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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Tragic that your have obviously got a file on him you mad paranoid orc you. I mean this is obviously written down somewhere......what do those americans say, oh yeah........"LOSER!!!"
  2. ^^^^Obsessed with the personal habits and lives of fellow posters!!! Put down your mums phone and go out and play with your pals.
  3. Not one single statement from any legal source or governing body has acknowledged their continued existence since liquidation.........not one.
  4. Orcs adopt tic like (goblin) paranoia and conspiracy theory........are you really a goblin masquerading as an orc in order to get everyones back up and continue to apply pressure on the orcs? It would certainly explain your incredible arrogance and abuse of others.
  5. Its the orcs rather than the goblins that are the masters in conspiracy theories now.
  6. My first bite! The orc obsession with other posters personal life continues......followed by an insult.
  7. Carlito shows up just at the exact moment multiple accounts are being discussed. Quickly now where is bendarroch - hauners!!
  8. Always happy to help an orc. Never does much good but makes me feel better.
  9. Your confused. Its the orc paranoids on orcmedia that screenshot every blog and journalist for future reference or hit list or special treatment or some other chuckie cheese led orc inspired threat.
  10. I have no desire to repeat and repeat the same damning evidence when you refused to respond on two other occasions. You offer no argument. You merely cite some other completely unrelated even that took place in another country as though it were some form of evidence. Every one of which has been torn apart. You offer no counter argument. You simply ignore and repeat. No one outside of rangers believes your the same club. Not one single governing body has made any statement to this effect since you were liquidated.......not one.
  11. Yep your constant namecalling and abusive behaviour would put you in this category.
  12. Myself and others have ripped apart every aspect of your argument. You.bang on about it so much and are so blinded by orc rage that you you.cant follw a logical argument. Who are you trying to convince. Only rangers fans believe you continue to exist. No one else in the whole wide world of football believes your the same club. Its academic anyway because your only going to be in existence for another 12 months at best anyway
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