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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Bennet has blocked me. Dunno about his bendarroch account, but what the hell........ Think we are all still pishing ourselves into paralysis over the Forfar result.
  2. Good show of support for Spency this weekend throughout Scottish football. With one noticeable exception. Bennet/bendarroch seems to have got into a right rage (and subsequent meltdown) over it though. The perma-offended sevco support has no shortage of deeply offended thickos though so it's unlikely that his wittering drivel will be heard much. To be honest it was a bit of a rubbish rant. Just seemed to rattle on about something. Doubt anyone here finds him anything more than a mildky distracting but amusing fish. Successfully reeled in by the P&B lads. Was a funny read this morning as his his subsequent posts became more and more "PURE RAGIN MAN!!!!!!!!" So cheers lads. An easy bite but an entertaining one nonethless. "PURE HEAVY DUTY IRA LOVING BHASTARDS MAN!!! KILL THE DHOLLIES MAN!!! THIS IS WAR BY RA WAY!!! PURE GITTIN IT YA BUNCH A FHANNIES" Aw man. Funny.
  3. Bendarroch/bennet loses the plot completely. Every single day an orc has a meltdown on here. Must be the stress.
  4. Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg. This one goes all the way to the top! Beginning with the explosion of the sub-prime real estate market in suburban USA (my sources indicate that this was the creation of an unidentified cowboy from Dallas) the inevitable resulting financial implosion was fully expected, if not engineered. This of course was the catalyst for the chess positioned players to make their move and start dumping toxic debts. Realising he was being played by forces he could not see nevermind control, Sir David had no option but to sanction the sale of his holding company to what he believed was a "stand up guy'. The worlds leaders could only look on in horror as the worlds most succesful holding company fell quicker than a drunken bridesmaids knickers. Only now do we understand the full scope of this one world government inspired rhepublican attack on the greatest institution that mankind has ever seen. But they live on....not literally, thats just ridiculous, but metaphorically. Whenever we see "five star" tattoos on skinny elbows, whenever we hear the words "holding company", whenever we hear "howling at the moon", whenever we watch Star Wars and are reminded of the finest journalist to be hounded out of the "old inky trade" in order to maintin his dignity, whenever an overweight man shakes his crutch in defiance at the closure of a hoose, whenever we see a Rangers strip whilst holidaying in Spain or Italy or Largs (or Monaco), fear not. It is simply the ghost of Rangers Past reminding us that he has not forgotten or forgiven, and somday, soon, he will be back at the very top.
  5. Co-ordinated attack. Years in the planning and involving a chess like manouvering of high level rangers haters into positions of power within local and national government, the footballing authorities and the MSM in order to "manufacture consent" amongst a gullible non-rangers public. One strategically placed, and upon being given a prior agreed signal, phase one of Operation Downfall began with the pursuing of unjustified and fictional taxes by HMRC. This was specifically designed to make the holding company (not the club) unsellable and simultaneously make Sir David's position untenable. The MSM were fed the party line by shadowy figures who knew exactly what high profile journalists would be sympathetic to what essentially would be a Celtic cause. Phase two was designed to be implemented in tandem with the global economic collapse. This would allow Lloyds (as a result of their buy out of TSB - who were themselves identified as a crucial part of the Rangers set up, and therefore also targeted by the perpetrators of this attack) to place appropriate people at the highest levels of the holding company. They in turn were able to influence the sale of the holding company to Craig Whyte. Whyte had been identified years before by the conspirators and was fully prepped and versed in how to orchestrate the move towards administration Phase three was all about Whyte (briefed by his paymasters) whose first act was to withhold PAYE and tax. The fact that his buyout of Lloyds debt was funded by Ticketus (controlled by the shadowy Octopus organisation) was kept hidden from view until his final move, was neccessary in order to hoodwink the Rangers fans into believing what the MSM told them - the man had billions to throw away. After he moved to an administration event his role was complete and he handed control to D&P who ensured that survival would not be possible.
  6. The problem the orc support has is that it's a debate without end. They will have to defend and argue and counter-argue their continuation for the remainder of their new clubs existence. They will constantly be reminded that fans of other clubs view them as a brand new club started in 2012. They will claim to care not a jot, but the evidence is clear that they care very very much what others think of them. They will never get away from it now.
  7. His first tweet was to thank the Police for their intervention. Do try and keep up before casting aspersions. Can we assume you will join us in condemning these attacks.
  8. Amazing. After all your bigotry and hatred resulting in a warning from the mods, your approval of jim spence and his wife being threatened and a complete disdain for people with learning disabilities. And this is your comeback? Your a total nothing.
  9. How unsurprising given your recent phobia about disabled people. Now we know you approve of your fellow rangers fans threatening an innocent man and his wife. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being. A disgrace.
  10. Think you would be happier with this vermin where you can condone abuse, threats & bigotry til your bigoted wee heart is content. http://forum.followfollow.com/showthread.php?t=974752
  11. Your opinion of your fellow rangers fans would appear to be as low as most people's opinion of you on here.Why are you running away from me again? Will you now condemn the threats and abuse given to Jim and his wife from rangers fans in the street?
  12. Now is your opportunity to condemn the threats and abuse of Jim and his wife by rangers fans. Will you do so?
  13. Is abusing people with disabilities, purely because they have a disability, acceptable? If not then why did you do it?
  14. Your failure to condemn is in itself an act of condoning it. Everyone here now views you with disdain for your documented bigotry and vile abuse of disabled people. An act which resulted in you being warned by the mods. And after your "window licker" comments you have NO claim on morality. Take your small ugly bigoted opinions and open a new account again. This one is thouroughly discredited.
  15. Whats less surprising is your lack of condemnation for the threats to him and his family. It's to be expected from you given your well documented propensity towards bigotry and hatred for those who oppose your viewpoint. You need to take a long hard look at yourself. You won't because what you will find will be ugly.
  16. Are you now condoning an innocent man and his family being abused and threatened in the street? You are low.
  17. I would hope you would apologise for "window licker' statement before attempting to seek offence
  18. Being tainted with the stench of disablist language, and by definition, bigotry is something that would scare me. You seem.comfortable, even elatory, in this label. I thank God Im not you.
  19. Wonder if he took a screenshot of my apology, retraction, and PM to him too........before he blocked me.
  20. Bring it on. My apology and retraction for a typo is there for all to see. Along with my PM to bennet requesting that he point out my typo so that I could publicly apologise on the forum. He declined to respond. See, unlike you, I have no wish to offend. And, unlike you, I did the decent thing. I'm just better than you.
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