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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. Our passing out of defence so far has been awful, determined to always play out will at some point in this game catch us out. Should consider ourselves a little fortunate to be level if being honest. Big chance there however Rogic should have done better.
  2. when in possession we have 5 due to our use of inverted fullbacks.
  3. I get that and fully expect to see Rangers go 5 across the back however they do struggle to bring the same form into the league. Its an interesting one tactically for sure
  4. Don’t want anything to do with us yet keen to let everyone know this is the Old Firm……..fannies
  5. It’s Maedas work rate though, he won’t allow Rangers to build from the back particularly down that side as Kent is their obvious threat.
  6. Prediction - we are the form team, we have almost a full squad for the first time all season so no reason why we shouldn’t go away from this with 3 points. We are much better when teams have to come on to us which Rangers have to do and i don’t see how Rangers handle our pace up front so 2-1 to us
  7. I would have personally in this game, O’Riley physically is better imo however Rogic is a class act. No Kyogo on the bench which i suppose does make sense, hasnt kicked a ball in 4 months rushing him back is what took him out in the first place. Still a really strong team
  8. Can’t believe i’m saying this however Benny you have nailed it
  9. He’s only just back from injury, think his 1st game back was just before the break however i can’t see how he can be 1st choice just now considering how well Hatate, O’Riley and Rogic have been playing. It’s great to have so many options compared to when this season started
  10. Nah Kyogo won’t start and he shouldn’t either as big GG deserves first crack at them but what an option to have on the bench.
  11. Yeah I know but that’s not what you originally suggested though what you posted above is a completely different take It seems the organisers aren’t too happy though and refute Rangers claims as to the reasons for their withdrawal citing they have bowed to fan pressure alone which means they are likely to try impose a penalty
  12. You said the ticket sales alone for the Braga game were worth more than that would you would recoup for the Syndney Cup which at £48 it wouldn’t be so just trying to understand your numbers. You weren’t the pre 2012 accountant by any chance? And thanks for the generous offer however best going to someone who will appreciate it more than I, I will be watching on the TV however “We’re all a little weird and life’s a little weird”
  13. Yes it was a bit pedantic however no not that it would be beneficial it is very much in my opinion a need. I know if I was making 50k year after tax and yet 20k overdrawn at the end of the year, relying on loans and borrowing from “friends” to break even and I was then offered 3k for 2 days work but had to work with someone I didn’t like my wife would be telling me you better get your fucking fat arse out to work as we need that cash
  14. Where in these last few posts have I implied not banking 3 million by November puts you in “financial peril” ? I’ve said quite clearly the money is needed, I’ve also said Celtic need the money because the simple fact again is both clubs have rising operating costs. Hardly a wild take with all that’s going on just now.
  15. Kyogo fitness test tomorrow, Rogic and Forrest apparently passed theirs today
  16. And Celtic make double that from 2 pretty meaningless friendlies which will be even for Celtic much needed money to offset rising operating costs but yet Rangers can afford to turn their nose up at it? And it’s potentially not just 3 million though, it’s 3 million with a potential fine for withdrawing so a negative delta of 4 or 5 million maybe if Rangers are indeed liable for a fee? Whilst Celtic get richer? Seems like a good call Its a win win for us though, don’t need to deal with the drama of having to play Rangers, we bank the cash and some Rangers fans are now left with tickets supporting big Anges homecoming. It’s brilliant
  17. A club that has run at a substantial loss pretty much every year for a decade, relies on soft loans to plug those gaps and the majority of its sellable assets are in or entering the last year of their contracts don’t need the money? Rangers aren’t immune to the rising costs of well everything really….I imagine Rangers costs to operate over the next 12 months will easily increase by 3 million or more as will most clubs of similar size So again not needed?
  18. The GB would protest over the colour of shite however I don’t think it captures the feeling of the majority. People with their heads screwed on can see 6 million for 2 friendlies isn’t to be sniffed at
  19. So you can’t think for yourself? Form your own opinions without the Union Bears giving it to you? Is that what are suggesting? I assumed you wouldnt have had to ask such a silly question
  20. Who the GB? You think the GB speak for the majority of fair minded Celtic fans?
  21. Couldn’t give a Castlemains xxxx mate. However from the clubs perspective several mil for a few meaningless friendlies featuring mostly fringe players due to the WC, then it’s a no brainer Rangers really seem to value this Old Firm moniker, however they devalued that much more by not paying their debts and getting themselves liquidated than any friendly in Australia would do.
  22. If you go watch that goal again you will see it’s close, very close as Helander is in front of Julien when the ball is played in. He’s maybe an arms width offside so to say clearly from that distance is nonsense, genuinely go watch it again and see where Helander is positioned. Either way it’s my favourite derby goal of the last decade, it was utterly delicious.
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