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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Whatabout whatabout whatabout.Talk about being obsessed Start a celtic thread for this utter pish attempt at deflection
  2. So its a statement of segregation and sectarian policy. This new clubs new fans really need to take a good hard look at themselves.
  3. These guys are seriously warped. Its one of the reasons they go into meltdown so easily. For them this isnt about football. Its some kind of crusade or holy war. They genuinely view fans of other clubs as enemy combatants now who are out to "kill" them. Hence the threats of violence to anyone who makes a comment which doesnt suit their view. Then they apply the unionist/tory/pro british political agenda. Then the religious stuff. Its all very very bizarre.
  4. Right bennets account has been hacked! f**k me but thats bang on the money.
  5. Yeah agree 100%. Bit its also true that journalists can present their agenda as opinion ala Traynor in the months before his fall. They can print or say anything they like without recourse because "its all about opinions" at the expense of facts.
  6. WTF?? Probably the best post by any The Rangers fan since the BRALT began. Cant believe that im saying that. Where's the real benny?!
  7. Sorry. Wasnt suggesting that your post re English wasnt true. Was just publicly wishing that the documents are real.
  8. Yeah I was expecting this response as I was typing my post lol.I take your point entirely, but I just cant help thinking that Craigy boy would have went thru STV or BBC for maximum exposure. If it is real then it must be coming from another source. Deep inside the mess.
  9. More to the point - why would Chuckie Cheese broker such a deal in the first place when he was claiming the players contracts were still valid and would become the property of Sevco? Unless it was a sweetener to secure exclusivity. As I said before im not convinced by these documents but i guess time will tell
  10. Craigy Whyte implements the nuclear option. An ibrox version of the Scorched Earth policy. I remain unconvinced as Whyte's M.O. so far has been to drip feed to a major news outlet. This would appear to be a mass disclosure through an unrecognised and not widely known online identity. The fact that not a single news outlet is reporting this would suggest there isnt much in it. Still........
  11. If its real its not just a head shot but they left the gun still smoking and with their dabs all over it. Please be real.....would be so funny.
  12. Is this stuff for real? Im not convinced at the moment but if it is........Holy Shit!!!
  13. Your a real credit to your new club and yourself with thoughtful, well reasoned, insightful posts like that. You must be so proud.
  14. bennet/awra making yet anothet complete arse of himself again. Good for a few lols.
  15. Yes we know. Now the internet isnt the best place to play out your insane little melodramas. You have been told to stop being creepy. take your personality disorder elsewhere.
  16. Seriously. Stop being weird. What exactly is the nature of your psychiatric illness?
  17. Haha.Logging out as ARSEWA And back un again as Bendy in the same minute in creepy attempt to convince P&B he is not one and the same. Just plain bizarre
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