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Everything posted by Burma

  1. What is a "domestic football club"? And how does this differ from any other football club? Arent all football clubs "domestic"? If not then what would constitute a "non domestic football club" Was the chicken also."domestic"? Is there a shockingly bad joke in there somewhere relating to police statistics on marital violence post old-firm games?
  2. Will have to ponder the existential nature of this latest proposition another day. Off to shout for the boys in blue. Thats Scotland btw and not some Chicken version.
  3. Exactly how old is this Chicken? And why did the egg not hatch and become a chicken of it's own? How many eggs did the chicken lay during it's loooong life. Where did the Chicken come from? Was it an egg? When the first egg went bad did the farmer sell the chicken to another farm who also bought the shed and the all the droppings that the chicken made over all the years of its supernatural lifespan? More questions than answers.
  4. Im reminded of the Woody Allen quote: "I would never want to join any club that would have someone like me as a member"
  5. Looks like someone forgot which account they where using.Not to mention this little orc blocks people for typo's Moronic just doesnt cover it.
  6. How does that saying go - "No one likes us, we are making a strong complaint to the relevant authorities"
  7. Ive asked a few times now but you seem intent on ignoring me (fair enough), indeed it would appear you are intent on ignoring anyone who doesnt have an affiliation with celtic. However perhaps it would be of some benefit to you to explain where your hatred comes from? Was it a single event or a series of events. Explain.
  8. Probably already contracted out to some former directors subsidiary at twice the price it was two years ago.
  9. .........and then there was the time that Tedi went on holiday and nary an orc soul posted for days...........I mean .....is it possible that Clark and Super.......nah.
  10. I am always fascinated at the manner in which they all back each other up at the same time and then all disappear at the same time. Almost as if they were........nah....
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