Livingston- we need Hearts and Rangers fans
    Aberdeen- to stop the schism
    Stenhousemuir- to stop the schism

    That’s 8 of the 13. None of whom have a valid reason. Who are the other 5?

    Rangers motive is pretty clear

  12. 7 minutes ago, St3vie said:

    When will lockdown be over?

    We are almost a month on from the vote and still no one knows the answer to that question, hence a statement saying we know well over a month ago that it was impossible to end the season at some point is just complete and utter bollox

    which only stands to prove the SPFL were right to look to end the season? 

  13. 18 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

    You are right.

    Will it be 'us' or 'them' though?

    That question has been well and truly answered.

    Genuinely thought Rangers couldn’t make themselves any more of a laughing stock than they are, I couldn’t have been any more wrong.

    The people that need suspended or removed from their role are the cockwombles that are running the show at Rangers. 

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