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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Dont remember any organised boycotts. I do remember them not turning up cos the team were gash (same as every other set of fans the world over). Back on topic though the sevco fans are WAY too late for organised boycotts. Doesnt matter who is running this outdated vile charity theiving "institution". Short of a billionaire benefactor who is willing to pump 10-20 million a year into them -with zero return other than a nice pair of brown brogues, an Alan Partridge style blazer and tie set, and a parking spot in deepest darkest Govan then its all over bar the lols. Time now to put this disaster of a thieving club out of its misery.
  2. More irrelevant pish from the ultimate orc apologist and deflector specialist
  3. I have never understood this mentality. Its this tragic narrow mindedness which people use to define themselves that i find so sad.
  4. 100% agree. This new club has (much like the old club) actively encouraged sectarianism in order to create a cash cow.
  5. Calm yourself right down. "speaking out of turn about the new rangers" ?? Seriously?? Its patently obvious you do care....and very very deeply at that. Otherwise why even respond.
  6. How can you possibly claim not to be constantly raging on here? Talk to me. Maybe we can work through your issues.And i dont think you should be using terminology you dont really understand. It will just result in the pish being thouroghly ripped out of you.
  7. It could further be argued that bennett (banned poster) is a bit obsessed with other posters and uses this board as a substitute for life. Just saying.
  8. Its not so much the turning of a blind eye thats the biggest problem within the new clubs support . The biggest problem is the defending of such bigotry as per bennett and his ilk that causes so much disgust.
  9. Comedy gold. Three days running youve made me chuckle. somehow "whoosh" just doesnt cover it. At least your not on to talk about how great youngsy is. But seriously. Dont let me distract you from doing what you do best. Im glad i got to keep you after all. Even though you "walked away".
  10. Maybe you should start your own thread where you can make the same irelevant post over and over and over in an attempt to appear relevant.
  11. bennett (banned poster) starting to behave like a small child craving attention. Sad
  12. Bennett (banned poster) is becoming obsessed with me more and more these days. And still defending bigotry. Strange little man. PS. Dont bother replying. Your a bit creepy
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