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Everything posted by parsforlife

  1. O good the bigots have reared there head in this thread again, always more entertaining when that happens.
  2. I wouldn't say metal is in too bad of state tbh. Its circular and their will always be periods when it's more popular than others but generally i think there is enough good music being released. Definitely won't be another massive act as its very easy for people to find somebody they prefer over the bigger acts. That's not metal specific tho and the only big acts will be cheesy pop bands as they appeal to those to lazy to look for music.
  3. As always, joining a band that lost a member in such circumstances will be difficult. Good luck to him.
  4. I could be wrong but the 11m contains about 4-5m season ticket cash, but that cash counts as part as their normal income so doesn't count towards off-setting losses. Therefore it actually only leaves about 6 months cash to cover losses.
  5. I don't know why we bother with tickets for away fans but home fans buy a ticket before going to the turnstiles so maybe just for consistently.
  6. Is anyone else uncomfortable that their is some talk of playing sevco at the moment? We have to play Ayr and forfar before that, let's take one game at a time.
  7. You would think the police should also be taking action about this, it appears not tho.
  8. Then you must be as deluded as the commentators, it's not about toning it down for opposition fans, it's the fact that if i was listing to a pars commentary that biased I would be embarrassed, i would want them to at least give a semi-objective view, something similar to what the majority of fans would be thinking, not the pissed looney in the stand that doesn't have a clue.
  9. People understand their will be abit of bias but Celtic tv continually take piss, surely you recognise that?
  10. Scotland need a strong Dunfermline, without us you are nothing.
  11. Celtic tv commentary is about the most bias thing you can find , we all have our own little bias towards our teams but most people recognise this and if they were commentating would try and tone it down, even for a channel for only your fans. Celtic tv take the nutter in the stand who those around him are desperate to shut up about being pissed at a throw being given to the other team 20 mins ago, they then ask them to be as pro-Celtic as possible.
  12. Agreed bottling is unacceptable, I also agree that the amount of people who watch bands they think are shit is surprising, ok its kinda unavoidable when a shit act gets thrown in the middle of a group of bands you like, but for the most part it's very much avoidable, turn up late if you don't like the support or go watch another stage or go to the bar, it isn't difficult and it's better for everyone.
  13. East end cost us far more than 150k, I'm lead to believe its closer to £1m, still far lower than it was mortgaged for.
  14. Its pretty clear your a big team when it's such a big event for a team to beat you they produce t-shirts.
  15. Since any other team last spent a season in the top flight(Ayr) we have spent 15 seasons up there, Scottish cup wins 2 rest of the league 1 Of course we are box office And of course I am bored and feeling a little like vikington.
  16. I had a post on mine complaining that the adverts for GTA were a not a fair representation of women. Something along the lines of only 1 woman in the adverts and she is in a bikini. What the f**k do you want from a game like GTA?
  17. I see Kane has gone part-time so he can also go to uni, will probably see him get less minutes as a result as he will mainly be training with the u20s.
  18. They will need to stop submissions at some point I'd think.
  19. I've not done the survey as I'm idea less at the moment, I'll hopefully come up with something so I feel I've actually contributed to it. If I don't before they withdraw it(anyone any idea when that will be?) then I'll fill it in with some basic info.
  20. I was optimistic for him after the pre-season games but he has not shown much in the competitive matches, been subbed off for the first few games and has now been dropped, I think he has something to offer but he will now have to wait for his chance. Allan smith is more likely to play instead IIRC we loaned him to you guys last year don't think he played much tho.
  21. I love the vagueness of these things, money will arrive within four days? Because most of us wouldn't see something like a 2p on the ground during that time anyway...
  22. There the group/person/artist/dj or however that have got a song onto a lot of radio stations 5 songs that are repeated all day playlists.
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