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Everything posted by Burma

  1. The interesting aspect is that the orcs clearly deep down dont believe it. If they did why would they grasp and jump and hold up for all to see any shred of tenuous evidence they can find.
  2. Clearly raging. Probably the easiest of all the orcs on here (well aliases anyway) to break.
  3. Im not claiming they are illegal. Im referring to their inability to devise or administer law or legally represent any one or body.
  4. Again i ask you. Is this then a statement of policy and if so why are the SFL not applying this policy.
  5. Whats this? Two orcs refusing to play at the same time? Lends credence to the multiple account theory? Chuckie Cheese and the fat man would be dissapointed in this "walking away" business
  6. And another orc loses it and becomes abusive. Stop cryin mate. Its just a football forum. Dont "walk away". The fat man would be disapointed.
  7. So this was actually a statement of official SFL policy. Why then were sevco not officially seeded in the SFL Cup? Why were they not accepted into the First Division. Because despite Daves personal statement the official policy is to treat them as a brand new entity with no history.
  8. This is far too easy. Your rage has caused the tears in your eyes to blind you to the fact im commenting on two seperate posts that you made in your various aliases. Im beginning to wondet if you can read at all.
  9. Neither of them agreed that this was what had taken place with Sevco. Read it again without the orc tinted specs
  10. I asked for a statement and you provide a personal opinion. Expected orc response and utter bollox
  11. Glennie made his statement prior to liquidation so its an invalid source Nimmo smith also stated that rangers are not and never have been members of the SPL. Sounds pretty conclusive to me
  12. Mr Longmuir is the voicebox of the clubs. He runs nothing. His personal opinion is not a statement of SFL policy.
  13. Really? The SFL have stated that since liquidation the club continues unbroken? Three questions raised here. 1, where is this statement 2, why did the SFL not seed rangers in the League Cup based on their previous league position 3, why did they not accept rangers as though they had been relegated from the SPL ad opposed to treating them as new entrants.
  14. As already stated. Everyone in the football world outside of the orc support believe that this is a completely new club with no history or titles. If the orcs genuinely dont care then why come on here attempting to convince everyone else that legality doesnt apply to you.
  15. Name one legal or governing source or body which has stated that the old club continues despite liquidation
  16. I agree with everything here. The only credible source they could provide is the statement from any of the governing bodies (SPL SFA SFL UEFA FIFA) agreeing that they are the same club. Not one of these bodies nor any legal source has made any such statement. Only the SFL has ignored their new club status (to an extent) whereas all other bodies have treated them ad though they were a brand new club. So no governing or legal source has agreed continuation since liquidation. Not one.
  17. In terms of showing you up to be repetitive and without any form of counter argument i would say that it has been a great success. Consider yourself owned.
  18. Clearly not as much as you obsessive file making paranoid orc.... Answer my question. How many posters do you have files on?
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