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  1. If you look at the league then us, Pars and Airdrie all have the same issue; We can't score goals and none of us are doing great at the back either. Morton aren't scoring goals, but they're also not conceding as much. Whereas Hamilton are off doing their own thing in both scoring goals and conceding loads. So really, it's all down to whichever of us, Pars and Airdrie figure out how to put the ball in the net. Which is a bit worrying when you consider that at least the other two have scored goals from open play in multiple games. Whereas we're currently relying on getting penalties.
  2. I don't think QP would agree with that in the first half yesterday. Their players were getting pressed, harried and at times just clattered resulting in them making mistakes and giving the ball away, or just humping it up the park to nobody. It was clearly part of the gameplay as there was a spell where we were on top and during that spell we started pressing even more and much higher up the pitch. But, as somebody else has mentioned, Byrne and Brown getting booked kinda killed that in the second half. Was really surprised that when Brown got booked that Collins didn't look to bring off one of Byrne or Brown and replace them with Matthews., as he could have stepped into that same role with no issues. Just seemed strange leaving on your two DMs at that point when both are on bookings so can't get stuck in and are having to be careful. In terms of where we'll finish, for me this season is starting to have the vibes of one where everybody keeps saying the squad is too good to keep struggling and it'll turn around, and they're still saying it right up to the end of the season when we're battling to not finish in the bottom two.
  3. He did his hamstring playing for Scotland. Hibs were taking their time easing him as he's had hamstring issues. Scotland U21s played him in two games in 5 days and he got injured. Out for about four months.
  4. Hamilton looks like a guy who has zero confidence he can actually score, so I'm actually surprised he's so willing to take penalties. Noticed a few times last season and again today, that when he does score he looks more relieved than anything when he celebrates. But where you'd expect him scoring, even from the penalty spot, would give him that confidence to kick on in front of goal, for Hamilton it doesn't seem to do anything for him.
  5. What? Perplexed doesn’t even begin to describe my confusion at this statement. We’d be in a even worse spot without Easton. No Easton today then no penalty, and given we can’t score from open play we’d be utterly screwed.
  6. The first half I was feeling quite positive, we still needed a penalty to score but thought we were looking pretty good. The second half just seemed to be back to the usual we’ve seen this season. Was it Jack with that chance that he blasted over the bar?
  7. Starting to see Collins getting the team playing how he wants now. Some amount of pressing and getting stuck into players at times. Although it seems that if you as much as breathe near Cammy Kerr he goes down in a heap. It’s not perfect and you can tell we’re still lacking confidence but positive signs. Although we could really do with scoring from open play but we’re at least creating chances.
  8. Who’s the other keeper warming up? Looks like we’ve cloned Kev, in fact this guy might be taller than him.
  9. At very start of the season, in the cup games, it looked like Kev had made improvements in both those areas. Which will have been a result of Robbie working with him. But he’s then made a few errors, his confidence seems to have dipped as a result and he’s went back to his old habits.
  10. Yeah, as soon as we went one down I knew we weren't winning, still thought there might be an outside chance of sneaking a draw though. But when the second went in you knew that was it. We never look like scoring so as soon as we go behind you know that's pretty much the game up.
  11. And of the 5 goals we have scored in the league, 2 of them came from the penalty spot and the other 3 came in one game. At the moment it really feels we're going to spend this season relying on The Pars and Airdrie being worse than us.
  12. Murray came out on live TV in December was it, after the Pars game, saying he wanted a player with pace, we brought in nobody fitting that description and it's almost a year later. You can't put all that on Murray when the board are only too happy to go on about how the setup means not having a manager doesn't impact them signing players. So that begs the question of what the f**k has Potter been up to, when glaring weaknesses in the squad still haven't been addressed almost a year later.
  13. Just had a look back at the stats for the league games so far. Clearly the Hamilton game was an anomaly. As if you exclude that game then so far this season, Including today's game, we have so far had 10 shots on target in seven games (and two of them were from the penalty spot). In the Hamilton game alone though we had 8 shots on target, funnily enough that's the game where we actually scored goals without help from penalties. So kinda obvious where the issue is. If we never get shots on target we're not going to score. We don't look like scoring goals, Hamilton game apart, which is the most worrying thing for me. I've been fairly positive we'd turn things around up till now. If we'd been creating chances but just couldn't get the ball over the line you could still think you could turn this around, you just need some breaks to go your way. But it wouldn't really matter if we got the breaks as we'd never have any shots on target to take advantage of them anyway.
  14. Surely unless Airdrie and the Pars have found a way for them both to get 3 points then that's not possible? Although it's starting to feel like we're going to be relying on Airdrie being shit for us not to be bottom this season. 2-0 down now. So strange that the team that's actually had shots on target are scoring goals while the team never seems to have shots on target can't.
  15. Same issue as other weeks. Lots of the ball but other than Easton having a shot off the bar I can’t really think of any other shots on goal we’ve had. Meanwhile Morton have had a few shots and Kev has pulled off a great stop to prevent us going behind.
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