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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. It needs to, as the last three managers have been killing the enthusiasm with their brand of turgid football. The football has been eye bleedingly bad for 3 and a bit seasons now, especially at home. That starts to wear you down. I'm still in two minds as to whether I go on Saturday. Season ticket be damned, its so fucking pish to watch and I really can't be bothered with the 2.5 hours travelling. Fucking grim.
  2. It's part of his job though and it's not like if you are Mathie or Smith you're going to say to Bullen not to bother looking at signings. If you did, he would know he was getting emptied.
  3. Good luck to Finn. He never really got a run in the team. However, 4 managers didn't fancy him. Hopefully he goes on to have a good career akin to Jackson Longridge or better.
  4. Was it not announced on Monday (1st January)? It wouldn't have taken Nostradamus to work out the scenario we are in now is most likely. That was only 3 days ago.
  5. This is a great initiative but I'm not sure Saturday is the game to start this. The atmosphere is not going to be great either way (morgue or toxic).
  6. If I wasnt depressed enough @edinburghhonestman has just stuck the boot in. That is frightening for next season. A good number of them just aren't good enough for this level. Major rebuild required which is why it makes sense to dispense with Bullen now. He'll not be here next season regardless and we can give the new manager time to build.
  7. Bullen is 52 years old and doesn't need an assistant. I don't know if you knew that?
  8. Do we have to fulfil this fixture? This has 0-0 or 0-1 written all over it. It'll be a brutal watch.
  9. Albinson's form has dipped post Timmins. There is no doubt about that. He seems like a different goalie at times. That being said Mutch is fucking hopeless. I've never seen the guy make an actual save and gone wow. Whereas with Charlie that happens frequently. Mutch is nowhere near Championship level. It's just more evidence that Bullen doesn't actually have a clue.
  10. He'll no be there regardless on Saturday folks. Keep the faith.
  11. Below is the list of shareholders of the club from companies house as at 23 December 2022: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/SC005950/filing-history/MzM2MzYwMDgyMmFkaXF6a2N4/document?format=pdf&download=0 Graeme Mathie is not on there. Mathie is paid by Smith, he is an employee not an owner. Posters on here own more of the club than Mathie.
  12. Dave Smith is our best hope here. He didn't become a wealthy man by allowing sentiment to dictate his thinking. Furthermore, he is a fellow fan and he has eyes. Mathie is too invested as he appointed Bullen. It is Smith that is signing these cheques. There is no way he'll allow Bullen and Mathie (to a degree) to keep pissing his money up the wall.
  13. Bullen is a nice guy and I have no personal animus towards him. He has given it his best shot but he's been found wanting. I will be amazed if he is in the dugout on Saturday. It won't just be Bullen who gets pilloried it will be Mathie & Smith. It is an abdication of leadership to allow this farce to continue.
  14. Live from Somerset Park with an update on the managers position.
  15. No doubt Mathie has questions to answer as well. Especially with the bloat we are carrying in off the field positions. This "premier league ready" patter is tedius as well. If you aren't ready on the pitch it matters not a fucking jot. I'm not sure I'd actually punt him (I think he has been a good thing in the round) but if I was Dave Smith I would be making damn sure he was told that he needs to sort this shitshow out or he's out as well. The structure clealry isn’t working despite the investment of additional resources (people and money). As much as he annoys me with his buzzwords and powerpoints, communication has gotten better. When Mathie wasn't here we heard f**k all.
  16. I don't have the temperament for that. I'd end up with a stadium ban.
  17. I'd take Tam Courts. I don't want Billy Dodds or John Hughes.
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