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Everything posted by Burma

  1. Right so who DID arrange for mason hoyne to wear a celtic strip and then get pumped by a bus full of fat orcs while his boyfriend tedi watched? Who are these people. I demand transparency.
  2. So WRK arranged to have mason boyne pumped by a bus load of fat orcs for tedi's pleasure?
  3. Yes. You orc. Me not orc. You tell me what orc writing say. Ug ug ug. Rapeeplenatknow.
  4. The orc obsession with their green and grey brothers in arms is fascinating. They never fail to mention each other and, indeed go out of their way to invent things to say about each other. Its truly fascinating how in love with each other they really are. They define themselves by their enemies rather than their friends.
  5. In one word the entire orc mentality is summed up beautifully. Denial and disbelief that this could ever happen to them.
  6. Wow. Now his boyfriend shows up with scintilating wit and machiavellian like putdowns. "Tedi, ug ug ug, rangurrrs ug. Youse shoutin at ma burd." Sounds like your a bit jealous there boyneyboyne
  7. Accepted. Mistakes happen. Was startin to wonder what the f**k you were on about. Nae worries mate.
  8. Have a look at the names at the top of both of the quotes you provdided.
  9. Point to the post where i put forward a quote. Your either a bit unstable or you have got me mixed up with another poster.
  10. This guy asked a question then waited 8 MINUTES before coming back on and DEMANDING an answer. Orc to the core. Arrogant and obsessed.
  11. I never put forward a quotation Why have you quoted me and then ignored my post and posted on something totally unrelated to my related response to a fellow poster whom i had quoted?
  12. f**k sake. Any chance you could give me more than 8 minutes between askin the question and then claiming im ignoring you. Total fuckin meltdown!!!! You posted a link to an old bbc story. This link differentiates between the old and new clubs. I never mentiones sfa statement. All in your head mate.
  13. They will be on fourth incarnation by that time. Playing in the juniors. Demanding restructuring. Blaming dundee utd for something or other. Demanding transparancy from everyone except their owners. Talking about vengeance on the whole world. Claiming to the the same club. Blah blah blah. And you know what? It will still be hilarious. Wont someone think of the hospitals!!!
  14. Absolute claptrap bunkum and balderdash. Transferring membership between clubs does not mean a continuation. Your own link clearly differentiates between the two clubs. Posting a link to prove your argument of continuation should surely have the mention of continuation in it. It doesnt even do that. Then it goes on to disprove your continuation contention. This is meltdown stuff. Too easy for the orc hunters.
  15. Rubbish. Following that logic implies that when Gretna's membership was transferred to Annan that Gretna "continued". This also fails to recognise that it was not a transfer of the full membership. It was a granting of a new conditional membership as is the norm for brand new members.
  16. It was fan pressure that prevented the new club from starting life in the top division. It was fan pressure that prevented the new club, team & business from starting life in the first division. The chairmen of the SPL clubs and the high heid yins of the SFA (along with the vast vast majority of the MSM) wanted to circumvent their own rules and allow the new club to start off as high as possible. Chuckie Cheese himself was desperate to start his new club and business in the SPL. So much so he is now in the huff. Fan power, of a kind never seen pre internet, won the day.
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