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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Correct. There was however a vote to decide wether a new club should join the SPL.
  2. Translation to orc: old dead rangers, bad. New rangers tell lies. Both clubs very bad. Not good. You still worried about the hospitals?
  3. Think that particular horse has long disappeared over the hill and chuckie cheese is determined to inflame the situation to improve his chances of the bigots in the orc support of buying into his scam. Worth pointing out that its the supporters clubs and the official press releases that talk about revenge and punishment and never forgiving or forgetting.
  4. The orc trolls here will soon learn that P&B doesnt do walking away. Never forgotten or forgiven.
  5. Pie and Bovril killed Rangers!! Thats why theres more Orcs here than ever - Its the only show in town. Orcs.....wit they like
  6. Translation for non-orc speakers. "Please can we change the subject. I dont want to talk about this anymore im scared"
  7. Yeah he did. But then he said he would put it "to a vote". Reversed his position completely in the same interview. All very Mitt Romney
  8. No orc fan has ever been able to provide me with a single promise that chuckie cheese has made, since starting his new club, that he has kept. I know he is a thouroghly discredited liar......but surely he has kept at least one promise he has made.
  9. You will no doubt enlighten me as to any promises that chuckie cheese has managed to actually keep. Serious question. Your fellow orc terri or teddi or someone failed to give me one a few pages back.
  10. Another lie from chuckie cheese. I cant think of a single promise he made that he kept. Orcs went a bit quiet on this issue too.
  11. Its true that chuckie cheese (80s gameshow throwback) has been caught lying and is totally discredited but im genuinely intetested to hear if he has kept a single promise he has made?
  12. I have said nothing of the kind. I have asked for a single promise he has made and kept. This is a bit over your head. Why bother answering if you dont have an answer?
  13. A list of what? I asked a question. Has chuckie cheese delivered on ANY promises. Or is that too hard for you?
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